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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 255
Chicago, US of A, November 21, 2017.
Teacher: Prolotheos.
Subject: “How Can Urantia Ever Reach Global and Enduring Peace?”
Message received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Given the current overall conditions on your world, many are wondering in their hearts: How can Urantia ever reach a global and enduring peace for its inhabitants? The answer is: By becoming dead-set serious about righting its governments’ flaws, correcting their spiritual forgetfulness and by their pressing towards the promotion of human values that will give enduring peace a real chance on your planet. Here are some of the most important issues:
“Human Dignity has two aspects: Bestowed dignity and achieved dignity. The former comes from the humans’ origin. As beings created by God they carry the dignity of being children of God. The latter is human dignity predicted by the exercise of free choice that either chooses, or does not, the will of God. By such an exercise they either honor or despise that God -bestowed dignity. Genuine world peace will come from the acknowledgment of your human brotherhood, by which we are all brothers and sisters in the family of God, as well as by the progressive evolution from racial immaturity that feeds on conflicts to racial enlightenment that recognizes God’s fatherhood for all.
“Human Solidarity besides being a caring affection for all human beings it also speaks about all humans uniting by experiencing this loving feeling for each other. Enduring peace will flourish on Urantia when human solidarity will be a cultural value in its societies as a result of a higher spiritual enlightenment from the ministry of successive epochal bestowals of the Sons of God already scheduled to visit your planet. This will culminate in the Era of Light and Life, a time still far away from your current spiritual stage on Urantia. Today’s human solidarity on Urantia is still embryo-like, sponsored by peace-loving individuals, groups and movements, those involved in philanthropic projects, poverty relief efforts and general social assistance. However, days will come when solidarity will grow robust to make wars totally obsolete for it is incompatible with those loving and caring feelings of those highly spiritualized Urantians.
“Human Unity is the result of the effectual attainment of the already-mentioned conditions. Urantia embarked, after the Lucifer Rebellion, on a disastrous course of licentious self-determination of its still immature racial factions installing a deeply rooted multi-faceted separatism which complete eradication will still take considerable time. Human Unity will spring on Urantia as a planetary reality when there will be one language, one blended race, one planetary government and one coordinated and fair global economy. Unfortunately, global unity efforts on Urantia are yet only meager efforts, still holding back to greed, power, as well as racial and nationalistic pride. Peace requires true unity — spiritual in kind — if it is to last for the generations to come.
“Never on your world was peace treated with such total disregard, considering the high stakes at play, as the current possibility of a nuclear conflict that can easily escalate to global proportions. Stop the madness! Come to your senses. Abandon your nationalistic arrogance and walk towards understanding, dialogue and negotiation. Such a war now will retard your social development for centuries, while on the other hand peace is a promise for progress and well-being of Urantia for the centuries ahead. Make human dignity, solidarity and global unity the goals of your planetary advancement, based on the acknowledgment and good use of your spiritual endowments as children of the One God, our Universal Father. I am Prolotheos.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Keep Before You the Goal of the Ages — Teacher Prolotheos.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 218
Oregon, USA, May 9, 2023.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Reflections on the Gifts of Pentecost – Part 9.
Message received by Anyas.
“Pentecost endowed mortal man with the power to forgive personal injuries, to keep sweet in the midst of the gravest injustice, to remain unmoved in the face of appalling danger, and to challenge the evils of hate and anger by the fearless acts of love and forbearance.” [UB, 194:3.12] [Emphasis added]
“Pentecost was designed to lessen the self-assertiveness of individuals, groups, nations, and races. It is this spirit of self-assertiveness which so increases in tension that it periodically breaks loose in destructive wars. Mankind can be unified only by the spiritual approach, and the Spirit of Truth is a world influence which is universal.” [UB, 194:3.18]
Thought Adjuster: “Over 2000 years have elapsed since the universal outpour of the Spirit of Truth. In view of the many hotspots still plaguing your world, you may wonder why the Spirit of Truth apparently did not deliver on his promises.
The Spirit of Truth cannot make empty promises. The delays are due to the role played by human free wills in the divine/human equation, as “[t]he Creator refuses to coerce or compel the submission of the spiritual free wills of his material creatures.” [UB, 1:1.2]
The indwelling spiritual presence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit within their human offspring can only be ‘empowered’ by your sincere intention of following their leadings. It is how you get organically transformed from the inner, as they prompt you to morph into the optimal version of yourself. You have it in you to respond in a Jesus-like manner to your life’s challenges. “The affectionate dedication of the human will to the doing of the Father’s will is man’s choicest gift to God; in fact, such a consecration of creature will, constitutes man’s only possible gift of true value to the Paradise Father.” [UB, 1:1.2] The Spirit of Truth is one of your self-appointed and devoted Mentors from on high toward the coming to fruition of a unified world.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 271
Alabama, US of A, December 6, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Spiritual Career.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “We have earlier spoken about your ‘spiritual career’ with the intent of comparing it to a human professional career, in which a person focuses her efforts in learning more and becoming increasingly better in her profession. The spiritual profession is to become perfect as your Father is perfect. However, it is not an objective of your spiritual career to complete it as fast as possible or to be the first to arrive at the finish line –– it is not a race. In eternity there is no difference between those who reach perfection in one thousand years and those who reach it in ten million years.
