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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2469
Oregon, US of A, January 6, 2015.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Self-centered Pride vs. God-centered Pride.”
Received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, each one of you is special. You are special in your own merit as you recognize more and more that you are loved by the Father. You have come to claim your birthright as a son or daughter of God and learn to live a God-centered life so as to gain entry into the Divine Family Circle.
“Each effort does eventually bear fruit. Each effort helps upgrade your whole being. It is understandable that you can be proud of your achievements, of your hard-earned personal transformation. This sense of pride is perfectly acceptable. It is the pride felt by a little one when he/she learns to walk on his/her own. It is a joyous and heartfelt pride — very different from the self-involved and blinding pride of the narcissistic soul.
“Self-centered pride is a dead end as it only revolves around the lower self and prevents the soul from expanding. God-centered pride, however, is glorious; it is expressed in gratitude as the joy of accomplishing the Father’s Will triggers beautiful feelings in your soul. As you come into alignment with your Higher Self, you feel elation and ecstasy as well as infinite gratitude. These feelings are not self-centered. They are God-centered. They are feelings the Father implanted in your soul in the hope they would come to life and beautify your life and your surroundings. Isn’t it amazing to discover, little by little, how much loving foresight the Father had from the very beginning of creation. His creation is truly multi-layered and filled with amazing surprises. This is where true joy resides.
“Learn to dive deeper into each moment so as to retrieve more of its divine essence. This precious divine extract should be squeezed out of life experiences. Nevertheless, it does require pressure. Precious metals must be melted at very high temperatures to be purified. Dear one you, too, are like a very precious metal. Your soul is meant to become a unique and very precious diamond — a reflective diamond — scintillating in the Father’s light. Isn’t it worth life’s struggles which help you discover what an amazing treasure you are?
“Keep that vision of perfection in your mind, dear child. Remember that there are divine intentions behind your life’s struggle and that the Father always has His eyes on you, monitoring your life from a very close position through your Divine Thought Adjuster. The Father is a hands-on Personality.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2506
Chicago, US of A, April 9, 2015.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Human Interchanges — Tools for the Human Brotherhood.”
Message received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Before Urantia is ushered into the era of Light and Life, it is necessary to create a real Human Brotherhood on your planet. Jesus of Nazareth called this the Human Brotherhood of the “Kingdom of God” for the lack of a better term for the Jews of His time. Paul, the apostle, mistakenly called it “the Church” or “the Body of Christ” made up exclusively of Christians, therefore not really a Human Brotherhood. The Human Brotherhood is both spiritual and social because first of all, it is made of human beings living in society and secondly, it is spiritual because it is based on the Fatherhood of the One God — Father of All. Human interchange will help the Human Brotherhood become a Urantia reality.
“Economic Interchange. Money is a great human drive. On it depends the material development of your civilization and for it people travel the world back and forth. Commercial trade has always being an effective civilizer: the desire for money will make human beings disregard cultural and religious differences — even adapt to them in order to maximize their profit. Merchant people are great missionaries, advertising their products, but also trading cultural and religious viewpoints. They not only brought their influences, but they likewise were influenced. Commercial trade contributes to peace among nations.
“Cultural Interchange. Culture is the collective repository of artistic, scientific and social values of a given people or society. The interchange of these values will teach individuals of one nation to know and appreciate the culture of others. Most wars come from fear, and ignorance is the mother of all fears. Mutual knowledge among nations will greatly diminish the suspicions of origin in ignorance. Your Nobel Awards are a noble initiative in this field, as are the periodic Olympic Games. Much can still be done by the more advanced nations in the scientific field by their sharing progress in medicine and technology as well as in education, through an increase in students’ exchange programs and international scholarships.
“Religious Interchange. The interchange in the religious arena is yet very poor on Urantia. It is in need of a major ecumenical stimulus — one that is beyond the organizational level, bringing actual cooperative service towards pressing human needs. Religious interchange will only become a reality on your planet when major religions acknowledge both the universal fatherhood of God, and the brotherhood of all humans beings, based on the former. These sentiments are already present in humanity and in most of the individuals that have a religious inclination. They need, however, a unifying initiative through association with human beings — not through associations with organizations and institutions.
“Therefore, my pupil, concentrate your efforts on the religious aspect in disseminating your influence with others. Without proselytism, however, but by showing no prejudice so you will inhibit the otherwise likely prejudice in others. Preach and live the universal aspects of the Gospel taught and lived by Jesus of Nazareth for that is lacking of the "-isms" that religions, sects and cults advocate. No change will happen overnight. Social and religious changes will not advance at the pace of technology in your world, although it has been faster since the Renaissance. Evolution also rules these aspects of human life. And evolution, although it is tremendously efficient, unceremoniously takes its time.
“I am Prolotheos, your Teacher and Tutor on High. Peace be with you all.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Keep Before You the Goal of the Ages — Teacher Prolotheos.
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- Written by: George Barnard
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2628
In These Critical Times
From the Desk of George Barnard — April 28, 2015.
From 2001 until 2003 I wasted much of my time debating, then arguing with members of a spiritual group about how to more efficiently run their “organization” of seven years and less than 100 members.
By the middle of May of 2003 or thereabouts, ABC-22 had something to say about my behavior that at first made no sense. He said, “Michael is of the opinion that had you lived during His time on earth you would have carried a sword…” I thought that idea was fair enough. Lots of people carried swords — Romans did, the apostle Peter did and so did many others, but why tell me? Then the Midwayer carried on by saying, “…and you would have used it!”
