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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 705
Alabama, US of A, May 8, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Intensity and Purpose”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “When the children of God begin to awaken, they realize the great opportunity that has been given to them when they consider their life and all the great things they can achieve with their time. It is through progressive spiritual enlightenment that a person acquires the discernment to choose things of eternal value instead of the temporary and the vain.
Human life is designed to be a school, a learning ground where everyone can acquire and practice the skills that will serve them throughout eternal life. The plan of mortal evolution is so full of wisdom that it is virtually impossible for a human being to avoid the experiences and opportunities that will help them grow spiritually. It is only human free will that determines whether the opportunities are taken advantage of or whether, on the contrary, the personality becomes self-centered and materialistic.
In this world, regardless of origin or initial conditions—whether you are rich or poor, whether you live in a developed country or the most primitive, whether you have outstanding intelligence or average—all human beings have what they need to find the Father and live a life full of true spiritual satisfactions and spiritual progress. The environment in which you live guarantees that regardless of the talents you possess, you will have the opportunity to explore them and choose to use them.
Learn to live your lives with intensity and purpose. Take control of your evolution and see every challenge, every problem, and every unexpected situation as another opportunity to express the best of your personality. Remember that it doesn’t matter the season you are in at this moment in your life. What is more important is where your will and your intention are directing you, for it is through your will that you will help your Heavenly Father create beings of light for universal service. Yes, you have in your hands the opportunity to create a new being like God and indispensable for creation—your own being forged under the yoke of experience and polished by your desire to become more and more like the Father.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 737
Urantia, February 25, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Prosperity.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Prepare your mind once more to receive heaven's input from Me. Why do I state heaven's input, you wonder? Because I am the One, who hails from Paradise as a Spark from the Infinite God. Be still and know, that I am a part of this self-same God, who created the heavens and all the universes of space and time through His lesser Gods, The Creator Sons, and Companion Spirits, the Divine Mother Spirits to whom He gave a universe to create and rule in His stead as equal partners.
These truths will in time become more widely and intimately known to each one who has an ear to hear and a mind to understand. In all actuality, it is all so simple, but on your disordered planet with no visible celestial governmental supervision, it seems very difficult to believe, that there is more in the unseen, than in the seen. Belief needs to turn into faith that this is so, and then the whole planet can move forward to greater prosperity. When this is finally understood, greed and cruelty will have no place in a peaceful process towards greater prosperity for all.
The earth and the fullness thereof have been given to all peoples, to be her caretakers and to prosper and live a healthy life. Her wealth and riches have not been given to be hoarded and squandered by a few, who stand to lose their eternal soul in the process, through their unwillingness to realize the truth within themselves, that they too, are children of God. And that God is the Creator and Upholder of everything, what has been, now is, and will be after each have gone to their just reward.
It is this life you live here on your planet Urantia, this being the name by which the planet is registered in the annals of your universe. This first beginning life is the deciding one, to find that grain of trust in yourself to align your little light with My infinite Spark, to keep your flame of faith and trust burning steadily in your heart of hearts. It is this gift of free will, which makes it possible for you to choose how you will live your life. Either for war or for peace. Choose wisely, as there are worldly forces, living in darkness, who would tell you that the only road to progress is war, but only have self-serving agendas.
I am telling you now, that the suffering of innocent people has never been greater than now. Slowly more freedoms are taken away from you for the benefit of the few. Wake up out of your slumber and see the world as it exists. Refuse to be enslaved any longer to the false god of mammon, curb your appetites for 'things,' and start looking within for real food to sustain you on your travels through life so that your inner peace and joy can increase, which is far more durable and precious than anything temporary.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 209
Oregon, USA, May 19, 2023.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “What Possibly Went Wrong in the Desert?”
Message received by Anyas.
“Upon their arrival at Kadesh Barnea, which bordered the Promised Land of Canaan, they sent out twelve spies to survey the land and its people. They returned after forty days of exploration. Ten of the spies had a bad report [. . .] Only [two] dissented. Believing the report of the ten doubters, the people lost heart and rebelled […], saying, “If only we had died in Egypt! Or in this desert! Why is the LORD bringing us to this land only to let us fall by the sword?” (Excerpts of Numbers 13 and 14).
Thought Adjuster: “After being delivered from Egyptian captivity under the sagacious leadership of Moses, who “was an extraordinary combination of military leader, social organizer, and religious teacher [UB, 96:5.1], the Israelites had almost reached the land God had promised their forefathers, a land “flowing with milk and honey.” Due to their doubt and disbelief upon debriefing their forty-day reconnaissance party, God extended by forty years their wilderness wandering so that the unbelieving generation died off, never stepping foot in the Promised Land.
God’s covenant was made to Abraham through Machiventa Melchizedek. It prophesied the future occupation of Canaan by Abraham’s offspring. “[It] represents the great Urantian [Earth] agreement between divinity and humanity whereby God agrees to do everything; man only agrees to believe God’s promises and follow his instructions.” [UB, 93:6.3-4]
The Old Testament relates a similar situation where a heavy price was paid for looking back to the past. It occurred when Lot, Abraham’s nephew, fled the corrupted City of Sodom with his family to escape destruction. His wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt.
