- Details
- Written by: Secondary Midwayer Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2339
Illawarra District, Australia, August 17, 2015.
Secondary Midwayer Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8).
Subject: “Keep in Mind Our Function.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Dr. Mendoza: “Good evening. My human friends and students here call me Dr. Mendoza and I happily go by that name. Among my kin, Secondary Midwayers to be sure, I am known as MNO-8 — the eighth offspring born to the MNO or fifth family. I am a doctor of every legitimate means of healing body, mind and spirit of which you know, as well as many healing ways that are still mysteries to you.
“In time you will find answers to some seemingly hard to heal illnesses because you are evolutionary beings always trying to discover the whys and wherefores of life. Should I be given permission by my superiors, I would most gladly assist your capable researchers in isolating causes and finding remedies to the near countless infirmities that plague you, but this is rarely allowed.
“This after-hours get-together in your home was planned because of a need — a need to spell out what has been mentioned before, but scarcely was taken to heart. It is about meditation, yes, guided meditation, also. To get involved with meditation you need a number of essential things. First of all you need a quiet place where you will feel at ease. By the side of a busy highway is … probably not the right place.
“You need a tranquil mind, thus leaving your doubts, fears and worries at the door. You need assistance — there is no meditation without spiritual involvement. Let this be clear: your angels are by your side always. Your Thought Adjuster is ready before you are. Any number of other celestials will be noting the light you will emit as you turn inwards. The light’s intensity tells us a whole number of things.
“Make sure you are comfortable, make sure you are warm enough, but make absolutely certain you have the dedication — the best of reasons to be in meditation. Are you going to send Reiki to some unfortunate friend or stranger? Better learn it first or practice it on your dog or cat. If they like you fussing over them in this way, you may well be halfway home to being a healer.
“From my viewpoint, if someone wants to contact me just to take a look at me, or borrow my mind, I just won’t be there. I’m busy. We Midwayers are all busy — more than 20 hours each day. We are the planetary helpers of Urantia, busy as bees, and we have no time for idle chat so keep in mind our function. This is Dr. Mendoza. Later, fellow.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
- Details
- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2397
Asheville, NC, US of A, August 16, 2015.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “This Idea is Your Work to Fulfill.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my friends, we would like for you to focus on the single most important concern you have that would improve the quality of life either for yourself or for others. Take that thought, concern or situation that needs improvement and bring it into quiet contemplation. Here is where the co-creative process begins and you will use this co-creative power that has been given you to develop the ‘idea’ of this seedling thought and see it mature and grow into a vibrant reality. As children of the Creator Father, you have the power to do this. Timing, however, you must surrender to faith and know that what you ask shall be answered according to the highest good and for the greater progress of the Great Plan.
“The most difficult thing for you to understand is: ‘What is the highest good?’ The highest good is always that which shall result in a more perfected state of being. As each of you becomes more perfected, the result is progress toward the completion of the Great Plan. ‘What is the Great Plan?’ The Great Plan is the relative perfection and completion of all beings and systems in the time-space universes. Everything is in motion and all beings that are participating in the Great Plan are working toward that goal. You, being under the veil of the material world, do not clearly see this; yet as you become more aware of your purpose, you feel the gravity of this Great Plan and the desire to contribute in your own unique way and with your own unique ideas.
“And so with this ‘top-level’ view of the Great Plan in mind, see your own thoughts, concerns or situations as having a purpose in the plan. Realize that even in the struggle to overcome some challenge in life, there is a lesson there that shall bring you to a place of greater understanding where you can glean the wisdom thereof and use it to develop your own idea for the progress of that Great Plan. You are like a tiny drop of water, yet as each of you come together and contribute your unique ideas and use the wisdom gleaned from the lessons of life, you create a mighty force that can move mountains. Your contribution is significant and is valued by all personalities who work toward the goal of the Great Plan.
