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- Written by: Destiny Guardian Alverana
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2784
New South Wales, Australia, February 9, 2008.
Destiny Guardian, Alverana.
Subject: “Dissolve Your Fears Into The Tapestry Of The Universe.”
Received by Elaine.
Alverana: “We are here with you now, for we are always with you, and without fail. We are your Guardian Angels, enjoying your peaceful mind and calm demeanor on this day.
“Yes, as you suspected, we are the ‘orange-yellow light’ you often see in your meditations. The light is a communication of sorts in itself, for we have a vast array of ways to communicate with our human charges. Some of these ways you do recognize with your human senses, but there are other ways, without sight, without sound, without taste, touch or smell; without any of these human communication attributes.
“We communicate with you now via your thoughts, and you feel a strong vibration throughout your body, but we are subtle, and it is impossible for you to completely understand our ways. Much ‘spiritizing work’ is being performed around you at all times, and as well, much information is being communicated to you, in fact, to all who open the ‘spiritual door’ by the tiniest of cracks, so be not dismayed by your ‘perceived’ communication failures.
“They are not failures, for every time you reach ‘outwards and upwards’ with your heartfelt desires, regardless of your ‘perceived judgment of the event,’ you are met with great joy and elation in the Celestial realms.
“Allow your fears to dissolve into the ‘tapestry of the universe.’ Safe are you, and growing brighter by the day for those with eyes to see. You are our beloved charge, dear child. This is Alverana, your Guardian Extraordinaire, enjoying with you the Great Source of All Love this fine morning.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“We measure and mark your Spiritual Growth against the Wall of Eternity.” — Destiny Guardian, Alverana.
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- Written by: Christ Michael
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3363
Alabama, US of A, March 29, 2011.
Christ Michael.
Subject: “About Living the Will of God.”
Received by Oscar.
Christ Michael: “I am always with you. As well, your Thought Adjuster and the Creator Father of this universe also work in complete harmony, because in the end, we serve the same Master and His Will is always unique, unequivocal and clear. It is not important if you think of me as Jesus or as the Father, because if you have spoken to me, you have also spoken to my Father.
“You are gaining a better understanding of my revelation of God to my children in this universe. My goal was not to ‘talk about God’ or just bring the ‘good news’ about salvation. My goal was to live a life as a representation – a reflection – of God, so when my children study my life, they can literally see and know the Father who indwells them. When you think about my capacity to love my neighbor in the way in which I lovingly served my brothers and sisters, the attitude of nobleness and goodness you attribute to me, and all you have discovered and admire in me, simply shows that you are getting to know our Father. We are one.
“Now when you talk to your Thought Adjuster – the Father Himself – you can understand Him personally as you relate Him to Me. Before I came to this world, people had a somewhat abstract idea about God. They could not really comprehend Him, and the love of the creatures was limited by their ignorance. After My visit, people have been able to visualize God and understand Him better, making Him more personal, more accessible, and creating in human minds the idea that a relationship with God – in appearance so distant, so superior, and so divine – is truly possible.
“Could you do the same for your peers? All human beings can be a representation of God when they let themselves be guided by their Thought Adjuster. In simple terms, if you let your Thought Adjuster, who only expresses God’s Will, guide your steps, wouldn’t you be acting as God Himself would act if He were in your shoes? Living the Will of God is becoming like God, and revealing God to all who have the good fortune to find a soul consecrated to this noble purpose.
“Becoming like God implies a higher knowledge of the Father and an increasingly deeper relationship with Him – an experience that has no end in eternity. The only price for this supreme transformation of eternal value is simply to learn to listen and understand His will, which is always the path with most love, truth, beauty and goodness.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3012
Urantia, December 21, 2012.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Unfolding Love.”
Received by Lytske.
Mentor: “I have your attention now. It took me some time to convince you that a message from on High was forthcoming and that your Beloved had kindly consented to step aside. Your Thought Adjuster will let me have a few words which are meant for all the citizens of this beautiful garden planet – a beautiful place, but still lagging behind her sister planets due to the severity of the Lucifer Rebellion of over 200.000 years ago. Over this time, the rebellion has affected every form of life on this planet, especially in retarding the spiritual development of its humans.
“You might consider this to be a universe broadcast; a trial run to see how the inhabitants of this still troubled planet will grasp that the universe broadcast circuits were long ago severed to prevent other planets from being affected. These circuits are now slowly being reconnected. They will enable your citizens – those willing to listen with an open mind – to realize and accept clarification as to what it means to everyone that an influx of love is taking place, arriving in increasing waves for each one to partake of. If they are inclined to pass on this love, it will envelop the planet, bringing with it the highly beneficial vibrations of truth, beauty and goodness.
“You may wonder what the purpose of this could be. The purpose of this universe broadcast is to sound a loud wake-up call to all with an ear to hear and a mind to think and contemplate. This is to make possible and to enable the humans here to generate a more positive loving energy on the planet, which at present is steeped in unreasoned fear. It will soon be the season for celebrating the human birth of your universe Ruler, Michael. He is better known as Jesus of Nazareth, on this insignificant tiny orb in space, which was chosen from on High to become the crown jewel among almost ten million evolving inhabited planets. He came to show you and all inhabitants of all the other planets in his vast domain how to live and do the will of God, whom he named our Father in Heaven.