It was time to give up on that group. To my mind, it had for many months resembled the famous Muppet Show, complete with hecklers, a Gonzo and more than a few applicants for the role of Kermit the Frog. Michael’s words had been good advice. To me He had always been a friend first of all. Visiting the U.S. for Machiventa Melchizedek’s organizational plans had almost been a waste of time, although…
…meeting so many new friends — likewise involved with the Urantia Book and their receiving of celestial instructions — had been a delight. Still, now I had to start from scratch and find trustful people to work with me, but I sure knew how it should not be organized.
By the time there were some 1,000 subscribers on the 11:11 Progress Group list there were some difficulties to overcome and I turned to Michael for advice. Imagine my surprise when all He said was, “You will wear My insignia into Paradise.” My immediate mental response was, “I knew that already!” but I was ever so pleased I had the presence of mind to not voice that mischievous response to His kind words.
I promptly forgot about Michael’s promise. More likely I was made to forget for quite some years, until just a few months ago. Clearly, there were now a lot of people involved with the 11:11 Progress Group — receivers, translators, editors, IT people, Akashic Construct and Reiki healers. Obviously there are those who help support us in doing this 11:11 work full time. We thank them and certainly also those who pass on the transcripts of celestial messages to friends and family.
They are not just subscribers, I was made to understand. They are members! They will also be wearing Michael’s insignia upon entering Paradise. Today they are those who sense that critical times will arrive and that the 11:11 Progress work should not be allowed to die in the difficult years to come.
And it’s just a small thought from George Barnard.
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You will wear My insignia into Paradise — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Teacher Samuel
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2436
Illawarra District, Australia, May 15, 2015.
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia.
Subject: “Keeping Fusion on Hold — Summary.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Teacher Samuel: “You and I and countless others have covered this oft-debated subject of fusion on a number of occasions, so let us here and now summarize the differences between Teachers that are fused and those who are keeping their fusion on hold. It is correct, as we earlier mentioned, that the Spirit Self (TA) will look forward in time and in many cases agree to fusion, whilst the former mortal “element” may prefer to allow the TA a dowry of greater perceived value before fusion is consummated.
Consider now, would you not bring the best to this feast?
“In a world, a new world, the seventh Mansion World, there is generally no doubt about the TA and Morontia Being’s likeliness to fuse. What is there is the question of balance and so the evolutionary worlds, together with the lower Mansion Worlds, gain valuable Teachers — those who can quite relate to those laboring below them and indeed, our brother Aaron and I belong to this group of Teachers. We logically still have so much in common with you and our kin on Mansonia One to Six.
“And I say this without a modicum of self-importance or false pride: we are now at a knowledge and intellectual level you cannot possibly imagine. Discussions between Aaron and I and others about your lessons are constantly on suitable terminology — terms you will understand, for during the many, many years we spent on these Mansion Worlds we have each drawn closer and closer to the mindedness of our Spirit within. Next to us you are as kindergarten graduates and no insult is intended here, as you must know.
“Well, my treasured friends, I can assure you those recently fused — those appointed to be our lecturers — are likewise seeing my brother Aaron and I as high school students into which they are to drum their greatly advanced knowledge being the Master Teachers they now are. Even among a group of Mentori there may at best be one fused mortal if any. In the haphazard days of evolutionary life it may be difficult for you to conceive of a highly efficient universe where no effort is wasted, where methods are tried and proven since time immemorial and where requests are routinely granted … accordingly.
“Consider for a moment the eons of time during which our universes have functioned like the finest clockwork and ask yourself why, when so many of the likes of Aaron and me clamor for being given the task, the Melchizedeks would appoint a fused former mortal. In their worlds of highly advanced learning and administration, it it wise and profitable for them to concentrate on those nearby with their knowledge and organization. “Evolutionaries” and pre-fused “morontians” rarely have the attention of the fused.
“Those slightly lower respect their elders and those slightly higher lovingly teach their junior siblings. Yet as always, there are sporadic exceptions. Be well and until we meet up again, our love will be with you all. This is Samuel.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2608
Alabama, US of A, November 28, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “About Mistakes”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Many problems and complications in the lives of mortals are caused by their own decisions and by their refusing to forgive the mistakes of the past — others’ mistakes and their own. Forgiving is a valuable experience. To forgive those who you think have caused you harm and when you observe the results of these decisions in your life.
“Many things in your life and your siblings’ lives will fare much better just by accepting the fact of your own fallibility and potential for error. Your goal is to attain perfection, but until you reach that state the possibilities of making mistakes will always be present. Therefore, why do you expect perfection in your relationships with your brothers and sisters? Perfection is the highest and principal aspiration of human life, but in this world it is more of a desire rather than an accomplishment.
“You make mistakes. Accept this reality and make an effort to help each other overcome the errors and learn from them. All of you have within you the Guide who will point out the degree of truth, beauty and goodness of your actions, thoughts and decisions. Search within your heart and mind for the basis of your decisions and once you have chosen a path, use sincere self-evaluation to appraise those outcomes.
“At every moment you can know with a relative degree of certainty where you stand in your spiritual career. Do not let the mistakes of the past become heavy loads, preventing you from moving forward in your journey of self-discovery. Instead, use these experiences to learn the lessons and values that will propel you towards the attainment of your perfection.
“Your life is in your hands. Your present results from your past decisions. Those who choose to follow the will of the Father and aspire to be the best they can be are effectively putting their lives into the hands of God to achieve the miracles our Father hopes to achieve in the life of each human being. Follow the plan your Father has suggested and you will find that His is the alternative that is best, highest and most satisfactory for your personality and for the universe.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.