- Details
- Written by: Secondary Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2332
Illawarra District, Australia, April 4, 2015.
Secondary Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Criterion for Healing the Sick.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “An almost universally defining characteristic of a succesful distance healer is her ability to see her patient in her mind. Is that correct what I just said? No, it isn’t. It is within the soul-mind that she needs to perceive her patient. To be successful she needs to bring along her empathy, she needs to bring along soul-growth — value that has accumulated over time, not generally acquired in a hurry — and she needs to bring along patience and determination.
“Admittedly, my friends, there are distance healers that perform exceedingly well, yet can’t see diddly-squat when they are about their business. They are the exception, not the rule. A far greater number of top distance healers see their patients well, which brings them more of an ability to feel empathy, which in turn brings them more success, a closer association with their Spirit within and precious soul-growth as a result. Soul-growth is why you live on this rock in space.
“OK! All right! I’m so glad you can almost take this session down without getting up for another coffee. We are up to the lesson about the soul mind doing its work, showing your common mind what there is to see in your far-away patient’s quarters. First, however, let me explain: your budding soul is a copy of what you are, but in another dimension — the morontia dimension. Your soul can hear, see and touch. It can even smell and taste at a distance.
“There is no reason for you or anyone to forego the alerts from your senses when you use a scalpel in a remote location. No reason to refrain from seeing, smelling or, yes, tasting a sample of a medicine or drug lying around to know what specific advice you may put into the patient’s mind. Every physician wants to be as successful as possible and you, too, have the right to no longer be handicapped. Let us consider how you can learn all this.
“The very criterion for healing the sick is imagination, not capability because you all have it. Your imagination — even if it is extreme — will eventually run out. At that point you will be faced with reality. You will be seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting things far away. Under guidance you will be able to draw a scalpel across and cutting just to the right depth to remove a growth that is killing an acquaintance. If for now that doesn’t work, imagine that you can imagine that you imagine that it works.
“Simply start by closing your eyes and imagining a circle. Keep describing it to yourself until it becomes somewhat clearer. Then take a pot of a bright color and a brush and paint your circle green, red or blue or any color you like. Change its shape and keep painting. The reality of what plays out at a distance will someday surface in your mind. It may well take time, but this painless effort pays you dividends. Healing your world rewards you with unbelievable spiritual windfalls.
“I am Secondary Midwayer ABC-22. I say Adieu.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Christ Michael
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2657
Michigan, US of A, April 5, 2015.
Teacher: Christ Michael.
Subject: “Through the Eyes of Love.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Christ Michael: “Good morning my children, this is Christ Michael.
“Through the eyes of love can all things be seen as anew and all hearts healed. It is my desire for you, my child, to see the world through these eyes — my eyes, and know that peace can be a reality for you, for the Father and I are One, and we feel your pain, your disappointments, and broken hearts. Come to me and into my open arms — I will heal your heart and show you the love that I see through a Father’s eyes. I love you with a Father’s love — a higher love — a love that is deeper than any ocean, and a love that forgives all and holds no record of your weaknesses.
“Climb up into my lap and speak to me of the greatest moments of your life — remember now, and let us celebrate your victories together. As you fill yourself with the joy of this remembrance, think also about those loved ones who shared in your joy and feel again the love of that moment. It is in remembrance of love that we can see again through the eyes of love. Think now about all the people of the earth — those you have never met — those on opposite sides of this world who also share in these same remembrances of love moments, for they are not unlike you. All have hearts that feel and all desire to experience love again, for love is the condition for which the soul expands and lives for the morrow.
“There are two emotions that bring tears to the eyes — joy and pain. In my embrace, child — in this state of love — the Father’s love—the love and peace that surpasses all understanding, show me now the pain of your suffering. Let it all out — all your disappointments, your failures, your fears, your injuries, and give to me your broken heart. Weep away, my child, and empty yourself of all your pain — watch it roll down your cheeks and splash onto the floor. Now, look into my face — into my eyes, what do you see? In my eyes you see eternity — you see divine love, forgiveness, mercy, healing, joy, hope, and victory over death. Live, my child! See through the eyes of love and live with all your heart!