“This is a significant honor bestowed upon this little planet and in the coming years increasingly more love will be and needs to be expressed as you are all awakening to the realization that you are all one at your spiritual root-source, and therefore it behooves you all to learn how to unfold God’s love in your hearts. However, don’t keep it there. For love to grow, it needs to be shared and what better time than to start in the present. Let this be a New Year’s resolution for you all, to practice the love of God 24/7. This will help the planet to speedily take her rightful place among her sister planets and to be worthy of the high honor bestowed upon her. It has been so decided and so it will be.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3761
Illawarra District, Australia, September 15, 2013.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “War No More and Prayers from the Heart” (shortened).
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “My views are well understood by, and they are also very welcome among, my kin. Additionally, I’m perfectly happy to share them with you, because these, my opinions, are based upon 35 millennia of observation of the Urantia human creature to whom we are so closely related. Only because we are of the Progress contingent is it obvious that we are most interested in politics, your warfaring tendencies and your economies … such as they are.
“Right now my advice to you is to pray – pray hard, pray long, pray from the heart and from the soul. Pray for sanity to return in the dealings between west and east. One day, as you well know, there will be a world government, neither based on religion, nor based on the vanquishing of religions. However, the way you are going about it by impoverishing your people, by enslaving them by threatening and killing them is not the way. Stop it!
“One day, as I have told you long ago, you will recognize that all of you, not a single soul left out, truly are each other at your Spiritual Root Source.
“Pray now, as those whom you have promoted to positions of great trust are planning to confront you with yet another needless war. Pray now, for those of whom you believed to be caring of all will envy you your food rations. Pray now, for those whom you saw as forward looking are plagued by their holding onto false enmities of nations of men, and women and children including their innocent newly born. So pray as you have never prayed before. You will need to.
“With an overview of the goings on on this, our planet, I give you my heart-felt appraisal: Your empathy for these sufferers is like an old, worn-out and rotten dingy, adrift on a choppy sea, leaking and taking on more water, now slowly sinking below the waves, gone, out of sight, no longer existent. This represents the hardness of your hearts, but as thousands upon thousands of your siblings are so vacuumed off of this world, carry on with your play, and pay them no mind?
“Knowing the daily tally of your dead and injured in your perpetual wars, I denounce these actions of wholesale slaughter that have already surpassed both the count of victims and the brutality of the Kahn Mongol hordes. Turn this around by stopping it! Tell your leaders to war no more, and pray. Pray as you have never prayed before from your heart and from your soul, for each time you do, one of us will be by your side to pray with you.
“This is ABC-22. You called it, there you have it, for what we set out to do, we complete. Adieu.”
George: “Amen!”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4404
Urantia, December 10, 2012.
The Beloved One.
Subject: “The Dawning.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Together we will engage in a little visualization as you mentally hold the globe of the world in your hands. See now in your mind’s eye the dawning of a new day. The sun really is on the horizon right now. One period ends and another begins. There has been much speculative thought and talk about this coming change of an age and the dawning of a new age. This coming event has spawned many a superstition and some hold to the belief that this precious world is going to end. However, the world is simply in a flux of change because the Time of Correction is in its beginning stages.
“In reality this world is the bestowal planet of your Creator-Father-Brother Michael, better known to most as Jesus. His birth of some 2000 years ago will soon be celebrated again on this planet. This most important event was the foreshadowed promise and the dawning of a new and glorious age to come. Looking back over these last 2000 years, darkness has threatened to overshadow the Light that was set in motion. Michael’s loving message has been sadly misunderstood, and it has gone through many interpretations, which has brought no end of misery to the planet. The fallacy that He had to die for the sins of humanity! This grossly erroneous idea is even now accepted as fact by a great deal of people in this modern age.
“Humanity needs to wake up to the fact that each is responsible for their sins of commission and omission due to their free will decisions and actions. I here mention the fact of the shameful treatment of the female half of your species, which are and ever will be meant to be complements to the male half of humanity with equal rights and equal opportunities.
“As we continue to visualize the world, we see a new era dawning over the entire planet with spiritual Light forming the word CHANGE. Please continue to watch and see added to this the word RIGHT MINDEDNESS, followed by RIGHT THINKING.
“These three words have spiritual power, of which I desire you to become more aware and embed them into your heart, soul and mind, as these words will open a most important portal for they herald the impending arrival of another Son of God. This coming Son is of the Magisterial Order of Sons, as Michael is of the Creator Order of the Sons of God.
“Know also that you are living in a most wondrous, orderly and lovingly administered creation, with ‘for-you-uncountable’ descending Mighty Sons and Daughters, as you are the ascending sons and daughters of time in space, a miniscule part of all creation.
“Therefore this glorious dawning of a more spiritual age will not only begin and benefit this beautiful planet but hopefully will also bring change in each individual heart, soul and mind of every man, woman and child, who engages in right-mindedness and right-minded thinking, so the true flourishing of humanity can unfold as it has been foreseen before this world was. So the golden rule of doing unto others as you, yourself would like to be treated, with love and respect, may finally flourish as it was intended since the beginning of creation and the command: ‘Be ye perfect even as I Am perfect’ may become alive in each thinking heart. This will truly be the dawning of the new age.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.