- Details
- Written by: Teacher Prometheus
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3136
Alberta, Canada, March 8, 2013.
Prometheus’ Treasures - V.
Subject: “Transcendence of Creature Will for Co-creation of Light and Life.”
Received by Renée.
Teacher Prometheus: “We can overcome all doubt if we learn to trust in the Love of our Creator to help us through any seemingly insurmountable situation.
“Always keep your heart open to the Light and the intelligently coordinated co-creative Power that lives within you, and works tirelessly to bring you into alignment with your life’s plan. This is your individual map, which will afford you the greatest personality development and soul growth.
“Remain as much as possible in this positive consciousness and receptive present ‘now moment’. This is the greatest tool for remaining connected to your divine indwelling Spirit. A conscious, elevated faith and wisdom-seeking attitude is required to transcend the fearful animal-ego-mind. With the free-will decision to consecrate one’s ‘creature will’, the higher reasoning mind can then be synchronized with the highest and most loving Will.
“This is the divine Adjuster’s Will – the Will which follows the cosmic plan leading to Light and Life, for both the individual and collectively for all humanity by the outworking and manifestation of Love. Human beings are the time-space evolutionary vehicles through which this co-creative process occurs.
“The experiential knowledge gained in the process is invaluable to the Creator and the gift each mortal offers to the Supreme Being – the experiential deity being created in the time-space universes – the ‘Mother of all Souls’ originating in the seven super-universes of the Grand Universe.
“I am Prometheus.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All the elemental qualities of Love are inherent in the Light
we receive – Prometheus, 2013.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2862
Michigan, US of A, December 8, 2013.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Express the One Truth and Awaken a Sleeping Planet.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today’s message is one of universal truth – the common denominator that unifies all persons on the earth regardless of their gender, race, religion, nation or culture. It is true irrespective of beliefs, philosophies, or social conditioning, and remains the One Truth that can heal a world of all its maladies if such a truth were to be known to all peoples. It is the One Truth that the sages and prophets have pointed too, and man has searched for as long as he has walked the earth. In ignorance or denial of this universal truth, man has brought all forms of suffering to this world and until it is known to all, the people of earth shall continue to suffer.
“Everything that you can see, touch, hear, taste, and smell, is a part of this One Truth, it pervades all realities both seen and unseen, for there is nowhere you can go in all of creation where this truth is not present. All consciousness is a part of this One Truth and it is the very core essence of all meanings, values, and universal principals. Everything that is true, beautiful, and good is derived from this One Truth, and all that is false, ugly, dark, and evil, stands apart from it and in stark contrast to its light.
“The One Truth is present in life itself. It is in the pattern of all life and in nature. Its signature is written in the code of life. The One Truth is perfect and complete, and all that is imperfect and incomplete is drawn to it. The most desirable values of any man, woman, or child, are a reflection of this One Truth, and the expression of this thing we call love, is the interpretation of the divine expression that all people understand at the root of their being. All love, compassion, and mercy, are universal characteristics of the One Truth.
“It is the Will and desire of the One Truth to create, to explore, and to know itself by experiencing life in creative form, therefore, all that is alive and animated by Spirit is an individualized aspect of the One Truth seeking equilibrium with the divine Will. Since all spirits are aspects of this One Truth and intimately connected through its consciousness, there really is no separation from it, only a man’s beliefs, denial, or ignorance of his connectedness creates the illusion of separation and so he sees himself as alone and self-important, falsely needing to gratify the desires of his animal nature.
“It is in those persons (the individualized aspects of Spirit in form) who have awakened to the One Truth, that find themselves consciously aware and on a path moving inward toward the center of the One Truth. They are experiencing life and expressing the Will of this One Truth in imperfect form, yet learning and gaining wisdom along the journey as a way to make perfect and achieve equilibrium with Source. For it is in the journey, my dear friends, knowing this One Truth, that we fulfill the desire and the Will of that which we call “God,” that we become integrated with its light and become like Him. There is no purpose more vital on your world than to know the One Truth and your connectedness to that Truth.
“Express the One Truth and awaken a sleeping planet.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” - Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3219
Chicago, US of A, December 6, 2013.
Teacher: Prolotheos.
Subject: “Goals for Life.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “You have been taught that experience is the key to progress in the time-space realms. Life is the invitation of the Gods to their mortals for each to evolve into someone better than they are now. Mortal life presents plenty of struggles, because living means constantly dealing with never-ending change. It requires your utmost effort, so you can become better than you presently are. How to know which is your best? It is a question of motivation: Your best will be as good as your goals. If you want to grow, you must establish virtuous and worthwhile, higher goals in your life.
