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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3874
Alabama, US of A, April 1, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “You are all the same.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “In this world one’s external appearance usually has little to do with the growth of one’s soul. To the Father you are all beautiful, since you are all His creation, perfect and original. The caterpillar is never as beautiful as the butterfly, and nature has provided you with this metaphor so you can take a look at your own existence. What you are today is but a vague shadow of what you will later be in your lives beyond this world.
“Besides this, all of you possess the perfect and divine presence of the Father inside of you. All of you have the very source of truth, beauty and goodness, contained within your personality. As you grow in spirit, this internal being reveals itself with more intensity and the inner beauty starts to become evident in the way in which you relate to your peers.
“Why are you so much inclined to separate and discriminate based on the physical appearance, the color of the skin, or geographical origin? None of these things are under your control. Would you blame your brother because he has not grown taller? Would you punish yourself because you were born in a certain place? It makes no sense.
“Similarly, your beliefs, your ideas, and the way in which you see the world, are to a great extent a product of your culture – the place where you were born, the people around you while you were growing up, and the ideas that have been promoted during your life. It is also illogical to discriminate against others because of what they believe. It is enough to imagine yourself in their shoes, having lived a life similar to those who seem so different, to understand that you would probably believe the same things and behave in the same fashion.
“You are each other, part of the same organism, each contributing to the collective experience of the Supreme Being. Your experiences on this side of the spiritual path are as necessary and valuable as are the experiences of those who defend fundamentalist religions full of prejudice, or the experiences of those who don’t believe in anything. With all the different paths there are lessons to be learned and understandings that will be available to universal wisdom. A creature that ascends from the very bottom of material darkness will be better suited to minister those who go through the same situations. Can you perceive the wisdom of the divine plan of mortal evolution? Can you perceive there is a reason for everything? Can you see how even from error, confusion, and suffering, total victory in the battle of eternity can be achieved?
“Live and make an effort to better get to know your neighbors. You will only discover God in your heart and in the hearts of your siblings. Walk your own personal path and help each other. Accept that you are all valuable and you are truly siblings growing together in this planetary home that will produce great souls for the service of the universe.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3246
Urantia, September 30, 2013. (Date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Transparency.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Thank you for listening to my prompt as I have prepared a very interesting lesson for you to record. It will be a lesson on transparency as not many people are as yet aware that they are totally transparent to God, and that it is about time they wake up and realize this.
“It will be as fresh dew on a promising new day to have this awakening to a greater realization that indeed, there is much more between heaven and earth than even the greatest human intellectual has yet discovered for him or herself.
“Transparency is first and foremost the knowing that everything is known to God, even before an event transpires. What humans do not realize is that there are many options in the making of their moment to moment decisions, and the most important decision they can make is the doing of God’s Will.
“You see, child, it is so very important to make the decision of loving another person each morning one wakes up. It is the transparency and clearness of such a decision which helps a soul to grow and advance, as this one command, to love one another, is embedded in the doing of God’s will.
“It sounds like a very doable thing, but in reality it is not often practiced. Can you imagine, if this benign virus of love would sweep all over the planet, what the repercussions would be? No more hidden agendas? Only love for one another?
“God would never instigate a law which is undoable, as this is the second commandment ever given, to love one another. The first Law is to become perfect like God himself is perfect. Have you ever truly paused and realized what exactly is meant by that?
“Truth of the matter is that you strive to become more loving as God is the personification of unconditional love and acceptance. How could you not love the Giver of all love and not use His love, so freely given, towards someone else?
“In times to come you will truly learn to love God with all your heart, soul and mind as you begin to strive in earnest to become perfect like Him. This then entails the transparency of being totally sincere and loving towards anyone you meet.
“Yes, I realize that on this dark and beleaguered planet, beset by sin and evil, this is not an easy road to travel. However, this is the secret: God always protects the ones who sincerely endeavor to do His Will, so this benign virus can unobtrusively sweep over the planet, whilst the angels stand by to magnify even the tiniest effort in this direction. You simply can have no idea how much you are encouraged by the celestial world.
“And may I add, even the angels are transparent before God and there is no hesitation in them to love God and all others with the totality of their being.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3263
Illawarra District, Australia, September 26, 2013.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Finding Motivation in Contribution.”
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “It is only right that I should indicate to you that if you were prepared to document every instance of our communications you would already have at hand most of the information you now seek. Nevertheless my dear friend, we shall now proceed and officially record what it means to find motivation in one's contribution. Once more we have a complaint from a parent – a reader off the Urantia Papers – who complains about the destiny of her mentally and physically disadvantaged child.
“It happens so very often that parents of a disadvantaged relative bemoan the fact that this person will miss out on a Paradise ‘oriented’ journey, to find themselves at a super-universe, or even a local universe destiny. Such is not a punishment, but merely an indication that not one of us is the same as another. Here I remind you of your own comments of long ago that you could have been more successful had you been born in Midwayer. I guess there could be amongst my kin some who would prefer to be a Melchizedek.
“From a human viewpoint this is understandable. Here on this planet it is most important to be ‘someone’. In the Celestial Realm it is ever so much more important to achieve. The Celestial mindset is totally oriented toward doing the Will of the Father in whatever capacity one finds oneself. Those who fuse with a fragment of the Eternal Son can achieve the absolute pinnacle of satisfaction in their careers commensurate with those who are Father fused. Likewise is this the case with those who are Spirit fused.