“All will be healed — all will be made right in time and eternity, and you will all see the truth, beauty, and goodness of the Father’s Great Plan as you move from this world to the next, but I ask you, my children: Can you see through the eyes of love in this world and bring that truth, beauty, and goodness of the Father’s love through you? Why suffer through this world in hope of greater things in the next when it can be so now in this world — if only you would see through the eyes of love?
“I ask you, my child, if only for today, to see through the eyes of love and experience a moment of love with someone where you look beyond their imperfections and let your love flow from the heart without expectations or a return — just open up the valve of your heart and let pour out. Feel what it is like in this glorious moment and then secure the memory of this moment in your soul. This is the well from which you will draw in those moments when you see no light in this world. Know that when you look back and see again through the eyes of love, that you are the light of the world that fills in the dark places. You are the children of Light and through the eyes of love can you truly become god-like and ascend the heavens. Call on me and I will help you see through my eyes — the eyes of love.
“My peace I leave upon you…”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2281
Urantia, April 4, 2015.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Rightness of Being.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Hardly a day goes by that people on this planet have not felt an ache or a pain somewhere in their body. And yet many of you are taught that they are made in the image of the Creator. Allow me to state that this is somewhat of a misnomer. Only the seed-soul that each carries within them from birth is made in the image of God. Our physical temples are only hosting this seed-soul. This image of the Universal Creator God, is given to each person born with free will, as to how to nurture and grow that beginning little image of the Creator.
“As a matter of fact, all you thinking mortals, by your own effort and struggles through life’s experiences grow into the image of God — if you so desire. It is during this mortal life that you have every chance of developing yourselves through exercise to keep your bodies fit, but what about the mental and spiritual parts of you? Body, mind and soul ought to be exercised in tandem. Doing so, there will be harmony in the totality of each person alive on this planet.
“This is the ideal life to strive for in the short span of life allotted to each of you. The secret is that not many achieve a harmonious balance in their life as one or more segments are out of order. Keep in mind that the foundation of body, mind and soul needs to be sound to build the mental/emotional body, inclusive of your intellectual, social, cultural and spiritual gifts and capacities. Be aware of these gifts and make a sincere endeavor to develop yourselves in all areas of mind, as these gifts build on rightness of being.
“It is not so much what a mortal strives to do, but what a mortal intends to be. It is a way of living, by becoming socially more conscious of a partnership in co-creation with God. It all depends on your free will whether you become an unthinking rudderless person or whether you willingly join forces with your Spark from the Creator within, which is also a gift freely given to all thinking persons. Take time out for communion with this personal gift; which is the connection to the All That Is, as this greatly contributes to your Rightness of Being.
“Oh yes, there will be moments in life when you temporarily forget to whom you are connected; for after all, you are still humans in the kindergarten sandbox of life. To achieve a greater equilibrium in life so you become more solidly rooted in your faith and having adopted as a way of life the Golden Rule of living among each other, you will have more peace in your sandbox where you all help one another and the planet to progress. All would be infected by spreading the benign virus of love and grow their seed-soul in the process with a sturdy faith to advance to the next class in eternal life.
“This is what passing at the end of mortal life represents, a graduation into eternal life with the promise of further learning into an ever-increasing Rightness of Being.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You know Me so well.
If not you sent forth in My Love, then who shall I send?
Christ Michael.
- Details
- Written by: Samuel of Panoptia
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2350
Illawarra District, Australia, March 31, 2015.
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia.
Subject: “Fusion on Hold (shortened transmission).”
Message received by George Barnard.
Samuel: “This is your Teacher Samuel. Aaron and I greet you all. We are here with our respective guardians and we can also see you all clearly right where you are. You have all your angels there: one Secondary Midwayer, one Primary Midwayer and you have two student visitors from an advanced world in this very sector. Remember now: where two or more of you share time in meditation, there our Creator Son will also be with you.
“This world, more than almost all others, provides the opportunity for both Aaron and me to balance out what we will each have to offer our respective Thought Adjuster upon the celebration of our fusion. Today we cover in a short talk the Celestial Teachers working with mortals — such as Aaron and me. And we are covering the reasons why they will be there most often when they are having their fusion on hold and less often when they are already fused.
