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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2499
Asheville, NC, US of A, August 2, 2015.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “Good Health — The Choice is Yours.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Chris: “I was recently asked: ‘If by doing good to others with loving intention, is there a physical benefit to be received that can slow the decay of cells in our body?’”
Teacher Ophelius: “Yes and No. Let me explain. There is a direct relationship between the spiritual and the physical and what happens in the spirit, manifests in the physical. Therefore, if you do good unto others with genuine loving intention, then the results in the spirit is that you are doing the Will of the Creator Father. By allowing love to flow through you, you are raising your spiritual vibration. When this happens, you become more spiritually aware of those systems that communicate at this higher vibrational level.
“Your physical body has a consciousness and it does communicate its needs. When you are ‘in the flow,’ allowing the Creator’s Will to be expressed through you and you respond by living in this higher awareness of love, you begin to ‘hear’ this communication from your physical body. If you are obedient to its needs, then you will begin to change the way in which you care for it. As in all matters of life, you are the captain and your free will reigns supreme. If you ‘hear’ the needs of the body — what foods to feed it, how it should be cared for through proper exercise — then the life of the cells and the health of the physical systems will respond with vitality and optimum performance. You may hear these needs, and when I say ‘hear,’ I mean you consciously get a ‘nudge’ whenever you are doing something that is not healthy — eating unhealthy foods that cause digestive problems or being slothful when you have time for regular exercise.
“These are the ‘opportunities’ for you to bring your desires for longer life into manifestation. It will not happen ‘magically.’ You must do the work, but you have spirit helping you as a coach would — giving you this gentle nudge that points you in the direction of the areas that need attention. You have the choice to act or not act and so all things manifest as you desire. If your desire to eat unhealthy foods and be slothful is greater than your desire to care for the body and serve its needs, then you will manifest that which you desire — poor health.
“You see dear One, this same system of manifestation works in all areas of your life, not just this particular topic. There are laws of the universe that were designed to bring your desires to you and wherever you find yourself in life and whatever relationships you have — good or bad, loving or unloving — are the results of your desires and actions. It is nobody’s fault that you find yourself where you are in life. It is wise for you to take responsibility for your life and use the laws of the universe to your benefit. Are you a co-creator or a bystander in your life? All things are moving and changing constantly and so is your life. You can take charge of it right now, in this moment, and become the change you want to see in your ‘ideal life’ and it will change! It can be no other way. It all comes down to decisions and actions — cause and effect.
“The advantage you have is your faith in things unseen. You have spirit to coach you along — to whisper the options and the possible outcomes for taking any action. Your self-will to allow love to be expressed through you is directly proportional to your ability to hear and respond to the ‘nudge’ of spirit influence. The choice is always yours.”
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2436
Illawarra District, Australia, August 7, 2015.
The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “Of Absolute and Relative Truth.”
Message received by George Barnard.
The Damascus Scribe: “My son — I proudly call you that — I wish to converse with you about Truth and relative truth. Truth with a capital T is what you may class as absolute truth and of this I will give you three examples. Firstly, the Creator Father is the sole initial Creator in all the universes. All other Creator Sons and Daughters are so capable by fiat of the Father’s will and His given commands.
“Secondly, the sustaining power that holds up and progresses the galaxies of universes from Paradise to the outlying giant new galactic creations is love. Anything contrary to love like hatred, disinterest, and jealousy is of a fleeting existance and whilst temporarily challenging, will in time, provide positive results through the mere fact that such aberrations to love do provide learning opportunities.
“The third example of absolute truth is in reply to your questioning mind about the Master and I. Should the man, Joshua ben Joseph, have been an ordinary mortal, he and I would have fused on Urantia. Yes, yes indeed, just like Elijah. And the Saviour of mankind would likewise have been seen here no more. It was during your Master’s duties in Damascus when and where we functioned as if fully fused.
“It was our ability to truly function as one in deep love for each other that allowed the celestial onlookers of that time and place to later think back on these events and then name me the ‘Damascus Scribe,’ which name I gratefully accept.
