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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2582
Alabama, US of A, January 10, 2012.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Moment by Moment.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “A life is built moment by moment. Each moment in which you give the best of yourself is added to the ‘total score’ of the performance of your life. This is one more reason for living in the present. At the moment you abandon this life you may remember the pleasures and the good times you lived. There may be some regrets and the desire to live again some episodes of your life in order to make different decisions. However, at the moment of your death you will still be greatly influenced by your limited vision of reality.
“It is during morontial life, once you have had some time to adjust to your new environment, when you will see things from a higher perspective and when your considerations about your life will change and you will see your time on earth as a single step in a much larger career. You will see the things that you didn’t do and the lessons you failed to learn with a new understanding. You will lose the typical impatience of the mortal races once you realize that there are no limits to your existence or things you can achieve.
“It will be then that you will discover the true value of those moments in life in which you decided to overcome your baser impulses and trust in the orientation of something higher, wiser and more precious — the Divine Presence of the Father within you. You will know without a doubt that it was in these moments that you grew, you became more real and got closer to that which the Father dreamt for you. Then those moments — perhaps forgotten — of your life that didn’t bring with them a lot of fanfare will be considered by you as the most important and definitive of your mortal experience.
“Now that you have glimpsed a little of this truth you can start to accept that in your life — and in the lives of all — each instant is valuable. Not only is the time invested in learning about spirit and in adoration important, but also the time you invest in your work, when you decide to do it in a higher and better way, is also valuable. The time you invest in communion with your familiy, your friends and those around you will be valuable if you fill it with love, acceptance and searching for the Father within them as well as within yourself. Those moments in which you face problems and pain are also valuable, as long as you learn to extract from those moments the lessons that will bring victories to your battles in life.
“For human beings it is indeed difficult to see the end from their limited point of view; however you have no need of knowing where you are going. You only need to trust that you are being guided safely toward your destiny, a destiny more beautiful and noble than any other you could imagine. This trust — this faith — will provide the certainty to know that you are in fact doing what the Father expects of you when you make an effort to manifest your highest ideal of perfection, truth, beauty and goodness.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2744
Urantia, July 13, 2015.
Teacher: Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Mind Management.”
Message received by Lytske.
Mentor: “Well child, are you finally ready to pay me some mind and sharpen your listening skills? (Yes) Well then, what would be a better subject today than Mind Management, for this is what you will be doing whenever you decide to prioritize some precious time to listening to the Inner Voice. Let me tell you that we are always waiting for you to bend your inner ear in our direction, so we Teachers get a chance to drop some nugget of wisdom into your mind that you had not yet thought about.
“I followed your thoughts this morning about the function of the Life Carriers and how they are totally dedicated in carrying out God’s desires in designing new orders of mortals for newly evolving planets. This is their greatest joy — that they in their Life Laboratories may be engaged in this most sacred work according to the plans of the Universal Creator God and his Creator Sons. The Creator Son of your Universe is known to you as Christ Jesus or in our vernacular as Christ Michael.
“The name Christ he earned when he had finished his self-appointed assignment on this planet when starting out as the Babe of Bethlehem. He succeeded while in his mortal estate to gain complete dominion over his mortal mind and He became an expert in mind management. He also triumphed over all baser mortal tendencies and therefore gained total understanding just as humans go through all their struggles to rise above their lower animalistic tendencies.
“To achieve mind management is relatively easy when as a mortal your goal is to become immortal; in doing so you do have His example in how to conduct your earth life. It is by paying attention to your attitude, for being free-will creatures, you do have the power to choose how you shall live. One of the main guidelines is living the golden rule with the overriding thought that all of life is precious in God’s sight.
“Only the Creator has the power to give life and therefore no mortal has the right to take their own life or that of another. There are different and more honorable ways to settle disputes in life and these consist in a change of attitude towards diplomacy. When mind management is taken seriously, deeper thoughts will come to the fore and the foremost one will be how to conduct oneself through life with a wholehearted desire to do the will of God.
“Many pitfalls can be avoided when the inner Gift, the Thought Adjuster, is taken into consideration as its sole purpose is to be your forever Companion and Guide. But thus far, humanity tends to spend more time on idle entertainment designed to keep minds away from more worthwhile endeavors such as learning proper time management. Much time is wasted in idle pursuits that give no lasting worthwhile memories. What worthwhile experiences will you take with you into the next level of your eternal existence? Or need there be time spent in remedial education, which could have been totally avoided if more time had been spent during mortal life in mind management?
“The whole Universe is one vast university; therefore get used to learning your lessons here.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Mother Mary
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2507
Oregon, US of A, January 14, 2015.
Teacher: Mother Mary.
Subject: “Good Will Ambassadors.”
Message received by Anyas.
Mother Mary: “Dear child, thank you for calling upon me. I am Mother Mary and for many I have become a much longed-for symbol of motherhood. I was a mother and I am a mother. I experienced, while on this planet, the heart expansion triggered by giving birth to my children. Since then, I have had much time to purify my own heart and upgrade the quality of my love so as to allow it to embrace more and more children of the earth — my adopted children so to speak.
“I have the privilege of working under Christ Michael’s loving guidance and, like so many other Celestials, I, too, volunteer to help make a difference on my beloved birth planet. As a wife, as a mother, as a widow and as a bereaved mother, I experienced very intensely the emotional spectrum that so many of you are dealing with one way or another.
“I am coming through to many to provide them with messages of encouragement and/or guidance. If they are open to communicating with me, due to their religious upbringing and spiritual beliefs, I can become Christ Michael’s go-between in such cases, His ‘good will ambassador.’ It is all about good will in the realms I hail from. There is so much good will; there is so much enthusiasm to be of service! In the afterlife, there quickly arrives a point at which each creature can let down his/her guard and let go of his/her suspicions and reservations.
