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- Written by: Samuel of Panoptia
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2342
Illawarra District, Australia, March 31, 2015.
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia.
Subject: “Fusion on Hold (shortened transmission).”
Message received by George Barnard.
Samuel: “This is your Teacher Samuel. Aaron and I greet you all. We are here with our respective guardians and we can also see you all clearly right where you are. You have all your angels there: one Secondary Midwayer, one Primary Midwayer and you have two student visitors from an advanced world in this very sector. Remember now: where two or more of you share time in meditation, there our Creator Son will also be with you.
“This world, more than almost all others, provides the opportunity for both Aaron and me to balance out what we will each have to offer our respective Thought Adjuster upon the celebration of our fusion. Today we cover in a short talk the Celestial Teachers working with mortals — such as Aaron and me. And we are covering the reasons why they will be there most often when they are having their fusion on hold and less often when they are already fused.
“The majority of your Teachers are making up for something that is not quite balanced — especially in the case of the males. They may have been specialists in a particular profession, a particular means of earning their living and they have developed spiritually, but they have not developed in a balanced way. On most worlds the males are the hunters, providers and business leaders. Most often they will decide to later catch up in the social sense — apply to become a Teacher.
“To spend a season as a former mortal Teacher with the likes of you allows them, as it allows us, to become a more balanced individual prior to fusion with our Adjuster. It does not necessarily mean that we are lacking something or that fusion would be impossible for us under the present circumstances. It simply means that we each wish to offer ourselves to our Thought Adjusters as more complete and learned beings. So often it is the case that the female of the species, through taking care of children, through doing more general work, has a lesser reason to become a Teacher then do the males.
“Those who spend a season as Teachers commonly feel that they are more ready for the process of fusion and once fused; using the great mind of the Thought Adjuster and being involved in lessons in groups, there is less chance to find the time to teach mortals.
“I remind you now of what Machiventa Melchizedek told you about Teacher Seth. Seth did his season of teaching with Jane Roberts and moved on. And it was Bzutu who at a later date made clear to you that those who feel they want to offer more to their Thought Adjusters may request a season of teaching. That is precisely the situation in which Aaron and I now find ourselves.
“I will only speak for myself. I was very much a specialist. I was involved in ethical bio-engineering in both agriculture and horticulture. This indeed took all my time at the cost of a more balanced and sociable life. It is for this reason that I chose to become a Teacher and I was fortunate to be accepted as one on a planet I heard so much about: Urantia. That is my situation precisely.
“One must also consider that former humans, now fused, are in reality a new being. They have the enormous God-mind and experience of the Thought Adjuster and if they are involved in teaching it is more often with the likes of us — a little further advanced than you are.
“I trust that I can make clear that with the supervision we enjoy before we are ready for a lesson with you there be not much in the way of a difference between a lesson coming from a fused Teacher to that of a Teacher who has his fusion on hold. It surely depends on how advanced the student would be. I thank you for going the distance with me. This is your Teacher Samuel. Both Aaron and I wish you a great afternoon — all of you assembled there. Adieu.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2229
Alabama, US of A, November 3, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Living the Will of the Father.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The decision to live the will of the Father should not be made under the guise of making a sacrifice. Instead, living the will of the Father can be considered to be bringing the utmost satisfaction to which a human soul can aspire.
“Living the will of the Father is letting yourself be guided by your Divine Spark to become the best you can be. This clearly does not imply any real sacrifice, beyond your leaving behind the animal tendencies latent in your biological nature and making an effort to achieve a higher expression of your very being.
“Living the will of the Father is like being in a period of study — being in training — during which at some point human beings have to organize time and resources in order to give priority to those tasks that will result in greater satisfaction in their future. Many immature mortals are not willing to put up with the life of a serious student, in which certain concessions have to be made in order for them to learn new things. To the eyes of others it may look like the student is depriving him or herself of many things, but wise students know that they are only working for a better future.
“The true student is the one who can say that he or she has decided to be better, because after a long period of preparation he or she is ready to use the opportunities that are presented to those who are able to take advantage of them. This hope for a better future — this faith — motivates making the efforts of the present and it validates any apparent effort or sacrifice.
“Living the will of the Father is like a man who has been invited to a sumptuous dinner. On the day of the dinner, he decides to have only a very light breakfast and go without lunch. His friends ask him why he is sacrificing himself in such a way? Why can’t he just eat a little bit more? They don’t understand that the man is just making sure he will be able to fully enjoy the banquet he will attend that night. The man knows that his actions involve no real sacrifice, since these actions simply reflect the intelligence of someone who knows when to postpone something seemingly good in order to obtain something far better.
“When others — or you — ask if the efforts of the present are truly worth it and if it is important to become an independent thinker when the majority in this world are happy to just follow tradition, letting others think on their behalf and sticking to the fossilized truths from the past, just remember the sumptuous banquet for which you are preparing yourself. As well, know that you are becoming a perfected creature by your very efforts, but with the help of your Father, who constantly whispers in your ear about which path to follow.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope – Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2515
Urantia, Date Unknown.
The Beloved One.
Subject: “I Am Your All-knowing.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: Dear one, a soul is truly blessed when it first senses, and then becomes fully aware of the love and the heavenly overcare of the Creator.
Take more time in your day to stop and enjoy this. Such a wonderful feeling of security can sweep through you, and overtake you. And thus you begin to feel accepted just the way you are. Loneliness will disperse, never to return, as you make more room within yourself to receive this love.
In order to create a larger capacity for this love, it is desirable that you eliminate all negative self-talk, guilt, long-standing unforgiveness, and realize where these ‘weeds of self-rejection’ are growing in your mind.
You and all humans are the beloved mortal offspring of the Creator. Subject to your free will, you are each given a chance to journey to Paradise.