“Here you have some aspects of absolute truth among many others, one must declare. Although, most of what mortals accept as truth is only relative truth, personal truth and much of it of a religious nature.
“On normal worlds where a much larger percentage of the population always deals with celestials — especially Midwayers and Morontia Cherubim and Companions, indeed, not forgetting the Planetary Prince and entourage — the priciples and doctrines of evolutionary religions fall away with great ease. But this is Urantia’s Correcting Time and good changes are to come here, too.
“This is the Damascus Scribe. I part with you now, but leave you my love. Call me.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me. — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2386
Asheville, NC, US of A, July 26, 2015.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “Prepare Yourself to Make the Ultimate Connection.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear friends, we would like to assist you in preparing to make the ultimate connection to your Indwelling Spirit, the Thought Adjuster (TA). Many of you have desired this intimate and personal connection in your heart for some time, but you continue to think in your mind that you are not ‘ready’ or ‘good enough,’ or ‘spiritual enough’ or ‘still enough’ to make the connection or to receive any real feedback that you have achieved this. To all of you, I tell you that there is not one single thought that you have that the Indwelling Spirit does not hear or share with you. The TA waits patiently and continues to do its work of spiritualizing your mind in preparation for your next adventure and transition to the mansion worlds where Spirit can better lead you in a very real and conscious way toward spiritual self-development and god-likeness.
The TA is pre-personal and is completely and truly non-judgmental and operates from a state of pure and unconditional love — a state of being beyond human understanding — yet one that you will come to know as you ascend to perfection and finality.
“Some of you may ask, ‘Why it is important for me to have this real and personal connection to my God Fragment now when I will at some point on the mansion worlds discover this God within?’ This is a valid question and many will tarry until this time and go about their earthly lives unaware of the divinity that lives within them. Some of you, however, have this inner knowing that you are here at this most auspicious time on earth to accomplish something of importance with regard to your soul development or to assist other souls. This is because many millions of highly experienced and advanced TAs have come and continue coming to Urantia in this Correcting Time to assist in the transformation of a planet exiting rebellion to one entering Light and Life. The greatest factor in this ‘recovery’ concerns the influence of these highly experienced TAs and how they skillfully ‘adjust’ the thoughts of millions to guide them on a path beneficial to the Creator’s ‘Great Plan.’
Many of you reading this message are hosts to these highly capable TAs and yet because you live under the veil of the material world, and have been given free will, you are only now waking up to the knowledge that you even have such a divine presence within you. And as such, many are seeking ways to become ‘active’ and find the path that leads to the mission of this inner knowing that calls them. My message to you today, dear ones, is to remind you that you must take the first step by acknowledging your Inner Guide and accepting that you truly do have a purpose in this world at this time. It is time for many of you to close the door of your room and address your Higher Self and surrender to her guidance and consecrate your will with God’s Will — that the Creator’s idea for your life may be fulfilled in and through you!
Bring your attention as often as you can to the realization that there is truly an intimate relationship between you — the conscious you and your Divine Operator. Your true soul mate and partner is and always has been with you and is waiting for you to open your heart and accept this intimate gift of unconditional love. This is not a fairy tale, dear one; this is your destiny.
“Oh my Beloved One within, love me and awaken me to your presence.”
“I accept you as my divine partner and surrender those things which I cannot control to your Will—that the Creator’s idea for my life may be fulfilled through me!”
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2606
Urantia, July 21, 2015.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Your Genetic Inheritance.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “You seem surprised at the title of the subject, even though you knew that I desired to further instruct you. The previous lesson was about living nobly in this mortal life. We touched briefly on a very sensitive subject for many people: reincarnation. You yourself are not bothered about this as you have enough in this lifetime and need not previous ones to use as an excuse and as a promise to come back to this planet.
“Therefore it has become a timely subject to speak about human genetic inheritance. The Creator can foresee any potential conception resulting in the pregnancy of a potential mortal with the capacity to become immortal. These events can be forecasted already generations beforehand as the Gods know everything as if it were to happen today since They exist in ‘all-time.’
