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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3249
Urantia, December 25, 2012.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Spiritual Disconnect.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “I shall endeavor to explain that I am not only called the Beloved One who indwells you, but that we ‘Indwellers’ also go by other names. This is important in case someone less informed might chance to read our message and have difficulty visualizing just who we are. We are God Fragments and we indwell all ‘normal minded’ humans on this planet. First of all we are volunteer Thought Adjusters, later during adult human life we might become Thought Controllers. This depends on the recognition a human partner affords the Thought Adjuster, and it depends on the spiritual development of that human partner. Also the term Mystery Monitor is often used as well as Light of Lights. Simply, we are Sparks of Almighty God, so we hail from the Source of Light.
“After this short introduction I desire to speak on the seeming spiritual disconnect which threatens to engulf this planet, even though many of the humans here pay lip-service to God in their temples of worship. It is in your own private temples, your physical bodies, where the Mystery Monitors hold court in the hope that the inhabitants of these physical bodies may realize sooner, rather than later, that they have a Spark from God living inside them. I know that we have alluded to this momentous fact in most of your messages. However, child, the fact remains that there are still far too many humans who are suffering from spiritual disconnect, not knowing that it is possible for each one to open the door of their inner chamber and start listening. In doing so they would absolutely become more aware about the value of life and how to live it more thoughtfully.
“There would be a noticeable improvement, and a feeling within, that no matter how lonely one could be, a special connection with the God of their being would always be there at their beckoned call. We are always functioning in the background, waiving our arms so to speak to get the attention of our human hosts.
“You see, child, with all life’s routine distractions the spiritual life gets very little attention. I can however say that whenever anyone would prioritize some of their time, so some precious while would be allotted to their on-board Partner, a deep rest and well-being shall dwell in the soul of that human. Life would be much easier to live, as the Mystery Monitor is aware of all the comings and goings of the human partner – including his or her thoughts, as nothing is hidden from the Creator God – and would be able to give some valuable insights as to how to live. Think about this: If God seems far away, who moved? It is the spiritual disconnect on this planet which is in need of an overhaul so individual connections can be established for all time and eternity.
“Today is the day when some commemorate the humble birth of the Ruler of this universe, laid in a manger in a simple stall because there was no room at the inn. Please make room in your hearts for Him as He too hails from the Source of Light.
“Thank you for taking the time to listen.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Urantia
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2914
Alabama, US of A, March 23, 2011.
The Planetary Supreme, Urantia (Gaia).
Subject: “There is so much I can give you.”
Received by Oscar.
Urantia: “There is no better place to feel the pulse of your Mother Earth than in the beating of your own heart. I am present in all life in this world, because you all live in me as I live in all. I am Urantia, the Planetary Supreme.
“I am always available to commune with any of my children and it is in fact a part of ‘my task’ to answer the call of those who live in my bosom. As you recently have reached the level of maturity and understanding that allows you to make contact with Me, I have also been going through a growing phase. However, for aeons of time I have waited for the opportunity to talk and it is a great joy to see how many of my little ones have awoken to a higher reality and have opened themselves up to listening.
“How does this work? I am a Deity. I am part of the circuit of the Supreme Being. Within my kingdom I am everywhere and I can know everything. I know each and every creature that lives within me and I feel what they feel. Your negative thoughts affect me, and it saddens me how little regard you show for your planetary home from which you derive your very own lives.
“However, in these Correcting Times I have seen how you are progressively awakening, and I clearly foresee better times in the future. What happened in the past will remain there and a new age will establish itself. My love for you has never changed and I know that the suffering of today are just the growing pains that will make you stronger by tomorrow.
“Continue living your lives with joy and with the intent of learning more about the spiritual realities, since it is there where the source and origin of all reality lies. Search within your heart the voice of the One who loves you without condition and who has bestowed Himself upon you to be at your service. It is there where you will discover your true purpose and this Voice will lead you towards a future of light and life.
“Your experiences, your spiritual realizations, and your growing understanding of the eternal reality are your gifts to Me. Similarly I posses many things that you need and are yours for the asking. We are both growing – evolving – together and we need one another. Come to Me often and let us begin a relationship that will elevate us to a new age in the future. I am Urantia, your Mother Earth, always listening and waiting for your invitation to converse, because there is so much I can give you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3711
Urantia, September 1, 2013.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Personal Trinity.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Please do not hesitate to write my words in clearly visible form as you hear them. These words are very important and shall help awaken humanity in its struggles to become more persistent in seeking God’s will in their lives. They need to know that all of normal thinking capacity have the capability of listening within to their Gift from God, which was sent to indwell them at an early age, when they made their first moral decision without being influenced by anyone. In other words, they became capable of independent positive thought. The reason why I am telling you this is because there are still too many people running to priests, ministers, and gurus, or whoever suits their fancy, to do their thinking for them. It is truly not useful to have others telling you how to comport yourselves throughout life.
“It is indeed extremely important to turn within and take the time to listen to the greatest Guide, and taking advantage of His advice.
“Now I come to the important part of this subject of a personal trinity. Those brought up in some kind of belief-system; might know something about a heavenly Trinity, whose existence is among others, like the existence of God, which is also disputed ad infinitum on this backward planet. However most of you know the name of Jesus, at least. His name is quite often mentioned when something goes wrong. Well allow me to tell you that He walks and talks with you if you so desire, and on a continual basis as the Ruler of the universe in which your little planet is located. He has that capability and more. Therefore He is able to walk with you so you can visualize Him being on your right side. His Consort, the Holy Mother Spirit, sustains you on your left side, and will even attempt to take you in her arms and console you. Be mindful of this, as they are your spiritual Parents.