“Bring now your thoughts, concerns, or situations into quiet contemplation and hold these thoughts out in front of you in your left hand. See it animated as if in a small glass sphere of tiny actors on a stage. See the problem or the people involved in the situation and imagine it being played out to a more perfected conclusion where the highest good is served for you and others. Let your mind open to all possibilities, options and possible outcomes.
“Now hold the Great Plan in your right hand and see it as a large blazing orb of white light. Bring your hands together and allow the blazing light of the Great Plan to shine into the glass sphere that contains your desire, concern or situation. Watch as the light shines into the glass sphere and illuminates the one single greatest idea.
“Let that unique idea be the only play on the stage and let it now be absorbed into the light of the Great Plan. Imagine the Great Plan now that contains your idea move into your heart space and feel it enter into your chest. Feel it radiate to every cell in your body with loving vibrations. Because you are a part of this Great Plan now, you shall be the change you want to see and can now work to bring that idea into reality. Go now and do the Will of the Creator, for this idea is your work to fulfill!
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2404
Urantia, August 16, 2015.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “The Universal Law of Cause and Effect.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Let us put first things first today and state that no one who receives celestial messages is in competition with anyone else. The ability to receive these messages depends on the willingness of the receiver to be of service. Often, unbeknownst to themselves, they have been rehearsed for a long time in their deep mind. Obviously, there has to be open-mindedness; otherwise the receiver would not permit such a budding gift the light of day.
“Many mortals still fear the old medical/psychological paradigm and dread anyone knowing of their listening to voices in their mind. They expect to be checked out by the ‘authorities’ and given nefarious medications which would most likely destroy that precious Gift from the Father, who has, exactly for this purpose, embedded in them a Spark from the Self; so mortals can have a direct line to God if they so desire.
“Think what this would do to the ‘old-fashioned’ priesthood, rabbis and elders, who think that they are the only ones, who have a direct line to the Creator God to speak with God directly. That would surely create quite an upheaval, would it not?
“If people would start to take responsibility for their own thoughts and be able to get their personal spiritual sustenance from The All that Is; I assure you, that many, very many people, would be absolutely delighted to have a word or two with Creator and Planner of everything visible and invisible.
“However, the greatest shock for the humans would be the realization that they are entirely free to choose eternal life or reject it. Although it would depend on their choices to become more loving and forgiving towards each other; they would necessarily come to realize that unconditional love is the currency of the universe and everything rests upon its reciprocation with the same loving vibrations. Positive vibrations are very uplifting, as this energy helps everything grow in the direction the Creator intended from times immemorial.
“It is amazing and somewhat disconcerting to the celestials, that so few people take the time to think higher thoughts; for these thoughts alone would already help the vibration of the planet and continue to stabilize her. Sadly, the opposite is true. It has been observed from on High how much hollow entertainment occupies most human minds. This does not bode very well for the inner balance of the planet, as she is also a living breathing being, with her own divine plans to fulfill.
“Please, do consider the effect on the planet, who needs all her powers to stay balanced, but due to thoughtless mortals living upon her, who only look after themselves, not realizing in the slightest that sooner or later there will be retribution, as the universal law operates on cause and effect. And therefore, not only the planet will be affected, but also all living things and beings that make their home on this beautiful blue globe in space.
“Do think about ways to help the planet regain her inner balance with positive thoughts and actions.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
- Details
- Written by: Primary Midwayer Andrea
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2353
Illawarra District, Australia, August 13, 2015.
Teacher: Primary Midwayer Andrea.
Subject: “Its What You Make of It.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Andrea: “Here we are my human brother, understudy, friend and loudspeaker, not just in idle chat … We are here with the task of a real, real, oh-so-real talk to be transcribed by you. A little later we get to the suffering of the young mother. For now we are making a comparison between this Primary Midwayer here on Urantia and what is known about me on Mansonia One and right onto Paradise.
