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- Written by: Unknown Teacher Group
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2410
Oregon, US of A, January 19, 2015.
Unknown Teacher Group.
Subject: “Become a Divine Mouthpiece.”
Message received by Anyas.
Teacher: “Dear one, words are only expressions of heartfelt emotions. They are messengers bringing to the outside what is going on the inside. Words can be devoid of their emotional content if they only flow from the mind. Yet, everything which has ever been created by the Father is infused with love. The spoken Word of God was Love and creation occurred on the basis of this Love. Any creation should be empowered and animated by and with Love. This is the secret to a meaningful co-creation. The Father only creates with loving intentions. It is His Signature, His Heart print.
“Stop to consider your own heart imprint. Is it uplifting to others or is it a downer? It is so important to become aware of the effect you are having on your surroundings. You always have the option to refrain from sending out words which are devoid of love.
“Stop to scrutinize the content of what you are expressing. Each word can be coated with a particular emotion. Some words, coated in positive emotions, bring light to others. Other words, coated with envy, jealousy and pettiness are like throwing darts or stones at others, truly raining on their parade.
“Become a powerful speaker, as words, divinely inspired words, have much power. Cultivate your vocabulary, cultivate your emotions and ensure that each word leaving your mouth has been rolled in beautiful emotions. These types of words unfailingly touch other hearts and stir in them powerful longings.
“Become a divine mouthpiece, an undefiled mouthpiece. Keep this in mind, dear one, as you are getting ready for this new day. Our love is with you and we do mean these words.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
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- Written by: Teacher Aaron
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2535
Illawarra District, Australia, October 8, 2013 (date of transcription).
Teacher Aaron of Urantia.
Subject: “Scorn, Criticism and Enlightenment.”
Received by Elaine.
Aaron: “Scorn. It sounds a harsh word, even without considering the meaning attached to it. Scorn and criticism usually accompanies an individual who is without complete understanding of a situation, or events leading up to a spiritual experience like the enlightenment event in question. Can you fault someone if the experience is not in the realm of their spiritual understanding at this time? You, yourself, at one time scorned and criticized the very people and experiences you now hold dear. What changed? Was it within you or was it an external chain of events which caused a deeper reflection, a re-analysis of what you believed possible, valid and true? In reality, it is a combination of both, an inner evaluation of an external experience.
“Moment by moment, without fail, alongside your Fragment of the Creator, we work tirelessly to encourage you into new avenues of uplifting thought. These efforts often go completely unnoticed, yet the results can be seen as well as felt in the angelic realms. However, we are sometimes hindered by the events that occur in your mortal lives, which can mute or even distort our gentle nudges. Your life experiences, these material events, shape you and direct even your most spiritual of thoughts as you are predisposed to believe in the truth of your personal experiences. What of the experience of your neighbor, experiences that may be completely different to your own, yet does not the resultant effect bear the same Gifts of Spirit? Is one right and one wrong? No, all are right as they follow their own sense of truth, to Love God, and to spiritual fulfillment.
“How can this be so, you ask? It is simple when viewed from the perspective of the Father Creator. God meets each of you on your personal level, always, and it greatly delights the Creator when His children think of Him and invite Him into their daily thoughts and activities. You, my dear charge, have your own unique view of this, unlike your spouse, your mother, your siblings, in fact, unlike any being in the far flung universes since each of God’s children is endowed with a personality all their own. What you garner with your experiences, not only here in this mortal flesh, but throughout eternity is a gift to God made even more aromatic when offered with pre-knowledge, purpose and love.
“You have an understanding of these things, yet you still allow narrow minds to disturb your step. You pause and wonder why? Why me, when all I wished to do is help, to love, to offer a hand in friendship and encouragement? Look beyond the words you hear or the print on your computer. Look closer with a heart-filled compassion and forgiveness towards those who are only judging from their own perspectives as you yourself are. As you place yourself in this new arena of understanding, look within. Look at your own way of being and notice the similarities with those who scorn – the way you yourself harm and cause others to miss their step on the road to spiritual fullness.
“Quite often what you notice with dismay in others can be found hiding in your own armament of behaviors. How will you speak and act towards others as you travel the roads of Spiritual attainment? With love, dear child, always with love! Find beauty in the glorious gift of life. For where beauty lies, there is Love and where there is Love, Truth can also be found.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“We measure and mark your Spiritual Growth against the Wall of Eternity.” — Destiny Guardian, Alverana.
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- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22), Teacher Samuel and Aaron.
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2466
Illawarra District, Australia, December 22, 2010.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Teacher Samuel and Aaron.
Subject: “Universe Credits and Forgiveness.”
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “Your Teachers, of course, can always play cards whilst you take care of the mundane. They are here with you now, and meanwhile we have had an interesting discussion about some of the strange ideas you humans have in your heads about your lengthy future lives in the immediate hereafter. I take it that this is what the discussion will be all about. Over to your Teachers Samuel and Aaron right now.”