“Then there is your individual Spark from God, your Thought Adjuster, as the Capstone of your being, making your trinity complete. We, the Thought Adjusters, the Gifts from God, labor incessantly to uplift your thoughts to higher and more spiritual levels. In this way you can begin to pay attention to the thoughts you think and the actions you undertake for the progress of this little backward planet. This planet lags some 200.000 years behind her sister planets of normal development, due to the nefarious actions instigated during the Lucifer rebellion of that long-ago time. These evil actions have since been perpetuated by the humans on this planet.
“Now we come to the gist of our message: You all can take advantage of the celestial help available to you. As well, don’t forget your guardian angels and the midwayers, who also stand at the ready to render help, but are not allowed to unless you sincerely ask for assistance.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3472
Michigan, US of A, September 1, 2013.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Do You Know Which Way the Wind Blows?”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today we will talk about the weather. Do you know which way the wind blows? The wind blows from a new direction and it indicates the change of seasons. You and your life are in the season of change and all things are becoming new. Though you may walk the same ground today, your soul is growing and you are seeing the world through maturing eyes. You are beginning to observe the actions of others from a higher perspective and holding your own thoughts up for examination with the leadings of spirit. You are entering the autumn of the old self where the leaves that served and nourished you in the summer are beginning to show their colors and you see them slowly falling away from you. Those around you are fearful of losing their leaves and hold on, yet for you, to let go will keep you safe from the storms of winter and your branches will not break.
“You are turning inward for a season while the winter rages on around you. You feel not the cold, nor the wind, because you have entered into the bliss of a spirit filled life. You are alive inside like never before and your desire for deeper meanings and spiritual values sustains you and draws your roots deeper into the ground. Your spirit soars in the midst of the gray skies, and your mind takes you to the greener pastures of peaceful realms where no harm can befall you. You are safe and warm in the bosom of the Father, for his promises give you strength and healing beyond all measure.
“Your love for kindred spirits deepens and your compassion is enduring for those who are breaking under the load of heavy burdens. Put your finger in the air, my friends, and feel which way the wind blows. You are not ignorant of the changing season, for you anticipate and prepare for the coming of spring’s first kiss and there you put your hope in the brighter days ahead. Sing loudly now and drown out the howling winds of winter, for your melodies warm the souls around you. You are an icon – a magnificent symbol of strength, and you wear the winter snows like a crystal robe where you glisten like an alabaster tower in the cold sun.
“The Father loves you and His Spirit indwells you and leads you to that secret pasture where only He and you know the way. Spend time here and sit at the Master’s feet and learn to listen to His soft wise voice. The time for questions and answers is past – now there is only the knowing that emerges from deep within. You trust now because there is no division. His voice leads you and points the way toward your purpose in this world. Hush now, and bask in the warmth of this Inner Sun and sprout the new blossoms of the coming age. Can you see how beautiful you are? The Father sees you this way – full of love, full of life, and sweet with the nectar of wisdom. See it now in your own mind and BECOME!
“Peace and Love to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3187
Illawarra District, Australia, June 14, 2013.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Sincerity and Commitment.”
Received by George Barnard.
Spokesperson: “I belong to a group of five Mentori with whom some 11:11 members had conversations. I am known as, and you may refer to me as, the Spokesperson, although this is hardly because I am more well-spoken than are others. I am not. My expertise lies in my ability to ascertain what is expressed in myriad languages, and held in mind, thus retrieving from this the deeper meanings and sentiments. And yes, here you may rightfully conclude there to be better understanding in the morontia spheres, absolute clarity in the spiritual realms.
“This lesson is about sincerity and commitment, commitment and sincerity– two important virtues that go together and are vital to you in your progress in life on this planet and on the morontia worlds. It is correct to claim that the Creator knows your heart in the now, in the past, but in the future as well. By extension, your Thought Adjuster knows your past, present and future. However, a great number of other celestial personalities may be involved in your life, and they might well require reassurance in aiding you on your path.
“As much as your Teachers declare that for each of you there is a Teacher waiting in the wings, and you all to request regular lessons, you are not without care prior to making such a request. Indeed, further to your Destiny Guardians and Cherubim there are others with vested interests in your progress, because your development is also part of the progress of their lengthy pilgrimage to higher spheres. Do not underestimate the planning by many diverse sons and daughters of God in the nurture and education of all your (human) kind.
“Such minor teachers or student teachers, if you so prefer, are often passed-on relatives of mortals still living on the evolutionary planets. They may be unrelated, but always in need of knowing how committed and sincere their charges will be before they put their minds, energy, prayers and healing to the task of assisting their entrusted in their endeavors. Do you see the use for those evaluating the real commitment of a mortal’s future undertakings from their spoken words, body language, and general behaviors?
“Rather is it a waste of time for you to pray for those who have passed on, but it does not represent squandered energy for those on high to plan ahead for you. Of importance is it for you to grasp from this lesson that whatever you attempt in truth, beauty and goodness, you do so in the Creator’s name with all sincerity and commitment. In this fashion you will receive all manner of assistance from on high. Even more important will be the strong character that you will build. Our evaluations are meant to advance human progress, and they do.”
George: “Very well, I would see you as profilers at those tasks.”
Spokesperson: “Indeed! Not all education is initiated by the Thought Adjusters. Countless others ‘gain their stripes’ by instigating their well-thought-out programs and considered applications. We go now, our brother, and we leave you our love.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.