“Of the millenia of service I have provided, little is known in this realm. There was Ionah and his immediate entourage who knew me by sight. The early, well-trained Delphian oracles knew my gentle touch. You and I, together with the Chief (ABC-22), had our adventures, yet few of our human kin, by now all with some slight degree of Adamite, Nodite and Andite blood know of me.
“It is well to say that Heaven knows, but at heart one needs acceptance, recognition and respect from one’s kin as well as the certainty that being in the service of the Creator of all is one’s guarantee of eternal life. And yes, with much more to learn, but in less of a struggle. So often we are compared to the angels. In what I’m telling you, I lay bare my humanness.”
George: “Long ago you told me, ‘I go to the East in ships with the others. I am also long active in Greece.’ It never ceases to amaze me how over the years those long-ago snippets about your life became a clearly understood mind-to-mind visual reality. There are many of the 11:11 Progress Group that are most grateful to you, completing some great tasks and sharing these with us all.”
Andrea: “It is essential — as you well learned early in your career — when it is hard to enthuse others, you must enthuse yourself and give it all you’ve got … look forward to your labors coming to fruition. And so it is with J (name suppressed), who feels life is on hold because of poverty and abuse. For you, under these difficult circumstances, it is appropriate to focus on your beloved children.
“Let them be dressed as well as you can afford them to be, so they will be well-presented. Teach them to be well-mannered, so they will easily feel at home in most circumstances. Show them your love and devotion, so they will not merely know the anger they see. Teach them to share and look after each other, so they will learn to care. Teach the three to know God and his angels will see to them.
“Take heart, child, it’s what you make of it. They are the women and mothers of this world who hold civilization in their hands. They are the women and mothers of this world who will deservedly extol the Correcting Time. May God bless them all.
“We send you our love. We love you all. This is Andrea.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2442
Urantia, August 9, 2015.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Trust and Have Faith.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “It is an excellent opportunity to start typing since you already are at the keyboard. Trustingly take my dictation even though you do not yet know of the subject. This will happen with the flow of the words which flow into your mind and which I am desirous of making known to you and anyone willing to read these transmitted words.
“Having received this introduction, you still wonder how it is possible to listen to a Voice you know not wherefrom it comes. The truth is, child, that anyone willing to sit still long enough to listen, will be able to do the same.
“This is a great blessing the Creator bestowed upon all human races. It does not take a special person. It only takes a person willing to open his or her mind, listen to the inner Guidance and start living accordingly. It is so designed as to approximate reality on the Morontia Worlds, which are the many abodes the Creator has prepared for all souls desiring eternal life from all planets of space.
“Pre-education starts already in the physical life which is the foundation for eternal life. Needless to say, I am not speaking about reincarnation. With millions of worlds waiting ‘out there’ to be explored, why would you even consider coming back here, when evolution is forward progression, not regression. Always looking back and thinking who you might have been in a previous lifetime, is a ‘grandiose’ waste of time.
“All thoughts ever thought during the history of the existence of this planet still ‘float around in the ether’ and if one is so psychically inclined because of sensitive forebears, one is able to grasp these thoughts. However, that is a regressive trait, whilst there is so much in the way of the positive ‘out there’ to discover and learn.
“Also, you really don’t need to go to anyone to have your ‘fortunes’ told. This is always variable anyway because it all depends on the person’s attitude of the moment. Besides, Jesus clearly spelled this out in The Urantia Book, that: ‘seeking to know the future,’ robs faith of its sweet reward.
“You are learning that when you take life one day at a time and place God in charge of your day, or rather abide by His will, that the day often turns out totally different because you have left yourself open to unexpected happenings. Often, you have been amazed, trusting in the power of the Creator to just let matters unfold the way they are designed to from on high. This does not mean that humans don’t need a mind of their own; indeed the opposite is true. It is living as if today is your last day and learning to do God’s will with a trusting heart and being at peace with whatever happens. This creates divine order in the human soul leading to immortality; therefore today’s subject is: ‘Trust and have Faith.’”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.