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- Written by: Unknown Teacher Group
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2539
Oregon, US of A, January 17, 2015.
Unknown Teacher Group.
Subject: “Cultivate Your Unique Personality.”
Message received by Anyas.
Teacher: “Dear child, not only does the Heavenly Father get more real in His children’s understanding and experience through the manifold personal experiences that pave the way to a more vivid relationship with the Father, but the Father also reveals some of His personality through the mortal experiences of interacting with one another. The Father is the Origin and the Giver of all personality. This is why the mortal life of Christ Michael as Jesus was such a palpable revelation of the Father’s loving nature and much more.
“There is a Father’s Fragment in each mortal, a pre-personal fragment. However, each mortal has been also gifted with his/her own individual and unique personality reflecting but a faint facet of the Father’s personality. As you get to know and appreciate one another with more gratitude and awareness, you come to embrace more of the Father’s nature through the truth, beauty and goodness revealed through each one of His children.
“You too, dear one, are a unique and valid revelation of the Father. Cultivate your unique personality; allow the Father and His helpers to assist you in upgrading it, in making it bloom. It is the best offering you can give to the Father, reflecting back to Him His lovely nature, so that He too can come to appreciate His own gifts, freely reflected in and by His grateful creatures.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2705
Asheville, NC, US of A, August 9, 2015.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “The Fantastic Journey.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today we would like to talk about a ‘Fantastic Journey.’ Imagine, for a moment, that you are a young child and you receive a letter from a well-funded space agency. In the letter it states that they are looking for young volunteers to be trained for a special mission to explore a faraway planet and that you have been selected as a possible candidate.
“The only requirement is that you willingly accept the invitation and report to the academy for special training. All your education, training and living expenses would be provided for and the only thing required of you is that you follow the program and work hard to complete the assignments given to you, which includes keeping a video diary of all your experiences at the academy and in your explorations of this faraway planet.
“You find this invitation exciting — like a dream come true — and you accept the assignment and report to the academy. Upon arrival, you find that you are not the only candidate. Others will be learning and working alongside you in a team. Not all will pass the final exam and some may have to study harder, yet all will have the opportunity if they choose to go to this faraway planet.
“You also find that your training and education will require many years of your life to complete and that dangers and unexpected events may influence or change the course of your training. You, keeping your mind on the fantastic journey ahead, are not dissuaded by the dangers and continue with the registration.
“On your sixth day you receive a special device that you are to carry with you at all times. It plans and guides you through all the training. It also records the greatest achievements in your training and will go with you on your journey to the faraway planet. This is also your communication device with Mission Control.
“In your training you are taught that your very survival and success depends on a working relationship with your teammates. And after many years of living and working together, you develop great friendship, love and respect for all of them. You can’t imagine life without their presence, love and support. During the course of your training, your teachers tell you that this journey is a one-way mission and that you cannot return to earth. You also are told that the life ahead of you on the faraway planet will be astonishingly beautiful, peaceful, exciting and fulfilling and you would not grow old because of the conditions there. Yet you must continue to record your experiences and prepare a presentation of journey when requested. Hearing this raises your eyebrow, but knowing that the training will require many years on the earth, you accept this sober destiny and continue.
“The day of your graduation finally arrives and you have trained well, passed your exams and have become very wise and learned about all that is known about the faraway planet and the journey ahead. You are excited and have no fear of the unknown because you have faith in your teachers, friends and teammates who have helped prepare you for this mission. Your family and friends are all there to see you off and to celebrate your great achievement. Although they will be sad because they will not see you again, they are happy for you and shed many tears of love and joy. After saying your tearful goodbyes, you turn and step confidently and boldly into the transporter and leave in a great flash of light!
“Now, my friends, had you not been prepared and educated for the journey ahead and guided by your special device and Mission Control, how confident and fearless would you be stepping into the transporter never to return to earth again? Is this not the story of your own life? Surely there will come a day when you will graduate from this life and go on to the many tarrying places in the Father’s house that he has prepared for you. Will you go boldly and fearlessly into that glorious place of promise, or will you fear it, dread it and go kicking and screaming because you were unprepared? Think deeply about this parable.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2742
Alabama, US of A, January 3, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “What Kind of Life will You Live?”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “How will you look back when you reach the end of your days? How will you consider the life you have lived? You can be sure that you will not remember the trips you made, the riches you obtained, or the fame you enjoyed. Many of those who have achieved these mostly material things look back and remember them for just a few moments, to finally discover that they really didn’t grow during their lives. As they were during the first years of their adult life, they continued to be until the end of their life.
“Then they realize that during all their existence they faced the same situations over and over again, always having the same fears, and never overcoming the limitations they imposed upon themselves from the start. In other words, they never grew, never matured in the spiritual sense. In the end, after considering that they may have accomplished all their material dreams, they face death with great uncertainty and fear, because in reality they don’t even know if there might be something beyond life. It is then they ask the questions that their wiser siblings spent their lives trying to answer: What is the purpose of all this? Where do I come from and where am I going?
