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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3155
Alabama, US of A, April 14, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “What Will You Leave for Your Children?”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Your media is doing a great disservice to the generation growing up in these times. The moral deterioration of humanity is becoming evident in what is projected on television. Your movies, your music, your television programs, your internet, and even your news, are focused on subjects which a few years ago would have been considered trivial, trite, reprehensible, and lacking in professionalism. The media is not the cause of the evils of humanity, merely a consequence, contributing by perpetuating the problems.
“How can one defend oneself from this bombardment of the absurd? The world requires examples of authentic lives. Develop your spirituality and live your lives dedicated to the will of the Father, so you can be examples to your peers. Develop authentic, sincere, and deep relationships with those around you, so they can feel inspired to follow you along the higher path. Be the peace in the middle of the storm so those who are confused by falsehood, and live under the weight of anxiety, may become motivated to ask for the source of that peace.
“You arrived at a time in your civilization when you have to decide if you will use the greater part of your resources and your time for self-satisfaction, or invest all in an effort to grow – what Michael called ‘fighting the good fight of the faith’. When a civilization cares only about self-gratification, it loses the momentum to keep evolving and it inevitably destroys itself. It happened in Mesopotamia, it happened in Greece, and it happened in Rome, to cite only a few examples. How is it that you don’t notice the symptoms of a historical disease that has been described in detail in your books and by your wise?
“The will of the Father will prevail in the end. It depends on you if you will continue on that path of growth, industry, exploration, philosophy, and true science, or if you will motivate your youth towards the easy pursuit of success and material rewards that are achieved with minimal effort. It is your choice to take one more step towards light and life in this world, or repeat another cycle of regression and re-discovery.
“The world needs adventurers and explorers who will dedicate their lives to find something beyond themselves to produce something that perhaps only the succeeding generations may enjoy, as you are able to enjoy the many comforts available today. What will you leave for your children at your departure from this world?”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22) - Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3333
Illawarra District, Australia, November 30, 2013.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “An Unrealized Need.”
Received by George Barnard.
ABC-22: “I see the fracas of Black Friday still has you ‘coming up for air’ at this point in time. Quite a scuffle, indeed. I concur with your opinion that the behavior of some – as you say, of many – should be considered to be far, far below appropriate levels of human dignity. You now have the opportunity to hear from someone way out in time-space, and greatly elevated in status. Au revoir.”
Mentori Spokesperson: “Firstly, my dear friend, upon our meeting for the very first time, it was necessary for us to differentiate between individual Teachers and those who belong to groups. More than most, you are aware of the fact that names can be misunderstood. For us to ensure that we were understood from the start, we introduced ourselves by the foreign name of Mentori. A plural designation.
“I understand that you would need to be incredibly desperate to find yourself in a Black Friday melee of the kind you experienced through seeing it on your Internet. Whatever goods you would have been hustling for, punching and kneeing for, would have to have been so important as to have been a veritable lifesaver for you. There now, you have yourself an opportunity to without difficulty assess how some others feel about the ownership of some new items.
“What motivates these people to so throw their vulnerable bodies into these cauldrons of ‘bubbling and writhing’ humanity is either fear or greed, or both of these – fear of missing out, or greed and having something better than the fellow next door or the woman across the hall. All of this extraordinary behavior ‘finds itself in place’ when the most elementary of human needs are missing, surprisingly quite absent, and either misunderstood, or never even dreamt of.
“This basic human need is to be safe and feel safe. This essential human need is to be loved and feel loved. This vital human need can only be fully satisfied in soul-felt communion with the Father – in association with the One who created all – indeed, in the effort of co-creation with the Alpha and Omega. Yes, ‘living in the spirit’ will bring you that feeling of safety, of certainty, of mission, adventure, and future, and of unconditional love.
“So heavily invested in worldly goods, as many of you are, the vast majority of you will feel that to be safe, and loved, successful and ‘on track’, one must own things, ever more and more things, to the envy of all, but that really never works. Few of you, the slim minority, will find that such love, safety, and success in heart and soul lies in teamwork with the Creator of All. So meditate, and lift your spirit to merge with the Gift within you to receive the ultimate in love.
“Importantly, send these, our teachings, far and wide for those in darkness, still plagued by their unrealised need of closeness to their Creator. I am a Mentor. Good day to you all.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3083
Urantia, November 15, 2013.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Give Me A Chance.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “It is I, your Spark from God within or better known from My work of guiding you as your Thought Adjuster. I am watching and waiting patiently ‘in the background’ of each mind, to note if I can make a difference by uplifting your thoughts to a higher level, more becoming to an evolving child of God. I wish for you to pay attention to My words as I truly desire that humanity wake up to its true purpose – to be open to God’s guidance.
“Perhaps this planet will finally progress as do her sister planets, which are forging ahead due to the ongoing efforts of their citizens. They have left the ugly propensity for war far behind as they en masse answer the Call from God’s Sprit within them to help uplift and guide them on the ascension path to perfection. Even though they may outwardly look different to your species, inwardly they are just like you, and they have a soul in need of development. They all are your brothers and sisters, as they spring from the same spiritual Root Source – the Universal Creator of All.
“When will humanity on this tardy planet wake up and develop their God-given talents and begin work on peace and progress for their selves, so the planet may benefit exponentially? It is all in your hands and within your capabilities to wake up and proceed in the right direction, which according to God’s will is the way of love towards one another.