“You are now living in a not-so-friendly environment where not everyone is trustworthy. There are many predators on your world who only look out for themselves. This is the reason why trust should be exercised with discernment — so as to not become abused and misused.
“There is a thorough screening process undergone by all those who volunteer to be of service. Once they have been approved, they take great pride in not disappointing their Master and in carrying out their service of love.
“So many doors are opening to those who truly knock and ask. So many beings are on stand-by, patiently waiting to be summoned in someone’s life field. They are delighted to be of service. They are delighted to provide their input and share their hard earned experiential wisdom.
“Keep asking dear child, forever, as eternity will keep presenting you with new adventures and opportunities for more growth and development. Never again will you experience despair and loneliness as you will truly know that everything is connected and interwoven. There will no longer be such a thing as loneliness. You are never alone, even now, as you have the most loving Divine Fragment within you, specially assigned to share your earthly experience moment by moment. What a relationship it is!”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2480
Urantia, July 19, 2015.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “An Honorable Life.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Once more you willingly seat yourself at the keyboard as you sense an important message forthcoming. You awoke this morning with the two words ‘spiritual nobility’ on your mind. This started an avalanche of questions in your mind as to what this could refer.
“Well vessel of my indwelling, stated in a few words: all thinking mortals do have the Seed of nobility of the Creator God in them to make you all into spiritual nobility with the help and guidance of your Thought Adjusters. Let this so very exquisite and important information be a grand lesson to you and to everyone who might chance to read these words.
“This important information needs to be told: that all evolving human creatures with a mind to think have the potential of future spiritual nobility; to serve eventually in the presently evolving universes of outer space. However, connected with this is always the most important preparatory time towards perfection as nothing less will do.
“Therefore live your beginning ‘pupa-stage life’ here on earth as honorable as possible as this is the required foundational earth-life for all the levels following the mortal estate, the most important stage during which you earn immortality. This important decision to strive for immortality is decided in this first stage of existence, meaning during mortal life.
“So ponder this for a while and forget about reincarnation because thought-forms float by on the wind and can attach themselves to human vessels. The result can be so vivid that the mortal thinks he or she has been here in various lifetimes. However, it is each one’s responsibility to sort out this erroneous belief system.
“Many superstitions abound that unfortunately keep many a mind busy so it doesn’t take the time to think about the most important one: to develop a relationship with God’s Nobility within them. And this is the crux of the matter: that eternal life is not taken seriously enough as one can always come back in a different form, even in the form of an ant or a mouse, as so recently was conveyed to you. This was shocking to you as the person seemed totally convinced. And you thought: ‘How spiritually impoverished this person is in thinking that.’
“The Father on Paradise knows the intent of each heart and also knows how many mortals there are who live in fear due to ignorance because of what they have been told by well-meaning elders in their places of worship. There are many, many seemingly lost souls; however, in reality, none of them is lost as they simply have not yet discovered the Noble Gift from God within them.
“If mortals would only prioritize some time and start listening to their on-board Guide and Partner, which can be theirs for all eternity, how soon they would strive to open the God connection and strive to lead an honorable spiritual life. The almost dormant seed-souls would start to evolve and become active by living the golden rule. They would be fed and nourished through the fruits they would yield, making their lives rich and satisfying in the spiritual sense and promising for the next morontia level of existence.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2385
Illawarra District, Australia, July 20, 2015.
The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “The Anatomy of the Two Reserve Corps.”
Message received by George Barnard.
The Scribe: “Before we get into the answers to the (self-evident) questions posed, I want first to relate to you that the Thought Adjuster of your (potential) future fusion was long known to me for both human and superior creature failures and thereby for extreme experiences. Whilst this Adjuster has a generic name among the ‘bird tribes,’ to me he is a special friend of countless, countless centuries.
“Moreover, I want you to see my position as a Fragment of our Father Creator gifted with a unique personality by our Father Creator. To clearly analyze and determine the reality of my being, I am of God, therefore I am God and therefore rather than my addressing you as my friend — which you also truly are — I see you as my son and in our dealings here and beyond this sphere, I will address you as such.
“My son, the questions that once more have been posed deal with the Reserve Corps of Destiny and the Cosmic Reserve Corps of Universe Conscious Citizens and what might be the difference between the two. In the Creator Father’s eyes there is no difference as all His children are equally loved and He will foreknow that all helpers of planetary progress and stability will in the distant future stand before Him.
“They are equal, all of them; yet in the way they come about there is a difference and it mostly relates to the Adjuster involved. The Adjusters of those human helpers will at some juncture decide to belong to a Reserve Corps of Destiny to indwell their future betrothed in the knowledge that there is a potential for them to be involved for a time, but they may not know what experiences such will bring.
“Those human helpers, who are counted together with their fully versed Adjusters among the Cosmic Reserve Corps of Universe Conscious Citizens, are predetermined and foreknown to be involved in progressing or stabilizing the spiritual sphere within the mosaic of their time and their society. Many of their experiences come about as if hardwired into their determined minds.
“All in all these are the main differences for most helpers belonging to either corps, but I note to the inquirer that so very little difference exists as to make both groups members of a specially educated whole. Even so, the experiences of each vary considerably and the records of these happenings are what you take with you to Paradise and only then officially pass on to your Creator.
“They are the Father’s experiences through you and they are your experiences by the Father’s fiat. Make them as memorable as you can for on this earth there exists the greatest opportunity to, for all time, determine your standing in the morontia spheres and the spiritual realm thereafter.
This is the Damascus Scribe leaving you all my love and remaining available to you merely at your beck and call.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.