“Consider now a mortal who has lived a sincere and contributing life. Maybe somebody who fought in vain against poverty and barely survived the struggles of material life. However, this person had the courage to learn to think independently and to search on her own the realities of religious experience – the personal relationship with the Celestial Father. This person may perhaps spend some minutes regretting all the trips she could not take, the things she could not buy, and the harshness of her life. Then will come the revelation of how much she has grown, how she has overcome her fears and how much she relied on the understanding that all is well, all is just as it should be. This person will see her life as a true school where she learned to be trust-worthy and she developed a personality consecrated to the will of the Father, regardless of the situation. This person will remember the deep and significant relationships she established with her peers in this world, thanks to the healing and inspiring influence of the unconditional love she learned to express through her being. This person will discover how her fears vanish and she will face death with joy and confidence, because she will know – perhaps merely unconsciously – that this will not be the end.
“What kind of life will you live? Will your life be just a blurry dream in eternity, or will it be the foundation of a career dedicated to make you more like God? Remember what you are living for. Don’t let yourself be distracted by the traps of mortal life and the fake beliefs of humanity. Free yourself from the chains of dogma and tradition, whether religious or cultural, and move your sight to the heavens, toward your true destiny, where the doubts of existence are replaced by the adventure of better understanding God while progressively becoming more like Him.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2680
Urantia, August 1, 2015.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Providence by the Grace of God.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Let us ponder together the powerful words of Providence by the Grace of God. Providence is embodied in the divine function of the almighty graceful over-care of the Creator, Who knows everyone’s need even before they think to ask. Therefore, similarities, coincidences, ‘chance’ meetings or circumstances do often occur at seemingly random occasions.
“However, as I like to point out, although things do happen often unawares to the person(s) involved, a vast celestial organization is at work behind the veil that people often ascribe to as miraculous, but which in reality they are not, as this is simply the providence of the Universal Planner, Giver and Organizer of all things and beings on all the planets in space and time.
“Often things will appear as happenstance; however, they are designed from on High to serve as lessons for the mortals to choose to notice. Many people live most often unawares of God’s providence, but when they start thinking deeper, in greater present-centered awareness, they may notice that in reality there is a grand design to life.
“Hopefully, this is noted due to an advancing age when a person has had a chance to gather more hindsight and therefore is better able to judge at some level, whether he or she has been successful in life. This means they have set themselves to the task of evolving their embryonic soul under the tutelage of their on-board Partner, that ever present Gift from the Creator God.
“No greater moment exists in the life of a faith-son or faith-daughter who has evolved to the point of having a conversation with their Gift within and having had the insight conveyed to them that they — the Thought Adjusters — are not just volunteering, but also have chosen the vessel of their indwelling, so they are fully apprised of that human’s spiritual potential, normal mindedness, intelligence and capacity for a meaningful life of service — to be able to evolve with increasing spiritual fruits during the long ascension journey towards perfection.
“This, my friends, is God’s Providence at its finest; His Amazing Grace to gift you, a free-willed creature, with a Spark from Itself — One that is already fully apprised of your potentially possible eternal life — which can be yours for the choosing. Without any coercion on Its part, it will attempt anything to point you in the right direction so you can make the most of your short span of life here on Urantia. It is your intriguing and so very important personal life that is given the chance to become immortal by your own free will.
“How your Guardian angels rejoice when a mortal is successful in the striving for a greater awareness and begins to notice God’s graceful providence. This brings moments of joy when gratitude attracts even more reasons to be grateful. What a grandiose future awaits every struggling soul to obtain the Pearl of great value — that of eternal life by the grace of God, who makes all things possible by His Providence.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2476
Alabama, US of A, January 13, 2012.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Respect of an Entire Universe.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “All your days could be lived with the certainty that all is well and that there is nothing else you need, and that you are right where you should be. From time to time you get a glimpse of reality and perceive things how they really are. At other times you let yourself be confused by the material illusions and forget who you truly are and why you are here; however, these flashes of enlightment will become more frequent in your life if you allow them.
“You have only one main project, which is the same for all — to live a life of self-discovery with the goal of attaining increasingly higher levels of perfection. In oher words, your life is a school in which you learn how to live as a spiritual being in the likeness of God. Of course, this project will take more time than the time you have to live in this world, but in the universe, there are no deadlines or schedules. You will have eternity to achieve what is expected of you — what your soul desires.
“Does this mean that you can live your life carelessly without being concerned with growing or becoming better? After all you can postpone your efforts eternally. This is your choice. However, those who walk away from the truth and become victims of error and materialism generally bring a lot of suffering to themselves and their life becomes like a dream that is forgotten upon awakening. It will be they — once they awake — who will lament the time they have wasted and they will start to make the necessary adjustments that will be more difficult because of the habits that they allowed to form during their lives.
“However, those who are already struggling for perfection and fight the good combat of life with faith and hope will notice that they have gained a lot of terrain in their fight for eternity because each progress made in this world is of great value in the next. In life, it is commendable when somebody manages to use the riches of their family to obtain more riches and abundance. But it is truly remarkable when somebody comes from poverty and manages to obtain a great fortune. This experience allows some industrious human beings to value their achievements in a way that their siblings who were born to abundance can’t understand.
“In the same way, you who struggle to overcome your nature and your limitations with the help of sincere faith in this confused and backward world, are gaining the recognition and respect of an entire universe. You are the lights that shine in the middle of the darkness — lights that will be placed on a pedestal so they can illuminate everybody. Give your best at every moment and let the light fill you up until it overflows your being because only with the contributions of all — all the lights in the souls of this world – will this planet realize the age of Light and Life.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.