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- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2327
Urantia, February 4, 2015.
Teacher: A Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “The One Great Gift.”
Message received by Lytske.
Mentor: “The one great gift all mortals share, without exception, is time. The value of time is incalculable, for who can evaluate time? Time is only an immeasurable part of eternity, consisting of moments, but it is a most important commodity as time in eternity allows for evolving humans to make good and right use of their time. Still, most mortals live life as if they exist outside of eternity whilst each moment counts to make your short-lived existence here on the planet worthwhile.
“You all are here to learn and ‘pass your exam’ at the end of your temporary existence here in order to qualify for life in eternity. Time is given each new day as a clean slate on which each mortal charts his or her mental, emotional and, above all, spiritual progress with the gift of free will. To help you along with your life’s curriculum the Universal Creator has given all of you a divine blueprint with which to build your life.
“All of you of normal minds, capable of moral decision-making, also received a Fragment of the Creator of All to help guide you through the morass of difficult decision-making, which is not easy on this disordered and backward planet as you lack visible representation of the celestial world.
“However, this fact alone gives humans living here the special distinction that they can believe without seeing and they are called Agondonters because of this status. This is considered to be a very special talent which will be of extreme value in the planned for, but as yet unformed, universes of outer space. You humans here are provided with an extremely rare opportunity to make good use of this great gift called time, to prove yourselves worthy, trusted and dependable co-creators with the eternal Creator.
“Many celestials are available to help you make good and right use of your time and God-given minds to develop the talents you were born with to help this planet catch up with the more normally-evolving inhabited planets. All planets in God’s universes in space-time have one purpose in common: to move towards the ultimate goal which is perfection, and to be settled in Light and Life.
“Do humans actually realize the grandiose gifts they have been given; to become co-creators in your temporal life here on this planet? As this is your single opportunity to make up your mind to live forever, albeit some questions will be asked like what values did you gather in your soul that will help you progress in the life to follow?
“Are you aiming towards perfection with self-discipline towards self-mastery and work on ridding yourself of animalistic and greedy attitudes? Are you gaining ground in loving yourselves and have you started living by the golden rule of doing unto others as you would like to be treated?
“And most importantly: are you developing an ongoing relationship with your Fragment from God within, who is always waiting to guide you onto the right path? There are many ways of making use of this precious gift called time. Do spend it wisely, so you will have no regrets at the end of this short mortal life.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2491
Michigan, US of A, April 26, 2015.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Benefactor of your Soul.”
Received by Chris Maurus.
Ophelius: “Today, my dear friends, we would like to speak about what would be for many of you the ‘next step’ in your spiritual development. We understand how challenging it is to live and make your way on this most difficult planet with all of your many distractions and relationships competing for your attention. Like any relationship, you must invest time, attention, love, and nurturing, to develop something ‘lasting’ and ‘real,’ for to give only superficial attention or to make a half-hearted effort to connect, the relationship will never be more than what you put into it. And so it is in your relationship with Spirit. If you desire to move into this next phase of spiritual awareness and understanding, you must cultivate the relationship to make it lasting and real.
“Time, for you, is of the essence, meaning that because you live such a relatively short life on this planet, and because it is so intense, much of your life is spent ‘doing’ rather than ‘being.’ Those things that are of ‘survival value’ — those that would survive death and go with you into eternity are the ‘lasting’ and ‘real’ relationships that you have invested in during your short life where you gleaned a little greater understanding of what love is. If you stop to think about the most important people in your life, you can rank them in order of the amount of quality time you have devoted to the relationship where both are near equally ‘vested.’
“Your God Fragment, the Thought Adjuster (TA), is 100% vested in your life and in your mind. Never will this Divine Partner leave you and always be available to you waiting for you to invest your time and attention in the relationship with Spirit. It is understandable that because you cannot physically see or audibly hear your ‘Higher-self’ that you have difficulty establishing a relationship, and this is the challenge of the age.
“Think about your TA like a secret benefactor — someone who is devoted to your care and development whom you have never met — someone who from childhood would send you help when you needed it; kept you safe by providing care through a third party; paid for your education in the best schools, and sent gifts and telegrams of congratulations on your accomplishments. Would you not be curious as to whom this person was who had so much interest in you and your quality of life in this world? Would you not do anything and everything to know who this beloved benefactor was and establish a connection and relationship with him or her? I’m quite sure it would be a burning desire in you and something you thought about every day of your life.
“Your TA is, in every way, your life-long benefactor, who loves and supports you on levels you cannot even begin to understand — who is planning for your future and is supremely interested in the quality of your life. Your TA really does send third-party help to you when you need it and provides you the finest education a soul could have if only you choose to accept the guidance. You are dearly loved, cherished, and valued above all else. You, my friend, have an ‘open-mic’ connection with your TA and you can communicate with Spirit at any time in conversation or in thought. Through meditation and with intention to connect, you can establish a real and lasting relationship with your TA or any spiritual being that you devote time and attention to. This is ‘being’ at the highest level — this divine relationship has a direct and measurable effect upon the growth of your soul and the development of a truly great personality and all it costs you is your time and attention. Why wouldn’t you want to know your secret benefactor?
“The next time you pick up your phone to make a call, pause for a moment and speak into the ‘open-mic’ and connect with your TA. Just say ‘hello’ and whatever is on your mind. Invest the time, my friends, with this priceless resource — the Benefactor of your soul.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Secondary Midwayer Sharmon (MNO-6)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2347
Illawarra District, Australia, April 16, 2015.