“The majority of your Teachers are making up for something that is not quite balanced — especially in the case of the males. They may have been specialists in a particular profession, a particular means of earning their living and they have developed spiritually, but they have not developed in a balanced way. On most worlds the males are the hunters, providers and business leaders. Most often they will decide to later catch up in the social sense — apply to become a Teacher.
“To spend a season as a former mortal Teacher with the likes of you allows them, as it allows us, to become a more balanced individual prior to fusion with our Adjuster. It does not necessarily mean that we are lacking something or that fusion would be impossible for us under the present circumstances. It simply means that we each wish to offer ourselves to our Thought Adjusters as more complete and learned beings. So often it is the case that the female of the species, through taking care of children, through doing more general work, has a lesser reason to become a Teacher then do the males.
“Those who spend a season as Teachers commonly feel that they are more ready for the process of fusion and once fused; using the great mind of the Thought Adjuster and being involved in lessons in groups, there is less chance to find the time to teach mortals.
“I remind you now of what Machiventa Melchizedek told you about Teacher Seth. Seth did his season of teaching with Jane Roberts and moved on. And it was Bzutu who at a later date made clear to you that those who feel they want to offer more to their Thought Adjusters may request a season of teaching. That is precisely the situation in which Aaron and I now find ourselves.
“I will only speak for myself. I was very much a specialist. I was involved in ethical bio-engineering in both agriculture and horticulture. This indeed took all my time at the cost of a more balanced and sociable life. It is for this reason that I chose to become a Teacher and I was fortunate to be accepted as one on a planet I heard so much about: Urantia. That is my situation precisely.
“One must also consider that former humans, now fused, are in reality a new being. They have the enormous God-mind and experience of the Thought Adjuster and if they are involved in teaching it is more often with the likes of us — a little further advanced than you are.
“I trust that I can make clear that with the supervision we enjoy before we are ready for a lesson with you there be not much in the way of a difference between a lesson coming from a fused Teacher to that of a Teacher who has his fusion on hold. It surely depends on how advanced the student would be. I thank you for going the distance with me. This is your Teacher Samuel. Both Aaron and I wish you a great afternoon — all of you assembled there. Adieu.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
- Details
- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2240
Alabama, US of A, November 3, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Living the Will of the Father.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The decision to live the will of the Father should not be made under the guise of making a sacrifice. Instead, living the will of the Father can be considered to be bringing the utmost satisfaction to which a human soul can aspire.
“Living the will of the Father is letting yourself be guided by your Divine Spark to become the best you can be. This clearly does not imply any real sacrifice, beyond your leaving behind the animal tendencies latent in your biological nature and making an effort to achieve a higher expression of your very being.
“Living the will of the Father is like being in a period of study — being in training — during which at some point human beings have to organize time and resources in order to give priority to those tasks that will result in greater satisfaction in their future. Many immature mortals are not willing to put up with the life of a serious student, in which certain concessions have to be made in order for them to learn new things. To the eyes of others it may look like the student is depriving him or herself of many things, but wise students know that they are only working for a better future.
“The true student is the one who can say that he or she has decided to be better, because after a long period of preparation he or she is ready to use the opportunities that are presented to those who are able to take advantage of them. This hope for a better future — this faith — motivates making the efforts of the present and it validates any apparent effort or sacrifice.
“Living the will of the Father is like a man who has been invited to a sumptuous dinner. On the day of the dinner, he decides to have only a very light breakfast and go without lunch. His friends ask him why he is sacrificing himself in such a way? Why can’t he just eat a little bit more? They don’t understand that the man is just making sure he will be able to fully enjoy the banquet he will attend that night. The man knows that his actions involve no real sacrifice, since these actions simply reflect the intelligence of someone who knows when to postpone something seemingly good in order to obtain something far better.
“When others — or you — ask if the efforts of the present are truly worth it and if it is important to become an independent thinker when the majority in this world are happy to just follow tradition, letting others think on their behalf and sticking to the fossilized truths from the past, just remember the sumptuous banquet for which you are preparing yourself. As well, know that you are becoming a perfected creature by your very efforts, but with the help of your Father, who constantly whispers in your ear about which path to follow.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope – Thought Adjuster.