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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2271
Urantia, January 29, 2015.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “The Value of Relationships”
Receiver: Lytske.
The Beloved One: “To begin this lesson on the value of relationships, let me state the most important values are sincerity and truthfulness. It cannot be otherwise as when these values are not present, it leaves the relationship full of ‘holes’ to be filled with insincerity and the possibility of hidden agendas. Being truthful is a necessary component of making any relationship honest, meaningful, dependable and lasting.
“The sad truth on this disordered planet is that the meaning of a sincere relationship is quite distorted and, sorry to say, lost on the majority of the inhabitants residing on this orb. This is a very unfortunate and disturbing scenario and it shows the level of its inhabitants’ maturity or immaturity as seen from the celestial point of view. Almost everyone lives for themselves, often rushing to and fro without thought of taking even their next of kin into consideration. You observe consideration and loyalty as other values that also need to be included in truthfulness without having any sort of the hidden ‘me first’ agenda.
“True and lasting relationships unfortunately usually are forged between the hammer and anvil. Relationships occasionally are threatened by a calamity of some sort and suddenly a partner or a friend is no longer there, And the true significance of appreciation dawns upon you about how much he or she means to you. Or a gap occurs in the relationship due to selfishness by one or both partners’ immaturity, insincerity or a minor misunderstanding that threatens to blow out of proportion. Relationships come to an end for many reasons.
“Relationships between two people, like partners, spouses, are important. But the most important one is between parents and children, as children learn values ideally from their parents, family and caretakers, then from friends, groups and larger circles. You realize that once you start thinking about relationships, they become many-sided and all-inclusive. Relationships start when each individual comes in contact with another. The question always arises: What sort of relationship will this be? Will it be based on honesty, truthfulness and sincerity or will it be one based on a me-first self-serving ‘what can I get out of this’ basis?
“Let us talk about love and forgiveness for a moment as these also are included in the values of meaningful relationships. It goes without saying: this planet needs an overhaul and a new curriculum instituting a course in the meaning of all these values, before she sinks any further into the horrible degradations to which she is presently exposed? Will she and her people suffer at the hands of certain factions who throw their weight around with lies and fabrication of untruth, exposing the ignorant masses to all sorts of grievous poisons in food, water and air for their self-gratification and upsetting the fragile relationship of balance between man, beast and the earth herself?
“At this point the Celestials are instituting the Correcting Time, which gtives every citizen a chance to move towards an active soulful and loving cooperation — first with themselves to work on genuine relationships with and between each other and then with their Creator God to help the planet progress in a balanced manner.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2645
Urantia, February 14, 2015.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “The Undying Spirit-soul”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Something happens in your mind the moment you totally surrender your will to me in order to be focused and receive a message you hope will bring more clarity to the world. First we will speak about today as the most important subject anyone can think of because it pertains to each person’s undying spirit-soul, including the little persons (children) — whatever their age. Suffice it to say that all souls are meant to evolve just like the owners of these souls are growing and aging.
“The point I make that is so very important is that some attention be given each day to feeding this undying spirit-soul and not let it languish in an over-fed body. While many souls are in danger of starvation on this planet more attention is given to the unreal material substances of life rather than the real spiritual substance and purpose of life. Yes, it is necessary to work for one’s sustenance and to educate the mind, but these are all perishable as there may be no lasting substance to bring with you into the next level of your eternal existence.
“It is worrisome to the celestials to note how many mortals do not spare a thought to the life hereafter. Each year you notice the beginning of the seasons and you observe a change in the air. The same with the humans here. They go through their own seasons of growth. Yet, when you notice changes in the outer self, do you spare a thought to the inner self: what makes it move and behave as the seasons turn for all of you?
“Will something of substance have developed in you? Has the soul had a chance to be satisfied with the way it has been fed or is it still hungry for substance? Have there been moments in life when you could hear your spirit call out to the Still Voice from God within who is faithfully waiting for a sign of life from you? Or has it been put aside by the clamor of the world with empty enticements such as money and hollow entertainment, to make you forget some deeper thinking about the meaning and purpose of life?
