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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 142
Alabama, US of A, May 20, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Idea of God.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The Father reveals Himself fully to His creatures, but this revelation is limited by the faith and the capacity for understanding of each individual. It is the human being who sets the limits, depending on what they are willing to believe and how they perceive their own reality. For some, the Father is a distant God, indifferent to human suffering. For others, God is an abstract concept, lacking personality, almost a universal automaton. For some fortunate individuals, God is truly the Father of all beings, the universal caregiver, and the personal teacher of every creature. God is always constant, unchangeable, and eternal. The differences in ideas about God are in the human mind.
A question everyone should ask is, has the Father fully revealed Himself in my life? How can we receive an increasingly complete revelation? The understanding of God is only possible for a human being through the experience of finding God and drawing closer to Him. This depends on two main factors: the faith to bravely explore the unknown, even if it seems to go against the established and conventional, and the decision to dedicate one's human will to harmonize it with the will of the Father.
It is through faith that a human can extend the limits of their idea of the Father. In the history of this world, evolutionary religions have created an image of God based on man. It is time for revealed religions to present an image of God that is much better, more beautiful, good, and true than any exalted idea of the human being. Religion becomes revelation only in the experience of those who consistently seek answers and adjust their image of reality according to the inspiration they receive spiritually. Revealed religion is the religion that can be lived by all those willing to listen to the voice of the Father, speaking from the depths of their being.
Once the ideal of the Father is clearly established in the human mind, this ideal becomes so inspiring that the creature cannot help but be drawn to perfection and begin striving to manifest that ideal through their own existence. This is how each person begins the struggle to be the best they can be, a struggle that does not end until the attainment of perfection when the human being achieves the likeness of the divine Father. This effort to achieve perfection represents the dedication to the will of the Father, for God's only desire for our lives is that we become the best version of ourselves.
Seeking answers honestly and progressively illuminating your life through the spirit with faith, then striving to be better each day, even aspiring to the perfection of the Father, is the sure path to knowing God better and achieving the supreme delight of increasingly understanding the reality of creation and our purpose in the universes. This is truly the mission of the human being, and those who make this task the priority of their lives discover eternal satisfactions and the supreme happiness of existence.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 146
Urantia, March 5, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Individuality.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “Since I am intimately aware of all your thoughts, perhaps it would be good to expound upon what you just read, in preparation for coming to Me in the Stillness of your heart. Today’s message is to place more trust in matters of eternal import. What exactly am I alluding to, you keep thinking. Well, My dear one, all too often your mind is preoccupied with matters of the world so that practically no time is left to spend on matters of the soul.
You see, it is extremely important to strike a balance in life, so as not to get stressed out, which allows an excuse to start imbibing some pill or drink because it has been so freely made available to you. Herein lies the great danger of enslavement, without you even having the slightest idea that you are enslaved. Today's world has many temptations to numb the mind.
Think of the power of the media and the entertainment industry which has become so commonplace that hardly a thought is yielded to the dangers there. Think how these can form public opinion, which might not even begin to reflect truth and reality. It is dangerous to give your power away and be swayed by the opinion of the masses, who often follow the crowd.
It would be far more useful for your heart, soul, and mind to embrace your individuality, becoming increasingly more capable of thinking for yourself and learning to occupy your time with matters of eternal import. It is easy to let others worry about such things but the development of your soul is totally and completely your responsibility. If you pay as much attention to your soul as you do to the mundane matters of the world, miracles will happen on this planet.
Think of ways your mind could be put to more profitable use by having greater inner balance in your thoughts. We are speaking about self-education here, as you have now realized, that education never stops and neither does self-improvement. Think about it in this way, you can make far greater use of your private Tutor, living and striving so valiantly within you to help you become a deeper thinker, all the while nurturing your heart, soul, and mind toward greater things.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 114
Oregon, USA, June 13, 2022.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Like the Phoenix of Your Tales.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “You are praying that I become more real to you. It is a wonderful way to express your longings for Me. By now, you know that I am not a mere figment of your imagination. On many occasions, you have felt My tingling energies course through your being — what you call ‘God’s bumps’ and ‘God’s shivers.’
It is truly what they are since we are both foremost energetical beings and our most intimate connection occurs at that level. Words would only distract us from this fusional experience and will never suffice to describe it.
Keep searching for the real Me and I will help you uncover the real you so that we can eventually and celebratorily fuse as the ‘I am that I AM’ we are meant to BE. What a thrilling quest it is! Yours willing, I take control of your thinking in a non-intrusive manner. How can that be?
All it requires is your heartfelt permission because I will never override your free will prerogative — nor will I rescind any of your God-given liberties, which would place Me in conflict within Myself since I am a divine Father Fragment.