“Rich earthly experiences on this planet are absolutely essential to those who are meant to be Father fused. The inability to acquire such rich experiences does not mean that the local universe or a super-universe destination is in any way less acceptable, enjoyable, or profitable to the non-Father fused individual. The idea that some in the family will move on to Paradise, whilst others are left behind is once again typical of mere human thought, whilst in reality all of those you will daily meet are your siblings.
“To this I wish to add two additional important things for your consideration. Firstly it is very important for your specialists in human genetics to find answers to the creation of more healthy and genetically more stable offspring amongst all races. Secondly I want you to consider that a great number of individuals who do in fact have the option of being Father fused do not measure up for this fusion event because of the kind of life they lead on this earth. Truly there are many of high and low standing that do not so graduate.
“Father fusion is a gift that is freely given to all on this earth, yet it needs to be earned as well. The promise of Paradise is there for the overwhelming majority, unlike on some planets where the routine is Son fusion. In the end analysis your greatest reward and happiness in all of the universes is the gift you return to the Giver of all life by your motivation to contribute in myriad ways. Think of this short life on evolutionary planets as being the do-or-die test for your further travels on all of the Father’s created mansion worlds and beyond.
“I am a lowly Secondary Midwayer, ecstatic about my opportunities to contribute. I am ABC-22. Adieu.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
- Details
- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2995
Illawarra District, Australia, September 15, 2013.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “One Government and Light and Life.”
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “OK, I’m back. And you have a mug of black coffee now to awaken your drowsy mind. Here we are ready to continue, and we have more questions than we had before. We will have a world government on our planet, and likely it will come about as it does on most other planets. A suitable world government is a function of the maturing processes of the diverse groups or nations that make up the total world population prepared to claim the right to having a voice.
“From a Celestial viewpoint the circumstances are weighed and Angels and Teachers do their best to educate their students towards the goal of cooperation, mediation and or arbitration. And from the Father Creator’s side the right personalities with the most experienced Thought Adjusters will appear in the right corners to encourage and lead the populace. Even then a plan can come ‘unstuck’, for it takes only one saboteur to wrong-foot a hundred wise men.
“You are the recipients of a grand gift, remember? You are the beneficiaries of free will to do what you like, and free will is pivotal in your achieving something great, or ‘messing up’ royally. Without free will you would be marionettes, the Gods your puppeteers. Endowed with free will you can choose to progress on your pilgrim’s path to eternal life, yet that same grand gift can be instrumental in a failure to form a world government, for no minds think alike.
“So, think of what you need to make progress toward a one-world government. You need knowledge of who ‘the others’ are. You need to understand their past, their mores, their minds, their plans. Interestingly, likely you’ll find that they just want to be moms and dads when they grow up, and care for their families. Get to know the language they speak. Those who can best afford the time and money to learn another language expect all other nations to do so.
“We, I say, are somewhat last in a long row of planets with little about our credentials to excite me, or anyone, about the nearness of the awaited event that will allow a world government to be declared. We will need a fair monetary system, with a global currency, a hard currency or a currency based on something precious, not debt. There will need to be a judicial system that is fair to all, statesmen and women chosen for their contributions, not their glib lies.
“In short, there needs to be empathy, care, concern, love, and when you tally that all up, you’re not yet close, but you’ll get there. Your wars of piracy and slavery will be of the past. Most important of all, there will come a time when those of sundry religions will see eye to eye, but those of spirituality and enlightenment will lead men, women and children into that grand new era you will call the Age of Light and Life, born of love, not force. I leave you now, Adieu.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3467
Urantia, September 20, 2013.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Matter of Priorities.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Let us expound on a lesson given to you some years ago. The lesson saw the light of day in a book you most cherish, The Guiding Light Within, which has already given solace to many readers, when the writings are taken to heart. Book knowledge is valuable only if it is taken in with heart discernment. This is the reason why prioritizing is so very important in taking the time and making room for the eternal Spark from God within, which has been gifted to all thinking mortals. And now I am for your edification and enlightenment divulging that the rate of sincere heart-felt prayers for the well-being of this beleaguered planet is truly abysmal. Life on this planet could be so very different with less concerns and less time spent on the mundane and especially hollow entertainment, which leaves the masses wanting for more spiritual sustenance for their under-developed souls.
“Think for a moment or two about what it is that you as universal citizens desire to take with you to your next level of existence. This pertains to prioritizing your time and making friends with your heavenly Guides within. They will always point you in the right direction; if you only take the time to turn within and learn to listen to that still small Voice. Your Thought Adjuster is ever so patiently waiting to hear your requests for help. Prayer is asking God, whereas meditation is listening to the answers from God. How will you learn to listen when you don’t take the time to make this most valuable connection in your heart of hearts? The benefits accrued are many, and so prized is the true value of taking the time now. This most needed and precious exercise will only become clear on the next levels of your eternal existence.
“And here I need to reiterate that once an individual spirit has been ‘set in motion’ at conception, it does not die; it only changes to become a higher form. However, this important fact is within your power to deny, mainly through neglect of not seeking to do Gods will and ways, which are always love and peace. The greatest Way-shower who ever graced this planet was and is the Ruler of this universe; and by now, most of you may have become aware of the fact that He was without defence, most unjustly and unfairly nailed to a cross some two thousand years ago. If in a quandary as to how to live a more peaceful life with rest in your souls, do study the life of Jesus, which is so beautifully retold in the Fifth Epochal Revelation: The Urantia Book. This tome truly is a collection of revelatory insights. Anyone can master its contents when a serious study is undertaken. Help for understanding is always forthcoming, when this is sincerely desired.
“Give this some thought and make the connection to the Creator your most important one. You will gain peace beyond understanding that your souls cry out for.
“It is all a matter of priorities.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.