“Ask yourself some soul-searching questions: ‘What is my purpose in life and what is God’s life plan for me?’ Have you not realized you were given a life plan at birth to fulfill? Of course you are always free to follow your own will, but what about the important lesson in life: to learn and to do God’s will? You might be surprised to find out how much richer life can be when practicing unconditional love and caring when you adhere to the golden rule of learning to love yourself like God loves you all. He gives you the free will and opportunity to eventually come back to Him as perfected spirit-souls as God intended in his divine blueprint for each of you.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Secondary MidwayerThuroc the Entertainer
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2317
Illawarra District, Australia, February 4, 2015.
Secondary MidwayerThuroc the Entertainer.
Subject: “It’s a Grand Old Show”
Received by George Barnard.
Thuroc: “It is I, Thuroc. Greetings all.”
George: “We were hoping you would come. Welcome to our Evolving Souls Community party. We are especially pleased to receive a contributor from far-away. Welcome.”
Thuroc: “It’s a big, big world to you, a hop, skip and jump for me. In this greatly Melchizedek-organized era, most of us Secondary Midwayers have stations — group homes you may call them — and mine is in North America. However, my friends, I travel to where I am needed to uplift the minds, mores and moods of my brothers and sisters. Incidentally, you and all other volunteers have the love and greetings from Secondary Midwayer Chief Brusque and his entire … well, platoon. And for you to go easy on tsunamis as they have enough mischief to deal with in Europe right now. A very much similar greeting reaches you now from China.
“This Evolving Souls Community is something new in my area, so let us see what we can do for them. I hear from my friend Bzutu that this segment has much to do with information, freedom and what is needed to attain it and retain it. Well, you know the saying that one cannot be a little bit pregnant. Yes. You also cannot fight a little bit of a war, or get a little bit involved in politics. Sanctions are war, not merely bullying, financial war is war, cyberwar is war as you have recently discovered with one of your websites being ravaged. However, your trying to produce better criticism than others’ criticism has you involved in politics. Like pregnancy, you cannot be a little bit into politics, although soon you may actually need to be.
“When will nations learn? During my life so far I have witnessed the rise and fall of many nations. When the larger proportion of the population made something, mined something, grew something or sold something their lives were good. When they went to war a few gained, but most lost, because their failing belligerent governments, unsuited to their real tasks as they were, knew quite how to steal from the common people. It’s such a grand old show, again and again. I guess a time will come, you’ll see, when as a population you will finally find those who will serve you well.
“It is hoped that you are now so advanced that you will leave the pitchforks in your barns and the guillotines in your museums. It is always profitable to remember that the greediest of bankers are meant to, just like you, travel that rock-strewn path to eternal life, that the most heartless of politicians may well have a caring touch for his or her offspring and may still manage to slip into the Mansonia 101 lecture theater. Likewise, your bought reporters may redeem themselves and we all are bound to one day read of beauty and goodness, but truth first and foremost.
“Meanwhile, my dear friend, and this is personal, as long as you are still licking your plate you must forego complaining about the food. This is Thuroc returning to regular boardings, leaving you all his love.”
George: “Thank you brother. Always good for a laugh. Have a safe trip home.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2517
Michigan, US of A, February 15, 2015.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Renew — Change the Mental Landscape”
Received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear friends, we would like to talk about changing the mental landscape and doing something that will renew or begin a new chapter in your life. Far too many of you have ‘settled’ into a life of routines and habits that are unproductive and that bring little joy, excitement, or healthy change. Instead, you have settled for comfort and complacency — entertainments in place of social interaction, creative outlets, or healthy lifestyles. Others, because of social pressures and lack of opportunity, have felt ‘left out,’ trapped, and have given up on the pursuit of happiness. Life can be difficult in your world and in the place you find yourself, but do not give up, my friends, because you have the power to change all that, and it begins by making a decision to change the mental landscape — the way you see yourself and the world around you.
