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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 199
Alabama, US of A, May 15, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Perfection is Attainable.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The desire for perfection is innate in mortal creatures. Human beings cannot help but feel drawn to the perfection of their Heavenly Father. God’s perfection is the highest expression of goodness, beauty, and truth, and humans are naturally inspired by these attributes. When a person sincerely wishes to dedicate their life to the will of the Father, what they aspire to do is express the truth, beauty, and goodness of their soul with increasing faithfulness. This is why a life lived in this way offers the greatest satisfactions for the personality, as the creature finds its purpose and draws closer to making it a reality.
Perfection is attainable even during mortal life. While you may not be able to comprehend all of reality while living in this world, you can express the best of yourself within the limits of your current existence. Perfection is an individual achievement that does not depend on intellectual knowledge or material circumstances—culture, education, mental, or physical resources. All that is required is the creature’s supreme desire to approach the Creator, to come to understand Him, to discover His unconditional love, and then to respond to this love through the sublime dedication to the purpose of human existence—the achievement of perfection.
What would the life of a human being who is drawing ever closer to self-perfection look like? In the life of a mortal illuminated by their intention to be better, the pursuit of perfection would extend to every area of their life. This perfection would manifest in the work they do to make a living, in their relationships with friends and strangers, in family relationships, in responsibilities to society, in duties to civilization, and in contributions to this world. There is no area of human life that would not be improved and exalted when human beings live to fulfill the divine will of being the best they can be.
This is how you can transform your life from the enslavement of thoughtless reactions to daily situations into the elevated existence of those who have become masters of their own destiny and architects of their salvation, for they have come to understand the power that their will and decisions have to create the reality they wish to experience—a reality that brings them ever closer to their spiritual home, the Universal Father. This is also how you will transform your world when each and every one of you lives to be a reflection of God for your fellow beings and offer the truest, most beautiful, and highest good within your soul as a service in honor of your Father and for the benefit of the entire creation.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 193
Urantia, February 8, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Being Steadfast.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “Steadfastness is much needed in the world today, so let us spend a few thoughts on this word and its meaning. So many people are seemingly rudderless because they do not know that they have steady guidance within them, a Pilot Light by which to 'see and steer their little life-boat.’
Blessed are those who seek within for they shall surely find. Blessed are those who persevere in seeking the Stillness of their hearts, for they shall surely secure that connection. Blessed are those who become steady and steadfast workers in God's Kingdom, going forth and spreading the good news among those with ears willing to listen, and in doing so, awaken an urge in others to seek within the Stillness for their own Gift from the Creator of all and be guided thereby.
The battles of life are won by being steadfast, with an increasing love and respect for self and fellow travelers. It is in perseverance that self-discipline can become a reality in self-correction where annoying traits and habits are overcome and the mortal continually works on self-renewal within, growing ever more grateful for God's grace and all blessings received.
What a blessing it is to live in a greater reality of life, a greater awareness of God's love and care found in the smallest of creations, and appreciate the wonder of it all. Such a one is weaving a rich tapestry of life, filled with the beautiful colors of the fruits of the spirit. Such ‘fruits shine forth as one learns to be a comforting presence to someone, by becoming increasingly more patient with self and others, by growing self-forgetful and more tolerant and forgiving, by being able to let go of grudges and not fret about misunderstandings, and by being of a peaceful mind and a restful heart.
Blessed are those who hear the clarion call of the Still Small Voice within and let themselves be guided thereby to the best of their ability, for they shall become steadfast workers in the kingdom of God, always ready to help others with a pure heart and mind, not knowing any hidden agendas, who are becoming as the fresh fallen snow, beautifying the world each according to their own design. They shall shine as the stars in the heavens, unnoticed by the world at large and yet they are known among the mighty of God, because of their steadfastness in the doing of God's Will.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 159
Oregon, May 11, 2022.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Match His Undying Love with Your Undying Faith.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “The Father is not known to be one to abandon his children in their times of need. He would, and could never do such a thing due to the irrepressibility of his loving nature. However, he asks you to match his undying love with your undying faith. Think about it for a moment.
If you do not bring forth the vote of confidence of your faith, how can he help you? Your faith is the conductive wire that allows the current of his love to electrify your life.
Because I am his live-in Ambassador, I know your grief; I feel your pain and wish to infuse your entire being with the healing balm of My presence.
Please, assist Me by kicking out the fears and anxieties that pollute your mind and paralyze you. Take up the challenge and see what happens.
It is how Jesus lived his life — one courageous initiative at a time despite the toxic input of discouraging naysayers and threatening ill-wishers.
You have the strength within you. I AM the source of your strength. Your angels are very real and they orchestrate in perfect divine timing opportunities that will allow you to rise like the phoenix from the ashes. Envision yourself victorious and happy. You deserve it! We love you and are rooting for you. Always turn to us. We are never lending you a deaf ear.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: Trinity Teacher Uteah
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 215
Asheville, NC, US of A, April 14, 2019.
Trinity Teacher: Uteah.
Subject: “Learning to Relinquish Control is a Process.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Uteah: “It is always darkest just before the dawn — before the light of a new day breaks above the horizon. This is true for those times in your life when it seems that all hope is lost and you are stuck in a situation that would appear to be beyond repair or approach. In times like this, it is best to put your faith in Father’s Grace and trust that something far better is in the works that shall exceed your greatest expectations. Letting go of your expectations allows the universe to go to work and bring the highest good to your life. You may not understand the outcomes of the current situation, but in the bigger picture — in the equation of universe destiny, those things that you relinquish to the Father’s Will begin forming the future — a future that not only includes you, but all others. Father’s Will always moves the future toward light — even in the hours before dawn — the darkest time.