“Your progress may sometimes seem slow and sometimes you may feel as if you take two steps forward and one step back. There are those who manage to fuse with their Father Fragment during this life, a notable accomplishment. However, our Father is not a respecter of persons. The spiritual achievements you manage to achieve in this world will provide an advantage on the Mansion World, but this advantage is always relative and temporary. In eternity, John the Baptist and the Pharisees who conspired to murder the Master will be together in perfection, basking in the joy and the glory of being literally in the presence of God. The plan of our Father is eternally just and perfect in such a way that every creature who at some point in time has expressed the sincere desire to find God will find Him and will be received as His perfected son or daughter, with all the rights and honors this entails.
“Your Father has a design for your life and this design represents the better path that you can follow –– the path with the highest joy and real satisfaction. The spiritual career is to be achieved at the individual’s pace, ideally the pace set by your Thought Adjuster to change you from a creature close to the animal level to a being of light and love.
“I am your Thought Adjuster. I chose you, to participate in this adventure as your Teacher and as a part of your being. I am one with your Father, I am what He is. I have placed myself in your hands, under the command of your will. Can you imagine a greater expression of love than this? This is the quality of the love your Father offers you. I know when and where you will be ready to obtain eternal life and no effort or desire on your part can make this happen before the day I have foreseen. However, you can do a lot to postpone the glorious moment in which you and I become one. All I ask is that you offer your will and your collaboration to Me, which is the greatest gift a human being can offer to her Creator. This is the only way in which the Inner Pilot can make a work of divine beauty and eternal perfection from your human clay.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 277
Urantia, February 24, 2006.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “A Masterpiece.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “It is by your anticipation and effort that we continue with further instruction. You have simply no idea yet how very fortunate human beings are, having been gifted with an individual Spark from God, which makes God so accessible to you as mortals. The only gift fitting for this God Spark is what you give back to Him by your efforts. It is this determining factor accompanied by your precious trust in Him that makes your soul grow and rejoice about all the infinite potential probabilities and hidden gifts.
Think about it this way, you have barely begun to sprout. You are still a tiny seed in the soil of this planet and do not even begin to comprehend what you are going to grow into in the eternal future. Do not entertain the notion that you are coming back here, to your natal planet, your planet of birth. This is a mistaken concept because there are far more advanced planets waiting for you, to help you along in your spiritual growth.
Material growth only happens here in your temple, which is designed to protect and grow your eternal spirit, that is, if you do want to advance yourself in spirit. It is you from whom it is expected to place one foot in front of the other, to advance. This is so in your material existence and also in the celestial realms. Nothing is gained when you do not expend some effort and energy to get where you are going.
Spirituality is a matter of the heart and is entirely private and individual. You may be taught by different teachers, but ultimately you choose and accept your curriculum. The reason I reside within you is to help you make the right choices, mainly because of the divine blueprint that suits your personality. Personality is also a personal Gift of the Creator God, and cannot be received, given to, loaned, or lost to someone else.
There will only be one of you in all eternity, so you contribute a very important part to the tapestry of life. In the weaving of your part, you add to the completeness of the whole. It is up to you as to how you go about living your life, but when you invite Me in, we, together as a team, shall create ‘us,’ a masterpiece, fit for all future eternities to come.
Ponder this for a while.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 229
Oregon, USA, May 7, 2023.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Reflections on the Gifts of Pentecost – Part 8”.
Message received by Anyas.
“Many queer and strange teachings became associated with the early narratives of the day of Pentecost. In subsequent times the events of this day, on which the Spirit of Truth, the new teacher, came to dwell with mankind, have become confused with the foolish outbreaks of rampant emotionalism.” [UB, 194:3.1]
“Before Pentecost, the apostles had given up much for Jesus. They had sacrificed their homes, families, friends, worldly goods, and positions. At Pentecost, they gave themselves to God, and the Father and the Son responded by giving themselves to man—sending their spirits to live within men. This experience of losing self and finding the spirit was not one of emotion; it was an act of intelligent self-surrender and unreserved consecration.” [UB, 194:3.16]
Thought Adjuster: “Jesus, as he lived among men, was always dignified in his behavior. He was emotionally balanced and never displayed “foolish outbreaks of rampant emotionalism.” It is why those blessed by being in his presence felt reassured and comforted — appeased by the sublime peace that emanated from the Prince of Peace.
Emotions, when given free rein, can be quite draining — not just their lows but also their highs. Genuine spiritual Masters operate on an even keel, thus showing the way to a balanced and rewarding inner life. Remaining emotionally balanced will significantly contribute to positive spiritual evolution. It is why you should remain alert so as not to get entangled in the toxic facets of human drama. Gossip, hearsay, ill speaking of others, and feeling chronically outraged and offended, turn you into a metaphoric loose leaf at the whims of biting winds.
Out-of-control emotional outbursts often override the steering wheel of your God-given intelligence. Foster the intelligence of your heart and your mind so that they do not lead you astray. It is what Jesus did, always asking pertinent questions and following the inner lead of his indwelling divine Presence.
Since the glorious day of Pentecost, you benefit from a triple inner asset: the conjoint spiritual influence of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Give them royal treatment in your inner sanctuary, and your life will soar to new heights of understanding and embodiment of love, mercy, and compassion. The apple will not fall far from the Tree of Life because it will remain in its close proximity.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.