Secondary Midwayer Sharmon (MNO-6).
Subject: “The Need for Worldwide Control” —
(This is merely the essence of the transmission).
Message received by George Barnard.
George: “It’s so good to hear from you, young lady. We know we’re not the only ones by far to keep you busy, but it’s good to have you close again. You know how I feel, personally.”
Sharmon: “We all know how you feel and how you labor to make ‘addicts’ of as many siblings as you can with the spiritual elixir of the Correcting Time. I have come to you this time specifically to talk with you all about greed, about having everything, and what it can do to those who are high up in government … those whom some call ‘the elite.’
“More so than at most times, but in this present economic cycle on our planet, there are many groups that are greatly addicted to wealth and power, control over others and the false security that it brings. False security, you may ask? Certainly, for in the tank they swim in there are many predators — some bigger, some smaller, some faster, some fiercer — yet none but a few would survive in the end to then live a life of fear, vulnerability and loneliness.
“It is important for you to progress during this Time of Correction and it will not ‘fare you well’ to be utterly uninformed of the trap that is set for you whilst you must work long hours for your provisions and whilst worldwide you are, each of you, courted to enjoy your entertainments in the few hard-won hours that are left.
“Snooze and you lose to the wolf, my friends. So important is this supposed need for worldwide control to some, they will consider a preventative attack with the most awful of weapons. What I am describing here is insanity. There is no conceivable way that there can be progress of minds, yes of intellect, of general physical health, of spirit or soul should you be forced to endure a widespread series of attacks wherever it might be on the planet. There will be left no place of safety, no place of ease.
“Those who seem to so desperately require the ownership of all goods that rightly belong to everyone must be discouraged and the most powerful means open to you is prayer. Those who seem to so greedily want to relieve you of your freedom, free will and peace of mind must be stopped, yet at this point only prayer can effectively change the direction in which our world is moving. We stand by, but we tire of picking up the pieces.”
PRAYER: “Father Creator, we know there is no one in all the wide universes who understands like You do how human greed and hubris have brought so many beyond the safety of sanity. We understand on our part that the deeply hidden fear of future irrelevance instead of power and control is the driving force behind the perceived need for yet another world war. We humans together with your Midwayers and Angels ask You to so affect the future that war will be averted and peace will reign. Amen.”
Receiver’s note: ‘Snooze and you lose to the wolf’ might well hint at the Wolfowitz doctrine.
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Unknown Teacher
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2318
Oregon, US of A, January 3, 2015.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “The Intention of the Heart.”
Message received by Anyas.
Teacher: “Dear one, as you focus on the love you feel for Me and send it upward as an offering, I receive it with joy and tearful eyes. Your love is like the pretty little daisy that you used to pick as a child and give to your mother or grandmother. That simple gesture and intention is all that it took to tug at their heartstrings and lead them to give you a kiss.
“It is not the value of the gift, but the intention of the heart that matters. Indeed, gifts should only be love messengers. A compassionate word, a caring smile, eye contact … all these are precious gifts to the one in need of this human contact, for the one in need to know that he/she does matter. The feeling of separation, of loneliness, is such an unwanted feeling which drives many to acts of despair, as neither man nor woman were created to be alone.
“The Father and His Sons are all about connections and the mortals of the realm have so many lines of communication being placed at their disposal if only they would identify them and put them to good use by expressing their desire to do so. All it takes is wanting it and allowing it to happen — as relationships are only meaningful and precious if no coercion whatsoever is involved in the process.
“Be the agent of change you want to be and you yourself will be transformed before you can help others in their own transformation. You have to experience your own rebirth in order to become the ‘midwife’ of others’ rebirth. Only those who know what they are talking about are credible and their words are not met with suspicion. Authenticity can never be faked. This is why it is so important in the rebirth process of the planet that genuine human beings take the lead.
“As others recognize that they are worthy of their trust, power will be added to the process and good results will become visible to all eyes. Each life is meant to be a masterpiece; each life — due to the unique gifts and personality of its owner — can be transformative and inspiring to someone else’s life. Do not be mere copycats or plagiarists as it is only rehashing what is already known. Be innovators and groundbreakers so that many can stand on that foundation and be inspired to take their own leap of faith.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2424
Alabama, US of A, November 11, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “About Shyness.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Some personalities are more reserved and quiet by nature. With this type of personality — as is the case with one member of each angelic pair — their apparent shyness is not at all a sign of that individual’s lack of, or degree of, spiritual progress.
“In your world the word shyness includes a group of attributes that are not necessarily associated with the personality, but are certain behaviors acquired through past experiences. In most instances, those human beings considered to be shy are those who feel a particular degree of fear about getting close to their peers.
“In these cases, shyness is in fact a sign that there are some things to overcome on the path to spiritual achievement. Those who truly consider all human beings — and all other thinking creatures in the universe — to be brothers and sisters with a common origin and as children of the same celestial Father, should not have any reservations or doubts about their relationships with others. Your meeting another human being and getting to know him or her is in fact discovering a new aspect of the Father and knowing something more about Him.
“Human beings — your siblings — are not to be feared. They are your traveling companions, your partners in life’s adventure. They are the great friends you have not yet met. They are your students and your teachers. They are opportunities for growth and new achievements. Learn to discern this great potential in all relationships that cross your path.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.