“Faith and Trust are the two main ingredients that help you to relinquish your will to control a situation that includes the will of other people in your life. You cannot control what others will do — only can you control what you do — your own energy and how you use it. When you find that you have created a situation that you are unsure how to navigate and you cannot see a clear solution, relinquishing your control and giving it to the Father in Faith and Trust is always the wisest thing to do. At this point, it is a time to sort out your thoughts, take a deep breath and look at things from a higher vantage point.
“Allow yourself to be guided in Light. Let go of what you thought would work — clearly it did not and, holding on to this approach does not let the universe work for you — it waits until you have had enough failed expectations to relinquish the control you thought you had. Learning to relinquish control will allow more light into your life. You will begin to recognize that when you let go, things move — things happen — things unfold in ways you could not see or imagine. You are handing the situation over to a Higher Power — Father’s Grace.
“One thing you must understand about letting go and letting Father’s Grace guide you is that you are to work together with this guidance and use your energy — your thoughts, your words, your actions, and hold them up to the light. If the light shines on something dark in your past, you are to look at it, acknowledge it, and ask for mercy — to be shown a better way forward — to be included in a future that is moving toward light — that you are working with the light and not against it. When you sincerely express thoughts that show you are willing to be a participant in your own progress and in the healing of your world, then and there does the universe step in and steer the ship.
“Learning to relinquish control is a process that all humans are subject to in this very intense and short stay on Urantia — it is meant to quickly orient you to rely on your Father’s Grace so that in the worlds of light, hereafter, you may continue to grow and contribute to the Great Plan. It is a character builder that shows that you are responsible for the energy given to you in your precious life — that you are willing to be guided and to participate in your own growth. It is an admonition that you are a young soul and that you are not always right — that you welcome the wise guidance of Father’s Grace to show you what it means to be a child of the Creator.
“Even in your darkest hour, Father’s Grace is working out the details for the greatest way forward. You are still captain of your life, and Father will use whatever you allow (relinquish) to move you toward light and eternal life. The more guidance you accept, the more light will come into your life — and that, my dear students, is a universal constant.
“In service always,
“I AM Uteah.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Teacher Prometheus
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 166
Alberta, Canada, May 15, 2013.
Teacher Prometheus.
Subjects: “Inviting the Gracious Presence.”
Received by Renée.
Teacher Prometheus: “With every free-willed choice come the responsibilities associated with that decision and real consequences resulting from that decision. The fact that humans can find themselves in difficult situations is no excuse for doubting the reality of the greatest resource of the indwelling Spirit that is available to the human host with the faithful and profoundly simple act of asking for divine assistance. When humans try to ‘go it alone’ with all the prideful assertions of the lower animal-evolutionary mind, ignoring feelings of the heart, reason, and the intuitive resource of the growing morontial higher mind, all manner of suffering, distress, doubt, fear and proliferation of negative and cynical thought can unfold.
“Presence of mind is an extremely helpful and practical state of consciousness, which greatly facilitates the connection with the reality of the Spirit Presence (Thought Adjuster) within the domain of ‘shared consciousness space’. This ‘gracious space’ is literally opened up within the higher mind of the individual with present intention, sincere faith and asking in meditation and prayer for council, guidance, inspiration and loving intelligence of Spirit.
“We ask those who are reading these words to ‘take inventory of their state of mind’ and to do this with the awareness of the reality of the God-presence within, who is a constantly devoted, always available Companion to you – the personality of evolutionary status. Know that the Soul-child within requires the experiences and growth opportunities provided in your mortal ‘infancy’.
“The primary consideration in your life should be the health and vitality of your soul and the growing souls and indwelt persons with whom you associate. You can only grow a healthy soul with mindful conscientious decision-making and the learning of spiritual lessons upon the realizations of poor decision-making. Humans cannot always avoid making mistakes but they can learn to avoid making the same mistakes again and again.
“The higher mind can be considered borderless but not orderless. Creativity begins by actively accessing the gracious space with an open-hearted trust and willingness to allow the light of inspiration to catalyze the partnership of co-creation.
“The practice of daily meditation or prayer is necessary, in fact crucial for these fundamental reasons:
1) To connect with the Source of Spiritualizing Energies required for healthy growth of the morontial soul-mind and the raising of the vibrational frequency of the higher mind as it intersects with consciousness.
2) To provide ‘space’ and allow the indwelling Spirit to work within the higher mind, integrating the learned spiritual lessons into the ‘fabric of the personality’.
3) To initiate the co-creative process of working with the indwelling Spirit to develop the life plan which can only ‘flower’ along the highest path with the ‘soul-decision’ of the personality.
We invite all persons reading this message to put forth the most sincere efforts to connect with the Spirit that indwells with constant ever-loving vigilance, awaiting even the slightest opening of the higher mind for an opportunity to commune and guide, comfort, encourage, educate and uplift the human personality. Doing so, they can realize their growth potentials by allowing the wisdom of the highest Resource available to develop them with divine direction to the highest path in perfect harmony with the Will of the Creator of All.
“We are Prometheus and friends.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“When we speak of Wisdom, we are speaking of the profound cosmic
knowledge base upon which the creature-personality can draw” –
Prometheus March 10, 2013.