- Details
- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3390
Michigan, US of A, August 25, 2013.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Meditation for the Expansion of Spiritual Awareness.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: Dear one, you have asked us about a practical application for building spiritual awareness and we acknowledge that many of you students on the path are interested in doing that which will expand your abilities to hear and receive from Spirit. We have considered this and so we will suggest an exercise that may help you discover new ways to interact with us as well as discovering something new about yourselves – a sort of ‘new twist’ on an old theme.
As we and the other teachers have said to you students many, many times: the greatest way to expand your awareness is to ‘meditate, meditate, and meditate!’ When we say, ‘meditate’ we do not mean to merely clear the mind, but to have an intention for your meditation, and this is the key to success for what you are looking to accomplish in your meditation.
The universe is a very big place and mind can go anywhere in it, for it is not bound by time or distance, so therefore your imagination is the vehicle for exploration. To use your imagination as the fuel for learning, you must be open and curious. You must also be prepared to receive and acknowledge what you have experienced in the meditation.
We would like you students to ‘pair-up’ with a spiritual friend, someone who you are comfortable sharing spiritual experiences with, and create an intention for a synchronized meditation where you will both be participating in the meditation at the exact same moment. If you are in different time zones, make arrangement for simultaneous interaction. Use the following steps as a guide for your meditation:
This is a most excellent way to expand your spiritual awareness by being accountable with a spiritual partner. Bringing together the power of two minds can expand the possibilities of your super-conscious experience—something we highly recommend.
Peace to you,
The Circle of Seven.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
11:11 Store
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3012
Alabama, US of A, March 29, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Plant the Seeds of Truth.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “There does not exist a preferred method for meditation. Just as you all are different and original, the methods to get closer to the Father are varied and personal. Some practice meditation in the hope of overcoming stress. Others search for spiritual illumination, without having a clear idea of what it is they are searching for. Very few meditate with the conscious intent of finding God within themselves and deepening their relationship with Him.
“In this Correcting Time the main goal – the message – is to make everybody realize that they have the presence of the Father in every moment of their lives. You have never been alone. God has always been there listening, giving His love and waiting for your attention.
“This is the truth that you need to reveal to your neighbors. Many may consider this strange, and they may reject your words or even reply with animosity. Be concerned only with planting a seed in their hearts and letting time and experience be what makes the seedlings of truth sprout inside these confused and hungry souls.
“Even when your words may seem to fall upon deaf ears, they will remain, and one day, when the situation is more appropriate, these words will surface again in the minds of those who heard them and they will be able to initiate the changes that will bring them closer to their eternal destiny.
“Just as the Father works for you – slowly, with infinite patience and love without conditions – you should work for your neighbors. The age of Light and Life will only become a reality when finally the hearts of each one of the inhabitants of this world are opened to the truth and to the increasing influence of their Thought Adjuster. Plant the seeds of truth and let the Father take care of the harvest. If you plant today you may not live to see the fruits you planted. However, if you never plant – if you don’t put one seed even upon barren ground – how could you expect to obtain the fruits you desire for yourself or your children?”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3428
Urantia, August 23, 2013.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Indwelled by the Light.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Thank you for following up on my suggestion to have a blank page before you and typing my words as you hear them. Please be reminded, that each new day is like a blank page, especially when you let the eternal God play a part in your day. The reason why I choose the subject of Light is that all people have part of the eternal Light in them. Life itself would flow so much easier if, at the beginning of every day, each human on this planet would only remind their selves of the Light that is within them, and remember to give this Light a chance to burn just a little brighter.
“Sufficient messages have gone into the world for some humans to be grasping that truth is something which lives and works in them. Only where the spirit of God is, is there life, and God’s spiritual energy is everywhere, for without it, there would be no possibility of life to exist. God’s Light and energy is even in seeming voids, like the blackness of outer space, which is teeming with Gods energy, waiting for potential evolution into matter to take place. Some of you finally understand that you are beginning seed-souls, therefore let us use the example of a lowly tadpole who, when newly born does not know anything about its surroundings, but trustingly it begins to swim and grow and over time becomes a ‘venerable’ frog.
“In like manner your souls will grow, and readily do so on this earth. You have been given a mantle, your physical body, to serve as a vehicle and temple to allow your seed-soul to grow and expand safely. However, your seed-soul does not just automatically expand. It needs your free-will decisions to allow this to happen. This is the purpose of life on earth, and it is all your doing and responsibility how you develop and learn during your life on earth. By passing over into eternal life, your seed-souls will be the true sign and example of all your efforts. On this foundational earth life; you will continue to build your eternal life, and in all the transitions to follow on the more advanced Mansion worlds you become a young spirit, eventually to be qualified to venture beyond the confines of the local universe where you had your beginning.
“Understand clearly that everything of value you have build up in time, will become your spiritual counterpart in the life hereafter and when all that is worthless has fallen away, remember that you are beginning creatures, bound to make mistakes, yet that is how you learn. This earth is your kindergarten playground, but please, don’t stay to long in the sandbox. There is serious work to be done in the classroom, and the more you apply yourselves with love, honesty and sincerity; the more fun time you are going to have with only pleasant memories, and no regrets, when you graduate. Please, remember the Light in your seed-soul and help it grow and expand.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC-22)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 9448
This small part of a lengthy transmission dates back to the time when Iraq was being threatened. War had not yet begun. My concern was with pollution that later turned out to be the tons of depleted uranium dropped on that country. The Midwayer was more concerned about our ‘idée fixe’ about the world being overpopulated, when ‘vast desserts may bloom’ with the use of Source Energy. Below a URL about bio-mimicry and making deserts bloom.
Illawarra District, Australia, February 8, 2003.
Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Massing at the Borders.”
Received by George Barnard.
George: “My concern is also with the fate of the regions surrounding Iraq.”
Bzutu: “The challenging circumstances we encounter today belong to but a chapter in the ongoing desire by few to manipulate and coerce in this war of words, to threaten and make accusations here, when all is centered on the ownership of oil and the control of supplies of same.
“Long ago, the planet could have moved towards the use of a ‘friendlier’ fuel for your ever-increasing energy requirements. We greeted the wise use of hydropower with excitement. The safe and prudent use of water, and its conversion to clean, useable gasses was explored ages ago, and the discovery of space energy (Source Energy) that constantly ‘rains down’ onto our planetary surface is also not new, and of the greatest potential and the cleanest available source when selectively applied by individuals and small groups.
“The ‘almost costless’ electricity produced can fuel many a range of appliances. In the end, the most useful application will be in the desalination of seawater and it will make your fertile deserts bloom without the pollution that is slowly making the environment uninhabitable.
“Either before this threatening war, or soon after, the people of this planet, irrespective of their political and religious beliefs need to unite, and inform their dictatorships and quasi democracies that there may be wars no more, and that the living standards of brothers and sisters all over the globe must be raised to minimum standards.
“Like you, we have no crystal ball to consult, and for us to predict what your leaders’ fickle minds will next invent to be the purpose for these days of slaughter likely to commence. An annihilating attack cannot be classed as a defense, your history will not reveal who threw the first stone, since they have been coming down on all heads for far too long.
“A time will soon come when there cannot be another war, for we will swiftly face the extinction, or wholesale regression, of the (human) species, though truly, we midwayers will survive, and our tasks here may even be at an end. And you, all, will survive and look forward to millennia of rehabilitation elsewhere. Yet, the goal of the ages, the continuation of the species, may then not be achieved.
“And, yes, we fear for Egypt, we fear for Turkey, and like you, with you, we also fear for the Jordanian lands, and more than that. The Muslim world brought into disarray will create untold millions to experience unrest, and it will herald the re-awakening and re-arming of many nations now in a peaceful slumber, to result in a great deal of ongoing damage to the western world as violence begets violence, and troops will mass at the borders.
“For those who feel that a pre-emptive strike will solve the problem, I assure you that greater minds than yours have estimated that this will create infinitely more of the same rebellion you have already experienced.
“We await the outcome of negotiations, and as our friend, Andrea, pointed out during the northern hemisphere summer, she would like to believe that brother will help brother to rebuild. She cannot see it. I cannot see it.
“My dear brother, at this juncture I advise for you to hold fast to the belief that in your prayers the Creator of All can bring sanity to the minds that will presently only entertain madness. This is your comrade. This is Midwayer Chief, Bzutu.
“It is wonderful to converse with you on this brand new day. “I say, Adieu. The love of us all is with you in your trials and successes.”
Note: In this transmission the Midwayer ‘touched on’ Source Energy, or Zero Point Energy. At present, some of us in the 11:11 Progress Group are experimenting with a product that uses Source Energy. More about it in this series of submissions in the days to come.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
- Details
- Written by: Urantia
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3040
Illawarra District, Australia, August 24, 2013.
Urantia (Gaia -- an Evolutionary Deity).
Subject: “Local Celestial Administrator” (abbreviated).
Received by George Barnard.
Urantia: “Those who first open their eyes on Mansonia One – the first planet you will all call home after your life here ends – are in awe of the number of personalities involved in administration. I am advised they are counted in the millions and millions. Moreover, these administrators record all happening in myriad fashions to suit all of the permanent citizens, all (former human) pilgrims from the local universe worlds, as well as all visitors from Nebadon and beyond.
“Almost every world from here to Paradise has its repositories of countless quadrillions of items of information. All this serves the purpose of educating you, and in the process of learning you are also becoming what the Father wants you to be, energetic, wise, helpful and of great use to those who come after you. Remember the things you were told: A time will come in the distant future when you will be highly prized contributors on worlds in deep, deep space.
“Much as on this world, there is written information, voice-recorded data as well as information that can visually be replayed. Moreover, there is morontia machinery of kinds far superior and long lasting that can portray what you ask for or think about. In some instances there are real beings that have stored and can portray happenings of long ago and in this fashion reveal the most accurate details where, because of sheer complexity, matters would be difficult to relate.
“Such beings on various Mansion Worlds can be personal, pre-personal or even machines, as I said, but all have their limitations or indeed specialties. They have either been created or have further evolved. They are completed but limited, note this well. They are completed and compared to me they are severely limited in the data they contain. In contrast I am incomplete, and limitless in the information I absorb and retain. I am Urantia.
“Like you I am an unfinished ‘work of art’. We are mere embryos, you and I. Whilst you might one day, though most unlikely, decide not to continue to exist instead of becoming god-like, I am an evolutionary deity, a real God with much growing still to do. Whilst you grow old in less than one hundred years and forget much of what you have learned, I cannot forget anything that happens on this planet, the good, the bad, the irrelevant, the mundane, the happy, the sad.
“I know every word that is spoken in every place, at any time, in any language, in friendship or anger. I am your Earth Mother and you are my children. I see every move that is made, at any time, in any place, and I remember it all. I am Urantia, I am Gaia, and those that are your friends (the Midwayers) are my loyal servants, close to my heart, and those that are my servants’ servants will live in my heart. I shall hear of how well you are doing millennia from now.
“In time, countless of your brothers and sisters will commune with me, but for now there are few, so think of me often, speak to me, and feel my embrace. Till then, keep safe. I am Urantia, the living repository, the local celestial administrator, of all that ever happens on our world.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.