“Your goals must be realistic ones, not determined on an emotional basis; otherwise, they will either be below your capacity, or way beyond your abilities. To set realistic goals you need to have accurate knowledge of yourself, what you are really capable of, and you need to have an understanding of the magnitude of the task. As well, you need to know the means and resources you have to have at hand. Realistic goals are set after a good deal of thought, and when you have established a plan of action to achieve these goals. Human beings learn by both, experience and projection. Setting worthy goals is the ability to project what experiences will produce the realization of your objectives.
“Make sure your goals are also relevant. The principle of relevancy is a selfless one: The more your goals focus on others, the more they are relevant to you. You do need to love yourself and improve yourself, but no real improvement comes to you if your motivation is a selfish one. Make the reason for improving yourself that you may better serve your neighbor. Therefore, your goals are the more relevant to you when they are in fact the most relevant to others. Be the best you can be by helping others to become the best they can be.
“Finally, make your goals real challenges for yourself. The really challenging goals are not, as many people think, the material ones. Rather, they are the spiritual ones. Being a dare-devil, testing your limits will simply not do, for it matters not how difficult the challenge. One could well build a billionaire’s empire, and yet continue to be the same misfit as always. Establish goals that will make you a better human being; goals that help you in committing yourself, and that help you to be humble about your achievements. So, make goals that ‘profit your character’, not your pocketbook.
“The measure of your success is the worthiness of your goals, my pupil. Make them doable, worthy and effective. Your path to perfection is not a random one; God has a goal for you, and an established plan, so you can, by your personal effort, achieve your perfection. Wait not on chance or luck, but face life, interact with people, produce bona fide experiences that will make your spiritual advance a cumulative gain for you, and for others. I am Prolotheos, your tutor on High, admonishing you to be the best you can be. Do not waste your time. Peace!”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Machiventa Melchizedek
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3356
Illawarra District, Australia, December 06, 2013.
Machiventa Melchizedek.
Subject: “Consider your Function.”
Received by George Barnard.
Machiventa: “I am of the habit to entrust my underlings with grave responsibilities, and let them operate in their God-guided way for long periods without my interjecting into their working days. Be they my fellow Melchizedeks, Destiny Guardians, Midwayers, or human associates, they can freely apply their skills and not hear from me for months, years even. Today I do have a few words to say.
“Today I feel the urge to remind you of your tasks, and have you consider, perhaps reconsider, your function. You are about numbers. The odd sixty to seventy of you (it varies) – receivers, translators, IT workers, Midwayers, Destiny Guardians and Teachers, are about the very basics of spirituality. It is to you to acknowledge that those who are time-prompted are having contact with their siblings from another time-space realm. That is about all.
“I do urge you to make known to these seekers that a Fragment of the Creator of all that was, is, and will be, indwells them. With that you have fulfilled your obligations as a human, Midwayer or Angelic member of the 11:11 Progress Group. It is not in your charter to ram home to the subscribers’ minds that they must read the Urantia Papers each day or any day. They are to be free to choose and practise the ‘spiritual steps’ that individually appeal to them.
“Your Teachers are instructed to ‘pack into’ their lessons the common sense and clarity needed to attract the largest number of seekers of all kinds. Your Midwayer friends are instructed to look for sincerity, sincerity and more sincerity, whilst great intelligence is not a pre-requisite. Your Guardians are urged to create the coincidences that allow the Midwayers to fulfill their tasks. You mortals, on your parts, are requested not to needlessly embellish your Teachers’ lessons.
“Keep it simple, keep it short, keep it to the point and let your Teachers show the way. Let it be that from my observation post I smilingly spot you at your task and congratulate myself about the fact that you once again managed to routinely do it right – you, the Midwayers, you, the Destiny Guardians, and you, the mortals who are a most essential part of the workings and success of what is seen as a most vibrant 11:11 Progress Group.
“This is Machiventa. I say Adieu.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
- Details
- Written by: Teacher Prometheus
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3149
Alberta, Canada, March 7, 2013.
Prometheus’ Treasures - IV.
Subject: “Soul Satisfaction.”
Received by Renée.
Teacher Prometheus: “That, which brings joy, happiness and soulful satisfaction to the individual, originates in the Divine Intelligence which guides unceasingly the growth and development of the personality.
“The ‘person’ within the personality is the free-willed creature-mind, growing & learning with each response-able decision to choose the way of goodness – the most loving and selfless, kind, compassionate, as well as merciful, tolerant-understanding choice.
“The Morontia-Soul is fed and activated by the Divine Creator’s Light as the individual allows the divine energy – the spiritualizing energy – to be managed by the indwelling Adjuster – the indwelling Spirit.
“This process takes time and conscious effort, awareness of the inherent response-ability, which a mortal ‘knows’ in their heart is the most loving, Spirit-honouring and Soul-satisfying.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All the elemental qualities of Love are inherent in the Light we receive – Prometheus, 2013.