“The Creator can endow at will genetic material on a certain personality that has not yet been conceived. This is also why children in one family can be so utterly different from each other. I note that this last bit of information is making sense to you, being one of many in your household and yet different as night and day. You, quite frankly, did not know where you fit in, but you felt like a stranger in your own household growing up.
“So very many humans on earth feel the same way as you do and for those of you, life has not been easy by any stretch of the imagination. Often you felt singled out for punishment just for being different and your parents not knowing how to handle you. This will resonate in many hearts, but the real reason was that you were thinking deeper and therefore reacted differently to the circumstances.
“Give this some thought, I suggest, as you all do have a divine blueprint given to you at birth. Your Thought Adjusters within you are completely apprised of what you humans are capable of and are able to achieve in this life. Your genetic inheritance is the most important clue to discovering gifts with which you have been endowed. The secret lies in developing inner listening skills and opening that all-important channel of not only listening, but also acting on suggestions from your on-board Partner.
“It is no accident that you are here on terra firma at this time. You will be held responsible for how you spent your allotted time. Was it for the progress of the planet, or did you spend your time with idle and meaningless endeavors and let someone else worry about the planet? Many recent messages have dealt with how to conduct oneself as a worthy child of the Creator God, in service to one another with dignity, honesty, sincerity and courage practicing the golden rule. The planet’s progress depends on it — one person at a time.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2594
Asheville, NC, US of A, July 19, 2015.
Teacher: Ophelius.
Subject: “You are the Envy of Angels.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “What is the purpose of your life? Many have asked this question and there is not one single answer, but many. Yet, if there was one general summation, it would sound something like this: You are the expression of the Creator’s unique and purposeful idea in time and space that is intimately connected to all other creatures who are also expressing the Creator’s unique and purposeful ideas. What is that idea? Only the Creator knows and so has He bestowed a pre-personal Fragment of Himself in the minds of all his created children that they may be guided to fulfil the desire of the Creator to express this unique idea and to add unto Him the ever growing postulate of having all experiences in the grand universes of time.
“When you consider this magnificent overarching divine schema, you feel like a tiny ant on a mountain of sand, yet all that you are, do, think and feel is a part of this unique ‘idea’ that the Creator has for you and for all others in the universes. All these diverse and divergent paths are needed to bring all things to completion and relative perfection. Even when you are going in what would seem the wrong direction in life, it is in ‘finding your way back’ that has great worth and adds to the pool of experience that is the Creator’s idea for you and for all others. ‘The Great Plan’ is the original idea conceived in eternity by the Creator to know Himself. In that eternity moment, like a fractal, all the sub-ideas were spun-off and calculated to fulfil that idea and return to Him the essence and the values of all experience. Time is the one thing that allows the idea to develop and free will ensures the diversity of the experience.
“How then does the Creator make use of all these values and experiences? This, my friends, will be the quest of the ages for you to investigate, postulate and to philosophize about as you learn and grow ever nearer to god-like perfection on your journey inward to discover the secrets of the universes and to peer into the Infinite Mind of the Creator. What we know here on the mansion worlds from the Trinity Teacher Sons and Finaliters is that the Creator makes use of these values and experiences in the Deity Supreme — the god of experience emerging in time and space. As all the universes are nearing completion and perfection — settling into Light and Life, then will come the end of an age and the beginning of Ultimate destinies. The important thing for you to know about all this is that you have an eternal adventure ahead of you with potentials so fantastic that it is beyond the comprehension of your minds as of this time in your development and even my own.
“Faith, my friends, is what is needed now so that you hold this vision in your mind of even greater destinies ahead. All that you experience now on your world of nativity is preparing you for these later adventures and responsibilities — yes, continued service that will bless you beyond measure. You, having trodden through the muck and mire of a world in rebellion at the precipice of transformation, will have had experiences like no other and this shall make you a very precious commodity in the administrative circles of the Finaliter corps assigned to the first outer space levels that are now in formation. Have you any idea how blessed you are to be in this place at this time? See your life now as a time to gather your treasure for these later adventures where you shall shine like the brightest star in the universe.
“You are the envy of angels!
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.