- Details
- Written by: Samuel of Panoptia - Aaron of Urantia
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2569
Illawarra District, Australia, August 22, 2015.
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia.
Teacher Aaron of Urantia.
Subject: “Some Aspects of the Morontia Mind.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Midwayer Mathew: “The discussion about to begin is of a somewhat critical nature and we recommend a further few minutes of silence to go really deep. (a period of silence follows).
Teacher Samuel: “Today we will endeavor to provide you with a clearer understanding of what the morontia mind is about. The simplest explanation is that the morontia mind is of a quality between the fully developed, but common human mind — of intuition, understanding and courage; of knowledge, counsel, worship and wisdom; and the greatly superior angelic mind.
“Human and ‘angel’ play out their parts in the enormous comedy / drama the Creator of all writes and directs. For all participants to learn from such a production, they must be of different mind-sets and in fact be endowed with different minds. To Mother Spirit — the most prolific and generous Creator in all our universes — made-to-order minds are of no great difficulty.
“There are Life Carrier minds, eminently suited to the design of new life of a billion kinds, Melchizedek minds for the problem-solvers supreme. She creates Morontia Companion minds for those who speak a thousand languages. At times She even allocates a new mind endowment to a human only barely advanced enough to support such a sophisticated mind.
“Those who are not-so-favored by Her may not quite understand what it is She granted to barely a few thousand throughout history. They all however grasp the concept of the spiritually enlightened ones. Much more clearly do they understand the dwindling, impaired mortal minds due to disease and misuse. A similar happening can be experienced here on Mansonia, although its causes are different.”
Teacher Aaron: “It’s quite unusual for those of a greatly advanced age among you to remain quite as sharp as they were earlier in life. It is rare for those who chanced to receive Mother Spirit’s gift of enlightenment — the first and perhaps even the second aspect of the morontia mind — to have this or these endowments fully functional in old age. It happens, yes, but it’s not common. And yes, this is Aaron.
“What brother Samuel was earlier referring to is the stubbornness of some new arrivals on Manson World One to remain intractably steeped in the humanness of their earthly surrounds. Evolutionary world existence is at best remembered, but not to be idolized. Earth was a place for learning, but upon translation new priorities are to be noted and followed with renewed energy and angelic help.
“We speak of energy as does your Planetary Prince speak in your text of ‘so many who grow tired’ in resisting change and in the final analysis choose not to exist. Even now in this earth life is it important to come to grips with ‘the obvious’ that planetary life is designed to teach you strength of character, determination and social skills that will stand you in good stead in the afterlife.
“Going by our observations of long, long ago we see it as vital that new arrivals of all kinds land on Mansion World One with open minds. May they arrive with pleasant thoughts of what might have been good, forgiveness about what might have been bad and, of course, enthusiasm for what is to come. You will be well-equiped with your morontia mind. Samuel and I now leave you our love.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2444
Alabama, US of A, January 25, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Communication With Your Father is Possible.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Don’t let the untruths of the world envelop you. Within your being you already know what is best. Follow your intuition and your intelligence — increasingly englightened by the wisdom of your soul — will constantly be growing.
“Have you forgotten that I am always available to you? It is My job to give you everything you need for your spiritual progress and when you come to Me your soul is nurtured and it grows a little more. Each time you focus your attention on your Divine Spark you get something in return.
“How about a reminder of some things we talked about in the past? The divine influence — the possibility of conversing with your Father — is available to all. It is not a conversation in the traditional sense, in which your personality communicates with a third person. It is rather an internal communication, because the presence of the Father is a part of your being, that will be fused with you in eternity, thus forming a new perfected being.
“How might you converse with your divine self — your inner Teacher? There is a plethora of ways. One is by writing — as your are doing now — focusing your intent on drawing the best from your thoughts and your wisdom. Another way is simulating a dialog, where you can pronounce the words or do it mentally. Almost all mortals have experieced this internal dialog in some fashion. Another way to receive answers from the Father is by asking — praying — and waiting. A question to the Father never remains unanswered. The realizations that are placed in your mind by your Tought Adjuster may become available to you when you read a book, or hear some particular words. Then you will feel as if your are ‘remembering’ something, but in reality it would be an idea that was placed in your mind by the Divine Presence.
“Maybe you will not be able to experience a direct conversation, but the communication with the Father is possible and it occurs only when His children desire it. With practice you will learn to better identify these messages, making the communication more effective. Again, this is avaliable for all human beings with a normal mind. Every one of you reading these worlds is able of communicating with your Celestial Father.
“Are there limits about the subjects for conversation? There are no limits. An understanding parent never denies answers to the questions of his children, even when they appear foolish from the point of view of a higher wisdom. However, some answers will necessarily have to wait until the experiences of life have readied your mind to understand.
“It is in the mortal mind where all the experiences are consolidated and where reality is established. If you believe that you can talk with your Father you open yourself to that possibility and you will create that reality in your life. Remember the attributes of your Father. All His messages will be expressions of love, with the attributes of truth, beauty and goodness. His words are universal and His advice applicable to all beings in all worlds. Nothing selfish or deceiving may come from your Father. This is the key to not being deceived by the frequent selfish impulses of your mortal mind.
“Truth, Beauty and Goodness are the attributes of everything that comes from the Creator. They will also be the attributes of all the expressions of your being in eternity once you have overcome all trials and left behind all confusion, for you have committed yourself to perfection and love.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Primary Midwayer Andrea
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2448
Illawarra District, Australia, Auigust 13, 2015.
Teacher: Primary Midwayer Andrea.
Subject: “It’s What You Make of It — Part 2.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Andrea: “This is Andrea talking to you, J, through my human friend of many years. I know that you just recently subscribed to the 11:11 messages, so there is still much for you to learn as you have come from a non-religious background. In this short message — especially to you — there is only one thing of importance I want you to understand and keep in mind, always: God is with you.