“When will you give Me a chance and start listening within to what the soft Voice from God is guiding you to do? Of course, you are always free to follow up or neglect Me. Free will is never ever coerced. However, giving one’s Thought Adjuster a chance to provide one with guidance, has never been put into sincere practice on this planet, other than by a few, who, after much turmoil within their souls, decided that there had to be a better way.
“This is the secret to a successful life, My friends. This is the way success is noted in heaven’s chronicles, which you will later get to search for yourselves. Let it not be a story filled with regrets, so you end up saying: ‘If only I had listened more to the Voice from God within, I would have lived so very differently.’ These are the words the angels hear all too often. Therefore, this is the reason why I bring this most important life-changing issue to the fore of your minds, yes, of the minds of all those who may chance to read these words.
“By giving Me a chance, your inner life will become more peaceful, so your outer life will gain the soul-rest and expansion this poor world is so badly in need of. The planet can and will become more stabilized when more creatures living upon her become more balanced and loving. So please, think about this and give Me that chance to guide you. I will not disappoint you. However, it is up to you to do the work.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
- Details
- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2994
Alabama, US of A, April 13, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “On Strangers and Friends.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Human beings are shy and reserved by nature. This is a product of thousands of years of evolution and genetic memory, which basically have instilled the message ‘beware of strangers’.
“These days, mortals should be able to overcome this primitive fear and establish better relationships with their peers. All your friends, the persons whose company you enjoy, and those loved by you, were all strangers to you at some point in time. Even your siblings and your parents had to take their time to get to know you.
“On your world it is normal to class as a stranger anyone you haven’t met before. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. If you accept that you all are brothers and sisters, children of the same Father and partners in adventure, nobody should be a stranger to you, since all have the same identity within their hearts – the presence of God within – which makes you all equal. All other differences are external, temporary and irrelevant. The personality is always unique, and should not be forced to conform to any arbitrary patterns, because since our Father made us all different, those differences must be good to His eyes.
“All in this world are part of the same reality, the same collective experience and could even be considered to be part of the same being, due to your individual participation in the experiences of the Supreme Being, in this planet and beyond. Stop considering yourselves to be strangers and start seeing each other as siblings. Practice getting closer to those you don’t know with the same trust, the same warmth, the same tolerance, and the same consideration you extend to those you have met before. In your life experience, haven’t you learned that a stranger may soon become a beloved one?
“Opening your heart in this way to others will make them perceive your intentions at the soul level and this will dissipate their reservations towards you – the key to find God is in the hearts of your peers. Search in them the Divine Presence and without doubt you will find it. In a world where nobody is a stranger, there can’t be mistrust, wars or selfishness. Get closer to your brothers and sisters and you will indeed change the world.
“Imagine a world where no one is a stranger. You could arrive in a city you have never before visited, knock on the door of the first house you find and ask the person who answers if you can stay. This person will receive you like a loved family member who has been away for a long time. You would end up going to bed late that night because of your sharing stories about your life and your adventures. This could be possible. It would initially take only two persons to decide to be this way.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
- Details
- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3130
Michigan, US of A, November 24, 2013.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Open the Layers of the Mind with Direct Communication.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear friends, we would like to share a prayer with you. You have been given many lessons by your teachers, which are all good and healthy for the mind and soul, and yet, only reading the lesson does not guarantee that you fully understand it or know how to apply it in your daily lives. It is therefore necessary that you prepare the mind using the techniques we have talked about to open the layers of the mind for input from your Indwelling Spirit who can assist you in understanding and applying those lessons.
“Your Thought Adjuster (God’s pre-personal Spirit) is the Master Operator, which knows you so intimately – knows how your unique mind works, and truly knows the most effective way to reach and to teach you how to digest and use the information in spiritual messages. Because you have free will, you can allow or ignore this highest form of spiritual input, yet we know many of you students on the path want to learn, discern, and allow your Thought Adjuster to work in your mind and help you grow.
“Prayer, my friends, is communication. It is a direct connection with the Father, the first Source and Center of all creation, and there is no better way to open up the layers of the mind for spiritual input than to make that highest connection with deity. It is the ‘drain cleaner’ of the mind that clears out all the terrestrial thoughts about doing and thinking in the material world and focuses the mind, using the Agondonter’s faith, on ‘being’ – the awareness of sonship. Sonship therefore, is the acknowledgement of the sovereignty of God as your spiritual Father – you being His child and heir to eternal life. To communicate with God is growth; therefore prayer is an effective way to open the layers of the mind for spiritual discernment and soul expansion.
“Please pray with me:
“Heavenly Father, I come before you with a heart of gratitude and thankfulness for knowing that I am your child and that I have become aware of this most precious gift that allows me to live eternally in service to you. Father, I don’t fully understand what it means to serve you and be like you, yet in faith, I allow you to reveal this understanding to me as I make my mind ready to receive it. I open my mind now to you, Father, and allow you to teach me what I need to know at this time in my spiritual journey, that I may grow and expand my awareness of you and my purpose in this world and in the greater universe.
“Remind me, Father, of your Indwelling Presence in the midst of my busy day that I may take pause and open my mind to your quiet voice. I willingly ask for your assistance in having mastery over my emotions and reactions to those who are less aware of your presence that I may be more open, patient, and loving. Guide me to know when to speak and when not to speak that I may better discern the place in which others stand on the path, be it near or far from you. Keep me in a state of readiness to receive your guidance, Father, for I desire this constant contact with you, my guides, and guardians. I love you, Father, and I know that I am loved by you.
“And so it is.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” - Teacher Ophelius, 2009.