Samuel: “We are both here, Samuel and Aaron, and with us a considerable number of friends and associates, relatives and students, some of which are investing their time in studying human receptivity on your planet. Our discussion has focussed on your ideas of the hereafter, and in particular did we discuss the jolly idea of (gold) Universe Credits and (platinum) Melchizedek Bars whilst your currency of today finds its way ever closer to resemble Monopoly money.
“Here in time space, here on Mansonia, beyond planet 606 of the local system, there is a currency and there are savings accounts, however they do not consist of Universe Credits or Melchizedek Bars. Your savings account is represented by the way you shine for all to see. Your currency is represented by the way you live and cooperate, by what you learn, and by what you manage to teach that is of value.
Aaron: “This is Aaron. Only initially upon arrival is any credit extended to those who are entirely unknowing of what Mansonia living is all about. Logically, all of good-will reaching these higher spheres will slot themselves into their places with great ease. They contribute, they learn, and in time they become great teachers. Those who on earth have lived selfish or violent lives can for long times be almost endlessly disoriented. They will often not progress, and it is in this sense Machiventa told you that they grow tired, that they diminish in realness, and eventually choose not to survive.
“Often, those who have lived a less-than-godly life will survey the task ahead and decide it is all too much to catch up on the wrongs they have done. And so here, Samuel and I advise you that for you it is the ultimate in forgiveness to pray that those who have done you wrong, and have done wrong towards many others, will have the heart and energy to pay back their great debts, and belatedly serve the great Master Creator of all. ‘Forgive them, since they know not what they have done.’”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2373
Oregon, US of A, January 18, 2015.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “How do you use your silver talents.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, as you are thinking this morning about the precious value of each one of the Father’s children and as you are connecting with Christ Michael, you are getting insights into His unconditional love — into the nature of His love.
“To Christ Michael and Mother Nebadonia, every human being is precious and loved unconditionally in his or her present state of immaturity. Your Father and Mother know your amazing potentials. They know the Father in Heaven and recognize His heart print and His fingerprints in His creatures of time. They know the precious potential encoded in each one of their children and they too are looking in amazement at the unfolding of these unique personalities, these unique expressions of the Father.
“Start looking at your siblings with similar eyes, helping them realize their dormant potentials and their innate value. Not one of God’s offspring is expandable. Not one is considered as inferior to one another are all as equal in their God-given potentials. Yet, a lot depends on what you do with your time on this birth planet. What do you do with the ‘silver talents’ that have been entrusted to you at the time of your birth? Do you turn them into greater blessings by investing them into your life’s activities? Or do you bury them in the ground, allowing them to be covered by more and more layers of dirt to the point that you no longer remember that you are the faithful stewards of these silver talents?
“How sad it is that so many lives are lived unaware of these great inner treasures. What a thrill it actually is to dig within yourself and search for those raw diamonds and gold nuggets! You may be surprised by the abundance of your blessings.
“Keep asking for guidance in your treasure hunt; keep scouting for meaningful clues to nudge you forward. Stay humble so that you can turn around whenever you notice that you strayed off the path. Pride is a nasty trait which handicaps the soul.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
- Details
- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2549
Alabama, US of A, January 17, 2012.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Different Spiritual Influences.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The impulse toward spiritual growth is not a part of the human nature of mortals. This impulse arises from its divine nature. The impulse to know the spirit truths and to find the Father is caused by the different spiritual influences that act upon a human being and which are unified by the Thought Adjuster (TA). Your Guardian Angels, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Adoration of the Mind all work to give rise to the need in you that motivates you to search.
“The peace that you sometimes feel is one of the results of that search — one of the fruits of spirit. But the impulse to grow will always remain because the spiritual agencies of the Father will continue to work in you and because your TA will not rest until you are ready to become one with God. What will vanish from you is the urgency, the typical impatience of mortals who desire immediate results and the instantaneous satisfaction of their desires and needs.
“Today you realize that you have advanced a few steps in your journey, but more blessings still await you beyond this point with higher and more precious goals to achieve. You know that it does not matter when you will arrive. The important thing is to sustain the forward momentum. Therefore you have become a little more patient and calm. You are no longer a frantic searcher because you have realized that everything you need will come to you at the right time.
“In truth life seems easier now. The problems and needs of the material world have not disappeared, but your mental attitude has changed. You are starting to value what is truly important and you are becoming more adept at leaving behind everything that does not have eternal value and doesn’t provide anything necessary to help you become what your Father has intended for you. These moments of peace will be yours every time you let them fill your mind. Every time you fill your being with gratitude for what you are experiencing today and everytime you accept the gift of a new day with joy and hope, you are creating a foundation in your soul for true and lasting peace.
“Such peace is contagious and those who enjoy this peace carry with them the aroma of love and freedom, which is so inspiring to their mortal siblings. It is then that their lives become eloquent examples that motivate their brothers and sisters to follow them along the same path. These are the lights that illuminate with increasing clarity this dark and confused sphere. Rejoice in the peace you feel and let the love that fills your hearts today extend to those around you.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.