“There is an important thing for you to always keep in mind. All that you see in the universe was and is being created by the One who reigns on Paradise and by those who received the creative power from Him. It is also important for you to realise that this Creator gives of Himself a Godly Fragment that indwells you. Talk to this Gift from God, so you will never be alone.
“Those of us, Angels and Midwayers, are the spiritual helpers of this planet and we know the difficulties you have so far overcome. Come to us and talk to us in your deepest despair and come to us and talk to us in joy. Come to us frequently in meditation and allow us to visit you in your dreams. Where we can we will assist you and we promise you will never again be alone.
“In your duties as a housewife and mother keep in mind that your three excel in many ways and will excel in many fields in time to come. Treasure their progress as much as you treasure them for themselves. Your pride in their achievements will be your great reward. Leaving you all our love, this is Primary Midwayer, Andrea, ever at your service.”
Note: ‘J’ is not yet 22. She has three children — two girls and one boy. After being 11:11 prompted many times, she recently did the rounds of many places that use the unofficial Midwayer trade mark 11:11 and finally landed on www.1111angels.net.
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2416
Asheville, NC, US of A, August 23, 2015.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “The Eye of the Storm.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today, dear one, we would like to speak to you about the ‘Eye of the Storm’ and how to maintain your peace and sense of grounding when everything around you is in chaos and turmoil or in the midst of great change. It is in these times when you need to exercise your faith muscle and focus on what is most important. At any given moment and in any life lived on the planets of time, a time of great testing will come and many will be looking for someone to stand firm in the midst of the whirlwind and point the way forward. It is for you students on the path to be an example and a way shower that these storms of life can be an opportunity to build strength of character and to maintain your peaceful connection with spiritual forces that can help you navigate any situation.
“The practice of self-mastery becomes the key to anchoring your stance when others around you are caught up in the reactions to great stress and turmoil. It is the emotions of lower vibration — fear, worry and anxiety that become the ‘block’ that keeps you from seeing clearly. And so we admonish you to remember these words when the storms of life rage around you. Please know that even when you think you are left alone to deal with these uncomfortable situations, that you are given even greater attention by your guides and guardians who are waiting for you to engage them and ask for help to be sent in the way that is of the highest good — that the Will of the Father be done.
“Sometimes your impatience prevents you from seeing the highest good because the Father’s Will works with the conditions inherent in the fabric of creation to bring about the change needed to fulfill the desire which may or may not be in coherency with your expectations. Sometimes it is only seen in retrospect — after the storm has passed — that you see the brilliance of the divine signature in the outcome. Therefore in this ‘space’ between expectation and realization is where you need to exercise great faith in the assurance that all things work for the greater good — even if that good is harvested in the worlds to come — something that often is not considered.
“There are many perplexities and challenges to deal with on Urantia and many decisions to be made — more so than on most planets in the local universe. Urantia is unique in that it is the bestowal planet of the Creator Son — the jewel of 10 million worlds and there is no other place with such distinction in all Nebadon. Therefore, what shall you do with this opportunity to make the most of your life in one of the most contrasting and challenging training universities in the schools of the universe? Do you succumb to the pressures of the moment and join with those who are confused and lost or will you take a breath and seek for the light and approach these dilemmas with clarity and integrity and take the higher path that leads to a life well lived — in love, compassion, forgiveness and courage?
“Sometimes it is best when in the Eye of the Storm to project your view outside the whirlwind and be proactive to the reconstruction needed to heal a broken world. Go within, dear one, and seek for the solace of the Indwelling Spirit — surrender your fears and know that the I AM IS and always shall be your anchor in the Eye of the Storm.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Secondary Midwayer Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2382
Illawarra District, Australia, August 17, 2015.
Secondary Midwayer Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8).
Subject: “Keep in Mind Our Function.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Dr. Mendoza: “Good evening. My human friends and students here call me Dr. Mendoza and I happily go by that name. Among my kin, Secondary Midwayers to be sure, I am known as MNO-8 — the eighth offspring born to the MNO or fifth family. I am a doctor of every legitimate means of healing body, mind and spirit of which you know, as well as many healing ways that are still mysteries to you.
“In time you will find answers to some seemingly hard to heal illnesses because you are evolutionary beings always trying to discover the whys and wherefores of life. Should I be given permission by my superiors, I would most gladly assist your capable researchers in isolating causes and finding remedies to the near countless infirmities that plague you, but this is rarely allowed.
“This after-hours get-together in your home was planned because of a need — a need to spell out what has been mentioned before, but scarcely was taken to heart. It is about meditation, yes, guided meditation, also. To get involved with meditation you need a number of essential things. First of all you need a quiet place where you will feel at ease. By the side of a busy highway is … probably not the right place.
“You need a tranquil mind, thus leaving your doubts, fears and worries at the door. You need assistance — there is no meditation without spiritual involvement. Let this be clear: your angels are by your side always. Your Thought Adjuster is ready before you are. Any number of other celestials will be noting the light you will emit as you turn inwards. The light’s intensity tells us a whole number of things.
“Make sure you are comfortable, make sure you are warm enough, but make absolutely certain you have the dedication — the best of reasons to be in meditation. Are you going to send Reiki to some unfortunate friend or stranger? Better learn it first or practice it on your dog or cat. If they like you fussing over them in this way, you may well be halfway home to being a healer.
“From my viewpoint, if someone wants to contact me just to take a look at me, or borrow my mind, I just won’t be there. I’m busy. We Midwayers are all busy — more than 20 hours each day. We are the planetary helpers of Urantia, busy as bees, and we have no time for idle chat so keep in mind our function. This is Dr. Mendoza. Later, fellow.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.