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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2550
Michigan, US of A, May 24, 2015.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Vibrational Benefits of Being in Nature.”
Received by Chris Maurus.
Ophelius: “Today, my dear friends, we would like to talk about the vibrational benefits of the beauty and goodness of being in nature. Have you ever noticed when you are outside in nature in some beautiful secluded place how your mood is elevated and how your senses seem to be filled with a vitalizing energy? It’s not just your mood that is truly elevated, there is a vibrational “peak” that you reach when you are surrounded by natural beauty. This “peak” in energy becomes a healing mechanism that was designed into your physiology to balance and harmonize the subtle fields of your body’s energy systems.
“It is important to note that to get the maximum vibrational benefit from the beauty of nature that you sharpen your awareness of it. To merely walk through a field with your mind fixed on other worldly matters does not open the subtle fields for the “osmosis” of receiving this higher energy. You must be in a place of gratitude, joy, and wonder—you must be “open” to receiving all the goodness there is and appreciate the whole ecosystem around you. When you do this, you are actually “connecting” with it and communicating with that system at an unconscious level.
“When you connect this way, you are truly living in the moment — time is of no concern — only the connectedness in that moment is real. Your subtle energy fields are open and your spiritual vibration is rising. This is the moment where you can connect to the whole universe and speak to the Creator-Father — your Thought Adjuster and your unseen family — your guides, teachers and guardian seraphim. In these moments, you are as “real” as you can be.
“With your subtle fields open — with this connectedness with nature and with your unseen family, you are in harmony with all. Your body is calibrating — your mind and emotional centers are being healed. Healing, health, and vitality begin in these subtle fields and shall manifest in the physical form when the mind is tuned into this place of oneness and connectedness. Regular “doses” of this form of healing are as important as your stillness exercises. Those who practice both are receiving the maximum vibrational benefit.
Healthy diet and exercise is a natural outcome of being “in tune” with Spirit and nature. Your body has a consciousness of its own and when you become aware and connected in this way you begin to “hear” what your body needs. This is indeed why many who step onto the spiritual path gravitate toward healthy living, environmental responsibility, outdoor living and playing — they vibrate at a frequency that communicates with all these systems and so they become tuned into the reality of those systems — an “inner knowing” develops within the mind/body/spirit.
“When you develop these higher senses as a result of living in a connected way, the mind shifts into a higher mode and this is where you begin to make use of the lower strata of morontia mind — the mid-mind, or soul mind. Operating from this mindset is where survival value experiences are exponentially harvested by your Thought Adjuster — your “Higher-Self.” It is at this stage in your development that life and purpose become important — your life begins to blossom and you are truly living according to your life plan — the Creator’s Will.
“Could it be that an intentional walk in the field can change your life?
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: The Spirit Within
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2816
Chicago, US of A, May 22, 2015.
Teacher: The Spirit Within.
Subject: “I Am Always with You!”
Message received by Valdir Soares.
The Spirit Within: “I am with you, my child. I have been with you for most of your life and I look forward to staying with you after this life and until the time when we will fuse together into one being on the Morontia worlds. After this life in the flesh, we will meet again in the Resurrection Halls of Mansonia Number One, to continue your Morontia carreer and start the long ascension journey to Paradise.
“I am with you not only with my presence, but also I am with you giving you guidance in this convoluted human life of yours on Urantia. You have been worried about many varied aspects of your life so as to make you often uneasy. I am cognizant, my child, of your efforts to unify your daily living according to the Will of the Father, although without much success. Indeed, certain aspects of your past experiences and their connection or impact in your current life are not easy to unify. However, with my help and guidance you may improve them to a certain extent and finish their unification on Mansonia. Therefore, in pondering about this consider the fact that you need to detach yourself from certain situations you are now involved in so you can clear the way for more positive decisions and measures.
“Some situations must be left alone; they only burden you with more anxiety. Accept that which you cannot change. Do not go back to old ways and less progressive views because you have advanced in knowledge beyond those merely evolutionary concepts. Your perspective is now becoming more Morontial, increasingly spiritual, and less material. Concentrate your energies now on your present situation as well as on the changes and challenges immediately ahead. Align yourself with the course of the divine energies in the universe around you. Do what is possible for you and wisely embrace those forces that you cannot control.
“Yes, I am always with you. However, the important question is: Are you with me, my child?”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Keep Before You the Goal of the Ages — Teacher Prolotheos.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2507
Urantia, April 20, 2015.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Blissful State of Being.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Life feels so good when you connect up with me in meditation and the cares of the world drift away. How you desire to stay in that blissful state of mind when everything feels so right and there is nothing but a deep gratefulness towards the God of your being — that inner Voice which is always available to each and everyone on this planet. It is a sign of a deep-felt gratitude when you give God a heartfelt ‘thank you’ for having been gifted a personal Spark from Him, which at any time is available to you.
“Most important is that all mortals can avail themselves of their own personal Gifts given to them in early childhood by a most generous Creator who desires to have a most intimate relationship with all his evolving and thinking creatures, whom he calls his children. How wonderful it is for God to receive a sign of appreciation in return from one of his kids. Any father would be delighted when his offspring shows a spontaneous loving affection towards their parents. It is a mutual two-way Opportunity Street and this relationship between a parent and offspring is never coerced. It just happens, but the mutual love for each other is unmistakable.
“This is exactly what Jesus came to teach about the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. He taught by example by asking always what the Father’s will was, and in doing so, he was able to do what he did, allowing all the days of his life and ministry to unfold according to the Father’s will. However, let me make one thing abundantly clear: the generosity of God is boundless as he allows the humans to choose their own will. God never coerces humans to do his will, for this needs to be willingly and freely given as a gift back to the Father of all.