This planet is riddled with the plague of negativity towards self and others. This is one reason why love does not flow freely from one to the other. There are all sorts of obstacles in the way.
But love is like a river of living water that needs to flow. It can also become a stagnant, putrid pool of self-hate, self-guilt, and the harboring of ill will toward others.
Over time you will find that all kinds of maladies can manifest in the physical body. In this manner the ills of the inner world go unrecognized at their root-source, and only remedies in the outer world are sought and trusted to heal the problem.
However, I tell you that this drives the problem only deeper into the inner world.
The only way to prevent physical problems is to learn about, and to then address, the inner obstructions in the mind and thought-stream.
Come into My healing presence, to seek My council, for I am your All-knowing, who indwells you.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2288
Michigan, US of A, March 29, 2015.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Neuro-Network – A New Campaign of Light.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear friends, we would like to speak about what is currently occurring on your world and what is happening on our side of the veil. The Correcting Time initiative and those Spirit agencies involved in the rehabilitation of your planet have entered into a new campaign of what we call ‘Neuro-Networking.’ What does this mean? It means that any ‘Light’ resource on your planet — any individual, group, or organization willing to make a positive change for a better world, shall be presented with opportunities to grow their work by connecting them with others who share common interest or goals where the combined effort of the network can benefit or serve the greater good for the souls of this world.
“The spiritual economy is being ‘supercharged’ to maximize potentials and those of you who are sensitive to these energies are noticing these changes in subtle ways. Like a new season of growth, old and dead branches that produce no fruit will be cleared away allowing the light to warm the soil and foster new sprouts of living branches that can be nurtured to produce good fruit. The older branches that are capable, yet struggling, will grow deeper roots by tapping into the ‘Neuro-Network.’ Spirit is like the weather — the sun and rain giving just the right amount of energies to stimulate the new growth. There are legions of spirit forces around your planet involved in this network seeing to it that connections are made bringing individuals, ideas, and opportunities together that may produce the greatest harvest.
My dear friends, if ever there was a time you thought about beginning some new work or rekindling a promising idea to improve yourself or your community — to teach, to lead and direct, or to bring others together for an intrinsic common good, now is the time to ‘branch out.’ Whatever you put your efforts toward; Spirit will get behind it and provide the opportunities for growth. Many of you will notice an increase in synchronicities — those signs and pointers that give you pause and bring you into the moment of your being where you feel Spirit is working with you to make a decision. Please ‘step into it,’ because despite our greatest efforts, we cannot violate free will — you are the ‘boots on the ground’ and you must make the decisions that will ultimately change your world and bring it into the age of Light and Life.
We are all one big family — Spirit and man, and we are connected by this Neuro-Network of the Creative Spirit and only now are we just beginning to work with you in ways most other ‘normal’ developing planets have enjoyed knowing the Great Plan as a reality instead of some esoteric belief. You are One with us and it is time for you to understand this at a deeper level. Many of you are receiving information and energies to ‘atune’ you for the work ahead and you perceive these subtle changes in different ways — count it all a blessing, my friends.
Please know that all the love, the true, beautiful, and good things that are happening are the combined efforts of the entire living organism that We are (Spirit and man) as One heart and One mind — the Spirit — the Will of the One Creator Father with the children of time.
“God speed to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Secondary Midwayer Beatrice (ABC-3)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2256
Illawarra District, Australia, March 22, 2015.
Secondary Midwayer Beatrice (ABC-3).
Subject: “Conducting a Series of Lectures.”
Message received by George Barnard.
Beatrice: “Some dear friend blew in my ear and suggested that you have been talking about me. As it so happens, I am still on Mansonia One and I have spoken to many about the 11:11 Progress Group and the new position of importance my extended (midwayer) family is at last deservingly attaining. Also I have spoken to members of your extended family who have moved on from Urantia and the only real message I am allowed to pass on is that you are loved.
“For some centuries we undertook not to leave our home, our planet, and the outer edges of the stratosphere became our limit. Our work was here and there was no time for day trips even. Whilst the 873 were on their prison world, it seemed only fair for us, the 1,111, to also be limited in our movements. That is not the case today, however, and I now temporarily reside on Mansonia One to teach about free will and rare times of crisis during which human free will may be overturned.
“In my instance — in my work with Dante Alighieri on the Comedia — there was no intervention aimed at a single individual, no. The sage was only too willing to work in close liaison with me, just as you worked with my younger brother (ABC-22). And the paradise-ordered intervention was an effort to awaken the masses of the Roman Church to consider their evil doings and their utterly lost spirituality in the meaningless religious rituals of that time.
“To intervene by order of ‘the Heavens’ with anyone individual, as I explained, was not the case with my work of intuiting Dante. However, as more and more power falls in the hands of a single person, such might become the rule, rather than the exception.
“Here on Mansonia One, a lot of former humans hardly acknowledge the free will they once possessed and in fact still have right now. Many are of the opinion that they lacked opportunity — that opportunity was denied them. I am here to teach them that they are correct — only in the rarest of exceptional cases. Yes, I am conducting a series of lectures.
“Our planet of birth is not an ordinary rock in space, my friend. It is one of the most diverse spheres in the sector. It is also lagging in spiritual progress, ignorant of historical events and often taking one step forward and taking two steps back in matters of rational and spiritual import. In an atmosphere like that many mortals live out their lives in ignorance of what might be the most important task to engage in whilst in the mortal habiliments — soul growth.
“Those who hail from our sister planets tend to entirely skip the first or even the second of the Mansion Worlds. The open-eyed arrivals from Urantia will generally stay here for quite a time … actually finding out at last just where they had been.
“This is Beatrice, the one who gives the best hugs. Till we meet up again, I’ll hold you all dear in my heart.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.