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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2612
Alabama, US of A, January 6, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “One Day at a Time.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Your life is perfect. There is nothing you need and there is nothing you lack. You already posses everything you need to attain the ultimate goal of existence — finality and perfection. The effort to grow in spirit and for personal progress is always part of your life struggle. Concerns and anxieties do not need to be part of that struggle since everything you are and everything that is really important to you will never be lost.
“Remember to live your life one day at a time, always focused on the present. Make your efforts of today, of this very moment, count and let the future develop on its own. Yes, you may need to create intelligent plans and define some goals to be achieved, but it is only in the present that the victories of time are obtained.
“If you could see but a glimpse of your journey toward perfection you would think that you have not even started yet. Many ages will come to pass before your meet your Father in person. The time and the distance measured from your mortal point of view would be inconceivable. However, it is only in mortal beings that these anxieties take place. Those who have spent some time in the higher worlds have lost the impatience and the hurriedness of their earlier days in the material worlds.
“This is a convenient lesson that you could learn in this life — and everything you can learn in this life will be yours forever. Give the best of yourself in every task that is placed in front of you and with time you will have achieved the great works that your Father has inspired you to do. It is today when you have to do your best, not some other time when some ideal situation that you imagine will occur. Today is the time, later would be too late. Be great in the small things so you can be trusted and become better prepared for the bigger things.
“Remember that you can always come to Me to get true repose for your mind and your soul. I know that your efforts sometimes exhaust you and you need to catch your breath. This is the reason why you have within your being a direct access to the source of energy and renovation that sustains the universe and all creatures. Come often into the silence of your heart and feel how you are renewed and energized for the good combat of life.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Samuel of Panoptia - Aaron of Urantia
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2424
Illawarra District, Australia, July 8, 2015.
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia.
Teacher Aaron of Urantia.
Subject: “Knowledge, Maturity and Spirituality.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Samuel: “This is Samuel and Aaron is here with me to serve as an example of how new experiences continue to educate us here on the Mansion Worlds and how in the final analysis we both become more useful to the Creator’s great plans. Once proposed to be but a future possibility, it has — especially to you — been clarified as a fact that all progressives will in distant times perform important functions in the now organizing universes of deep space (see link).
“I will be the first to ‘urgently’ state that our brother Aaron has taught me much about organizing work groups, about crowd control in dangerous circumstances, about behind-the-scenes promotion of ideals and yes, indeed about psychology and how a single individual can positively effect the behavior of rather large groups. Just as there was no Aaron without Moses, there was no Moses without Aaron. Over to you, brother Aaron.”
Aaron: “Humans, even more so former humans, have an insatiable appetite for knowledge. This drive to acquire mastery over all that is as yet unknown to them is part of the human psyche and it becomes more evident once the need to basically sustain terrestrial life is no longer vital. My brother Samuel has imparted to me a great deal of knowledge about the elements, life and food-plant genetics. In his decades-long cooperation with his Life Carrier friends, he became the most successful ethical genetics engineeer Panoptia ever acknowledged.
Samuel: “This is Samuel again. Life on the Mansion Worlds is hardly devoid of reversion, as you have sometimes witnessed. Learning of countless subjects at an accelerated rate and improved capacity does aid one’s maturity. Does one need to be knowledgeable and wise to be mature? It helps. Does one need to be mature to be spiritual? Not always precisely, but yes, it helps.
“Knowledge, maturity and spirituality have in common those loose but decided connections that are the hallmark of balanced personalities — those who will continue to grow in empathy with all other of the Master Creator’s creatures — and these true sons and daughters of the Father will be found in honorable and important positions throughout the far-flung enormous universes of His deep, deep space.
“Remember the very first lesson you were taught by the Midwayer Chief, ABC-22, that we all are each other ‘at our spiritual root Source.’ Even to the universes of deep space will you take with you your knowledge of a thousand things, your maturity gained by a million tests and your spiritual prowess born of a billion instances of nurturing love and affection onto the benefit of all others. How awesome!
“This is Samuel and his dear friend Aaron leaving you all our love.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You will wear My Insignia into Paradise — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2658
Asheville, NC, US of A, July 5, 2015.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Experience a Sense of Unity.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today we would like for you to experience a sense of shared unity with the Creator Father. How can such imperfect beings, such as humans, have a unifying experience with a perfect Creator? You can experience unity in many forms and because you are human and imperfect, you will share in that part of unity that you understand. What exactly is unity? It is a culmination or the bringing together the total attitude, desire, aspiration and hope for final destiny of the child to be like the Creator; to actually feel a part of the whole of creation and to acknowledge your co-creatorship as a participant in bringing all things to completion in relative perfection.
“How do you begin and approach this place or attitude of unity? You start by stilling the mind, and then expressing your gratitude for life in prayerful worship acknowledging the priceless gift of eternal life and your sovereignty as a free-will creature. Recognize the tremendous love the Creator Father has poured out on you by giving you a personality and identity to experience the journey and astonishing path to perfection — all truth, beauty and goodness that shall be your experience. Be thankful for the Father’s bestowal of the Thought Adjuster — your pilot and guide through the sublime journey home to Paradise where you shall stand in finality of perfection and truly know what unity with the Creator Father is in near totality.
“It is in this process of emotional expression of gratitude for these things hoped for that you begin to feel this unity of consciousness. You take on the attitude of all Spirit — to be self-forgetful and only see the divine pattern of participating in the movement to bring all things to perfection and completion. You feel the mercy of the Creator Son to understand your fellows and to have tolerance for their imperfections and errors and know that they also will one day grow to the point of having this sense of unity with the Creator. Open your mind to all possibilities, my friends, and imagine the glory of things to come!