“The first step to making any change is to acknowledge the current condition of your life. What are your routines and habits? Are you healthy? Do you feel good about yourself? How do others see you? Have you set any goals or taken any steps to move toward something that interests you and that promotes growth and maturity of the mind? Take an honest life review and see what the ‘state of the self’ is. Some of you may need help in this area and we encourage you to seek help sorting out the issues that keep you stuck. Once you identify the self-imposed limitations, you can do something about it and move beyond it. Excuses are only rationalizations of the ego that give you permission to stay complacent and ‘safe.’ Recognize these critical voices and move in the opposite direction — do something for yourself that is completely out of your comfort zone that will bring a new experience to your life.
“One of the biggest ‘game changers’ for many is getting healthy. When you physically feel good, you have a healthier outlook on life and a greater will to try new things and experiences. Your self-esteem is elevated because the energy you put out into the world gets reflected back by those around you — they see the change and are motivated by it. Everything begins to change with a healthy attitude and a positive outlook — it is infectious.
“Healthy mind means feeding it with healthy thoughts. Move away from entertainments and news media that promote or instill fear, violence, destruction, or social dysfunction. Replace it with music and books that are positive, beautiful, and uplifting. Make time for meditation and connection with the Indwelling Spirit. Your powers of concentration will improve once you remove the chatter of unhealthy media and replace it with peace, love, and understanding. You are a co-creator with God and so you have the power to create. Do something creative and get involved with other kindred spirits that enjoy similar interests.
This is how you begin to change the mental landscape. Evaluate, acknowledge, and make peace with the past — move forward by changing your routine, your lifestyle, and your attitude. Your future will change and unfold in ways you never thought possible. Call on Spirit for help, and we will assist you by creating the opportunities for you to succeed. When you change, the world around you changes and this is how we transform a planet.
“God speed to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2576
Alabama, US of A, October 11, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Conflict”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The main cause of human conflict is the inability to forgive. There will always be situations that will offend others. There will always be differences of opinion between that which is acceptable to one group and offensive to another. However, you frequently choose to turn a misunderstanding into a tragedy, allowing your anger and your pride to determine the way in which you solve problems. No problem is ever resolved at the cost of human lives. Instead, this is choosing the worst possible path by destroying what is most valuable and beautiful in the eyes of the Father — life.
“Not all conflicts end up in wars, but most wars arise from conflicts that are truly trivial and irrelevant. The reasons are usually the same: One group wants a resource and doesn’t want to share it with another group. One group’s ideology may be forced upon another group for them to begin to reason in the same way. From there many variations occur in which the oppressed struggle to escape from the oppressors and the oppressors struggle to retain their advantages over the oppressed. Both the oppressed and the oppressors believe they have valid and logical reasons that justify the conflict. Hence, what started as a simple misunderstanding due to the natural differences among human beings is by you turned into something that causes a lot of suffering and destroys many lives.
“Let us make this clear, once and for all: There never is a valid reason for any conflict in this world; there are only justifications. None of the problems on your world justify war or the death of human beings. Let this be the rule by which you measure all your efforts in international diplomacy, policy and decision making. The use of force should always be the last resort after all other avenues and alternatives have failed. No government in this world is so advanced that it would not be improved by a healthy dose of self examination and criticism. No nation is superior to another, except for the artificial advantages provided by unjust distribution of resources. No way of life is better than another if it has to be defended with intolerance and by the promotion of lies, fear, and mistrust toward those considered to be different. When your governments start promoting a way of life that is conducive to spiritual progress and the moral elevation of the people — considering men and women to be equal as our Father does — that system will indeed be superior to anything else that has ever been attempted on this world, but this system is not yet anywhere in place.
“Is there a better way to resolve conflicts? First think of all your siblings with respect and rate them as important as you see yourself — a member of your universal family with the same rights and the same divine destiny as yourself. When the inhabitants of this world truly realize that they are equal and discover that each and every person contains a Divine Spark of God within their being, the value of human life will return to its rightful place of importance and every decision — individual and collective — will be illuminated by this truth.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.