The point I wish to make is that a faith-child of God does not look back — only forward. Faith is the gateway to the inner promised land of spiritual blossoming, a place of never-ending hope and positive achievements under divine inner guidance. Why would you turn your back on such a splendid covenant? Haven’t you wandered long enough? Come home where you belong! Follow the leadership of the fearless leaders the Father provides for you — the likes of Moses or Jesus — or become one since you are Spirit-led on the inner!”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe (Sananda)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 245
Illawarra District, Australia, November 21, 2018.
Teacher: The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “Inherited Memmories.”
Message received by George Barnard.
The Scribe: “Not only are humans gifted in many areas you do not presently comprehend or even begin to realise, you have absorbed and retained incredible knowledge and outstanding wisdom from your parents and, yes, from ancestors going back some thousands of years.
“I am your friend the Damascus Scribe and I know you are ‘put out’ by your Midwayer Colleagues being absent because a grave task that was handed to them all. Incidentally, Midwayer Mathew was here last night and I know you both were aware of his presence. However, he had no prepared lesson to enlighten you with.
“Back now to passed-on or inherited memories. Most of you live with an inborn memory that snakes are to be avoided; spiders, too, but perhaps to a somewhat lesser extent. You may call these feelings of fear intuitive. They are part of an array of tens of thousands of ‘intuitive’ feelings that may surface in the mind when appropriate. Their origins are to a large degree all those things that mattered to your ancestors and these have now become yours. Often these belong to particular professions, at times they represent the religious or spiritual.
“Whereas a sudden confrontation with a snake or spider can awaken age-old horrific fears unrelated to one’s personal life, deep meditation can likewise stimulate the joy of suddenly realized truths, ethical and spiritual wisdom to a similar degree. As future studies will discover, such knowledge will be passed on genetically in countless cases. In fact it is well known on High that apart from the human’s choices to simply become more ethical, moral and spiritual, heredity plays its own elusive part. Much more than I have given you here will be discovered in the near future.
“Again, much more can be discovered should one wish to work with one’s Thought Adjuster, or as this receiver does with Me, the Damascus Scribe. I hope and trust this will answer some of your many questions.”
Receiver’s Notes: (my one question) I mostly kept my children away from my business, a busy printing factory, but when I took my son, aged five, to see the works, he knew most of the company’s employees. More remarkably, he knew where every machine and camera was located and how it all worked. We were simply astounded. I never learned how he knew all that until now.
The Scribe calls the ‘process’ Epigenetics. Worth looking it up.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972
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- Written by: Trinity Teacher Uteah
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 245
Asheville, NC, US of A, April 07, 2019.
Trinity Teacher: Uteah.
Subject: “What does being “Guided in Light” really mean?
Message received by Chris Maurus.
Teacher Uteah: Being “Guided in Light” means you are trusting in faith that your Indwelling Spirit, your guardians, and other guides are seeing that you are growing in character and in the likeness of your Creator Father. This sounds very straight forward, but in reality, this is something that needs much consideration because many of you fail to see that character growth comes with disillusionment and a realization that what you believed to be true turned out to be a lesson in humility. These hard lessons in life are not always given as a way to “beat you up” and make you strong, but they are meant to get you to slow down and use your insights and discernment to hold decisions up to light — applying Truth, Beauty and Goodness to the situation and possible outcomes before acting on them. Being “Guided in Light” means you are to be an equal partner with Guidance and “Apply Light” to your thoughts, decisions, and actions.
When the application of light is willingly and consciously applied by you, according to the maturity of your spiritual development, your Indwelling Spirit and your guidance teams can come in and bring the most value to your inner thoughts and decision making. Being “guided” means just that — you are moved along a path that you will ultimately choose when you consider the consequences of your actions before taking them. Guidance will point to those things you have learned when goodness was applied that turned out well. Being caught up in the emotions of the moment when there is confusion and misunderstandings may almost certainly lead to a hard lesson in the making. When this occurs, the entire guiding process has been circumvented by your own need to be right without considering the outcomes or the greater good of all parties involved.
A “wise person” is someone who has learned many lessons and came to the realization that when he or she slowed down in the moment of an emotional exchange and applied light, that the outcomes were more favorable to their own growth and the greater overall good for those involved in the exchange. This is not easy and it takes time, patience, and perseverance to benefit from “wise choices.” How do you apply light? A good starting point is to apply the “Golden Rule.” As simple as this sounds, it is one of the most difficult things to do because it means you have to be accountable for your actions before you take them!
You can think about it as using your imagination to bring light into the equation and seeing the outcome before it happens — like playing in the sandbox, you develop the solution by allowing the creative mind to test different situations and how those situations may turn out in reality. This creative process is where your guidance teams can come in and participate and show you the potential outcomes. Then you pick the most favorable path you created in your sandbox and use it as your sovereign decision. Wisdom comes from seeing which things worked as planned in the sandbox and which did not. Experience then tells you to choose a workable solution or go back to the sandbox for a more creative approach. Guidance will always point to the path that is best — it will be your work to do to look at all the options and decide.
A world settled in Light and Life is born from a majority of its citizens applying this simple consideration before acting on a decision. World peace will come from such a simple consideration in humility and in the application of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. It is not afar off and it can only come about when you make it a priority to use your energy to consciously use the litmus test of light and apply it to all your decisions.
Choose wisely — the survival of humanity and the quality of your future depends on your wise choices,
I AM Uteah.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.