“Imagine your future estate — what it will be like to wake up in the resurrection halls of mansonia; to have an incorruptible body; to explore the universes and to learn and grow to possess an intellect that is inconceivable to your now finite understanding. Imagine what astonishment awaits you on the capital worlds of Salvington and the super-universes of time. What experiences will you have as you visit the one billion perfect worlds of Havona? What will it be like to wake up after a long sleep as you step on to the shores of Paradise where the Creator is resident and you experience the ecstatic state of unity with God and all the creatures there who share in your excitement for having attained perfection? Try to imagine the unimaginable!
“Forget about your present circumstance and place yourself in this glorious future estate — use your creative imagination and see the glory in your mind’s eye. Now feel this sense of unity with all life in the universe move in that direction. You are wading in the River of Life, my friends, and you are flowing with the current that will bring you to this place you have imagined and dreamt about. All love, truth, beauty and goodness is yours to experience and every other spirit and personality is having this same dream and desire to move things to perfection and completion. We are all One! We are all unified in this sense of accomplishment and being. This is the sense of unity!
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Machiventa Melchizedek
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2496
Illawarra District, Australia, July 6, 2015.
The Planetary Prince Machiventa Melchizedek.
Subject: “Lines of Communication.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Machiventa: “This is your Planetary Prince, Machiventa Melchizedek. It would be appropriate for you to be less involved in making things work and more reliant on letting things work, come about and fall into place. No intended criticism here, but remember you are not the only driving force behind 11:11 Progress; there is a large contingent of capable Midwayers and Angels.
“We think it an interresting question regarding the Correcting Time posed by someone belonging to a religious group (Sikh) that rarely ventures far beyond the boundaries of their beliefs. Together we will endeavor to do justice to the query.
“The Correcting Time is new, but it has long been foreshadowed. Some absolute rules of your planetary isolation, because of the Caligastia betrayal, were often overlooked at critical times as when Holy Men and Prophets turned whole populations to God. Greatly experienced Thought Adjusters prompted these citizens to once again hear the Voice of Spirit, the Song of Love and the call to Paradise.
George: “Well, you did visit as well in Abraham’s time. Glory to the One now called the Damascus Scribe.”
Machiventa: “Indeed. One might say, just in time and with great help. For ages and ages however, all those on this planet were Agondonters — those who believed in spirit without ever experiencing anything out of the ordinary. Slowly on, this proportion of Agondonters in relation to the remainder of the (human) population will become less or be somewhat less of an Agondonter to a degree.
“The message from your friend from Pocatello, you will understand, is something that in a small way shines a still faint but recognizable light on the slow evolutionary progress of this world and its new Correcting Time lines of communication in action.
“Whilst your (Sikh) friend has shown an interest in what you do, in what you believe and in what you all promote, he can take your experience in his stride, accept that things happen beyond what his Holy Book specifies and be happy to adhere to its rules, laws and sermons. As long ago you were instructed: place the people at the starting gates to spirituality and let them run their own race.
“I am Machiventa. I leave you all my love.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Place the People at the Starting Gates to Spirituality and Let Them
Run Their Own Race — Machiventa Melchizedek.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2610
Urantia, June 28, 2015.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “The Heavenly G.P.S.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Perhaps we could put a different slant on a G.P.S. We could also use this nomenclature with some imagination. Instead of a global positioning system, compare this on a spiritual level to a Cosmic Positioning System for when we replace the electronic gadget for the spiritually real system. This spiritual system is given to all children when they make their first moral choice and become bonafide potential independent citizens in the cosmos.
“Before that important decision happens, children are reckoned as one with their parents, which is very important to note, because if a little child passes from mortal life before having had a chance to make that all-important decision, the infant soul will be held asleep until one of the parents transitions from the mortal estate with a ‘sufficiently’ evolving soul to help with the raising of that infant child under the supervision of the Adams and the Eves.
“This has been discussed before, but at the same time as the child makes its first moral decision, the Cosmic Positioning System arrives and installs itself and starts functioning as a Heavenly Helper. This is a special Gift from the Universal Creator, who will help throughout the earthly existence of the little person for the remainder of its earth life with unconditional love and guidance. In the beginning it functions undetected by its mortal host as the degree of cooperation shall totally depend on the willingness of its mortal host to take the time to listen.
“The reason I give this explanation in a different way; is so humans can learn to look through a different window and perhaps realize in this manner that yes, there are different ways and means to allow their soul to be touched by God. And with different words, too. Although, it is truly the same to get people to realize and know what to expect next when this mortal life is done, so they can start thinking about the life following this one. There will be no material baggage to take along, so the traveling will be light in that sense. However, one thing is mandatory: they will carry a developing soul with them upon which to build.
“Life itself consists of highways and byways; these are all meant to be learning experiences which each mortal gets to choose for him or herself as free will is another gift. Nothing is ever coerced and may the truth be known that each road eventually leads to the ultimate destination: the Universal God. This cannot be otherwise as the Cosmic Positioning Systems are keyed that way. What goes out from Paradise comes back to Paradise — with or without the perfected human. The intervening time is of no consequence to the Creator as this has been foreseen in the mind of God.
“This mysterious and exciting ascension journey is a Gift from the Creator and only needs the cooperation of the mortals to be willing to become immortal. The choice of the ages is offered to all who are willing to listen and follow the directions from their inner Cosmic Positioning System, which is a sure compass through the maze of mortal life.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.