In this capacity, I strive to awaken both your mind and your heart to all that is dormant within you — helping you self-realize and, so doing, ‘higher-self realize.’ As you advance in this most noble endeavor, you too become more and more real to Me. Together, we dispel the illusory and delusional perceptions you may have entertained about yourself — we incinerate your spiritual self-centered ego to let its divine counterpart shine and rise from its fertile ashes like the phoenix of your tales.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 163
Asheville, NC, US of A, March 20, 2016.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Give Yourself Permission.”
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Ophelius: “Many of you, students on the path, go through phases where you feel you are regressing in your spiritual development — you feel distracted by your present-life duties or career choices that seem to be encroaching on your meditative, creative, healing, or worship activities. There may also be some energetic interference in and around the various layers of the planet, which may cause you to feel disconnected and many are feeling this at present. Whatever the case may be, know this, Dear One: You are here to experience life in all the fullness and contrast that planetary life brings. There shall be times when your spiritual development may seem to wane and waiver, yet are you still growing through the experience! Have no fear, for fear is the one most potent spirit poisons there is for the creative mind. It shuts down the flow of creativity from the Inner Pilot who guides you.
“Give yourself permission to be free to explore the material world and the relationships with others in which you now live. It was created for you to do so. Your spiritual development is always a work in process and we all need reversion from our mission duties—even mansion-world teachers take our leave as we explore more of what the Creator has ahead for us. Know that your mission has not changed and there are greater epics ahead for you even when your power seems low and insignificant — the wheels of creation grind on and make ready for your next phase of development.
“Wherever it is you find yourself, stay in a state of grateful reverence for the life you have and the life for which you hope. Explore nature and change the scenery from the mundane. Share those moments of beauty you see in the world with your Indwelling Spirit. Now is the time to draw close to your Thought Adjuster and begin to have conversations about your future. These lows and ebbs in your present life may be signaling that a change is coming. Pay attention to these signals and stay open for new opportunities, Dear One.
“All is well. The universe is friendly to you and you have much to accomplish in service. Stay focused and do not put too much pressure on yourself. The greatest experiences you can share with the Creator are those that come from a joyful heart and a peaceful mind. When those two areas are in alignment, you feel the power of the Holy Spirit fill you with renewed energy and creativity. When you feel this Holy Rush of power, you shall have new insight about how to proceed.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Teacher Aaron
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 125
Illawarra District, Australia, March 25, 2012.
Teacher Aaron.
Subject: “Sudden Recall.”
Received by George Barnard.
Teacher Aaron: “This is your teacher Aaron. I have long been a teacher at heart, teaching many about the words, the rules, regulations and guidance about spiritual life scribed onto the papyrus scrolls that I carried. I am a teacher, your teacher, today. Many of my lessons include direct advice, logic, clearly explained, and so very different to the kind of teachings the Master used. He always gave everyone the extreme in personal choice in how they translated the parables he preached. It is in this way that all individuals can allow themselves their own interpretations for what he told them.
“From me you will get to understand the Master’s advice more clearly, directly, in that there are times when the methods of David Zebedee, the methods of gentle persuasion do apply. There are also times when the strict rules of Cymboyton must be followed, yes enforced.
“Like the Master, your Thought Adjuster also tends to be very cautious, very careful, not to overrule your free will prerogatives which are paramount in your life. And here we have an opportunity to clear some past misgivings in the sense that it is well known that people, later in life, are suddenly reminded of small misgivings, of small wrongs that they may have done, of rather interesting situations where they could have been helpful but they neglected to be of use.
“Generally it is considered that this comes with aging, represents a normal happening, and to a degree this is correct. It is a physiological thing that allows you at a later age to sharply remember those things that happened in your youth and for you to in some way find closure, or forgiveness. It is surely of psychological importance that these things come to the fore also, and are reconsidered.
“However, it is within these natural phenomena that your Thought Adjuster also works to remind you of things that happened in the long ago past, some of which may seem negligible in importance. But yet, you need to realize that the life to come, the life you will lead on the Mansion Worlds has different rules about it, is of a different design and while it is possible here on earth to put to rest some of these old and half forgotten happenings, in fact they can be important as matters of closure, as finalization, as a make-ready for the human soul in the life that is lived beyond.
“You have in the past received a lesson on this matter which you probably have forgotten about by now. This is clarification that there are three components to this remembering; a fleeting physiological prompt, a psychological need, and also the stimulus from the Thought Adjuster in the rounding off of one’s earthly life.
“This is Aaron, pleased to once again be with you both. I say Adieu for now.”
George: “Thank you, Aaron.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.