“And this is the great debate: that Jesus did not have to die on the cross, but He assuredly let the will of the people prevail. Jesus had simply come to the end of his ministry. He had spread the Good News of the unconditional love of His and your Father to Jew and gentile alike. The time had come for Him to take up His duties as Ruler once more, since he had completed his training as a Master Son, which is required of any existential Creator Son of the Michael order, to become experiential through experiencing the life of the creatures of His own making.
“It is given to you humans, being the lowest on the ‘totem pole’ so to speak, to attain the highest possible state in eternity, if you will accept the call of your Spirit within. Therefore Jesus could truly say: “It is finished.” The call of becoming perfect like God is perfect; has been going out ever since he again took up his rightful place at the headquarters of his great universe. He has sent the promised Helper, the Spirit of Truth, the Father send his Spirit Sparks and the Mother Spirit send her Comforter to indwell each normal thinking human.
“Therefore it has become entirely possible to attain a blissful state of being by simply willing to do the will of God.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Teacher Aaron
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2450
Illawarra District, Australia, July 10, 2010.
Teacher Aaron.
Subject: “Minded Morontia Machinery.”
Received by George Barnard.
Teacher Aaron: “From the Creator’s viewpoint all past, present and future is known. There is no eyebrow-raising daily news. From our viewpoint with our keen interest focused on the evolutionary universes, the birth of a new galaxy is a most wondrous thing to behold. However, it does take eons of time for there finally to be a number of planets that will present the right environment for habitation by the children of God. It is on some of these planets that are almost ready to be useful for human habitation that minded morontia machines can go to work to alter certain elements that are not conducive to supporting human life of some type or other.
“Although these minded machines have certain names and groupings you are familiar with (sylphs?), we do not call them by such names. It is at the instigation, at life implantation time, at the very beginning of an inhabitable world, that these machines can be called into action, be directed to remove and to change in consistency — the make-up those elements that are not required and in fact are likely to be poisonous to the type of human life to be introduced. There are circumstances on record when on certain worlds such machines have come into operation after the population had long been established and when certain accidents have occurred, mostly through matter reaching these planets from outer space.
“We do not consider there to be much of a chance at this point that such morontia equipment will be brought into action regarding the difficulty presently observed in the Gulf of Mexico. In truth, it is the human population of your world that makes up the caretakers of your home planet.
“It is at these times of a relatively higher level of seismic activity, with likely more of the same to come, that you are advised not to drill for more oil on deep ocean beds. There is quite enough seismic activity on land, even in the Middle East and other countries, to give you plenty of concern with potential calamities in the extraction processes.
“For my part, and this is my personal observation, I am most wishful that you will move towards exploiting alternative energies, free energies, for your daily needs, leaving the oil for lubrication and incidental products. I thank you and others for their inquiries. We wish we could help you clean up the mess, but this is not to be. This is your Teacher Aaron. My words to you on this day come through the translation efforts of Midwayer Chief ABC-22. I say good night to all.”
George: “Thank you Aaron.”
Note: Small morontia machines that are pre-programmed are used to make crop circles.
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You will wear My Insignia into Paradise — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2457
Alabama, US of A, December 7, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Revolutions and Exemplary Lives – Part 2 of 2.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The most powerful agent of change and inspiration for people is the display of an exemplary life. Live your life in such a way that it becomes an eloquent lesson to your siblings and provides a clearer vision of a better world. Bring light and life to your own experience and you will directly bring light and life to your world.
“An exemplary life – a life well lived – is a life of growth and sustained progress. It is a life in which a creature starts being just a little more than an animal and obtains enough wisdom to become the master of her destiny and her relationships with her siblings. Such a life is a life of happiness and satisfaction, that seems to be independent of anything external. Those who live such lives are joyful, courageous, and trustful because they know that really nothing can cause them real damage.
“An exemplary life is not a life without difficulties. It is not even a life where all decisions are right. It is a life where there are still mistakes, but they are called lessons and they bring about learning. It is not a life where all the answers are known. It is a life where all the answers are discovered as the person discovers within the Source of all wisdom.
“An exemplary life is not a life of great deeds or perfect outcomes. It is instead a life of intentions that are increasingly more perfect. It is a life where a person does what she believes to be right, true, beautiful and good in her heart, regardless of what others may think or the apparent results. Many times the best decision can be made without getting the expected results. Only in your heart will you know if your intentions were the best at the time of your making a decision. However, all decisions made considering your most spiritual impulses and your most sincere love for your siblings will always bring good to somebody.
“An exemplary life is not a life of glory and honors. You could help many and achieve great things in your world without anybody knowing your name or what your contribution was. Many of the things you enjoy today are the result of the efforts of people you will never know. Strive to give the best of yourself to every person that crosses your path and you will be giving your best to the world. This world has great problems and needs great solutions, but the great solutions are always the sum of many small efforts. One great man with the clearest mind and the best ideas will never achieve as much as a group of average men doing their best to solve a problem.
“An exemplary life is not a life of satisfaction in great things. It is a life of excellence in the small things. Do today whatever you have to do — your role as a parent, your job, your relationships with your family and your siblings in this world — the best way you can imagine and leave the outcomes in the hands of the Father, because all the good you do extends well beyond your personal influence, even beyond time and space.
“An exemplary life is a life dedicated to the Will of our Father. The mandate of the Father is perfection. To reach perfection is the main task of the universes of time and space. Therefore, when you strive for perfection in your own life you are working directly on the plan of the Father. When you try to be better every day, when you search for a life experience more fulfilling and satisfactory, you are doing precisely what your Father expects of you, improving your world and creating a reality closer to light and life. Such is the beauty and wisdom of the divine plan.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.