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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2941
Urantia, July 23, 2014.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “As a Little Child.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “First things must always come first. In order to grow up to become a dependable and responsible adult, there has to be a happy childhood, so a little one enjoys a firm and secure foundation in a loving, safe environment. It must not be otherwise. How is a child to evolve and grow up happily if its caretakers are not happy? This is plain common sense, but it seems that for a number of people on this planet common sense has taken leave. There is no better moment than the present to start thinking about the responsibilities that are inherent in parenthood. This is the most important responsibility a human can consent to during this foundational life on earth, which is the starting point for eternal life. It ought to be one of the prime responsibilities of any human, to exhibit a loving and caring attitude towards all others. Civilizations have arisen and fallen by the wellbeing, or lack of it, of its citizens. If the little ones are not nurtured, each to their innate propensity, how would they develop into worthy, responsible, loving citizens?
“The important point I am making here is that children ought grow up with the secure knowledge of their belonging -- that they are loved for who they are, because they are only in the beginning stages of their unfoldment. All children have the seeds of greatness in them as they come into the world with untold potential, and a hidden capacity to fulfill that most wonderful blueprint embedded in them all. Even if they seemingly lack the means to grow into a ‘worthy’ person as per the standards used on this planet, just remember the universal Creator knows each one and not one is forgotten. All have their own character traits, which seems to be different than expected at some level, yet all children serve a purpose, and that is to live a life to the edification of others, to invoke love and empathy.
“It is a blot on the history of this planet how even some tiny ones are already mistreated. Those responsible shall be held accountable for their misdeeds and need to learn to forgive their selves, which is not an easy thing to do, considering the misuse and abuse of human rights. The life-record is always taken into consideration. However, in order to progress and advance to a higher spiritual level, the slate of past misdeeds needs to be wiped clean, as the Universal Creator forgives inasmuch as humans are able to forgive themselves, it cannot be otherwise. The restrictions held in mind, produce after their kind, just like the thoughts held in mind, are always the cause of many thoughtless results.
“The secret is that in order to become a responsible adult, one is to remain a trusting, faith-filled child of the Creator God, with firmly established personal communication lines to the Spark from God within. He or She is the most direct intermediary between God and human. The more time is taken on a daily basis to activate and develop an open-ended and solid relationship, the easier it becomes to listen to the Guiding Light within.
“Do give this a try, and in doing so, help heal the ills of the world.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3173
Michigan, US of A, July 27, 2014.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Quickening – Amp-up the Frequency of Consciousness.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is of some importance. It has to do with the changing nature of your spiritual receptivity, for many of you students on the path will begin to notice a heightened sense of awareness now and in the coming weeks ahead. This circuitry is being enhanced by Mother Spirit as an aid to those who wish to deepen their spiritual life and to begin collaborating with other kindred spirits – it could be thought of as a kind of ‘quickening’ of sorts and many of you will seek opportunities to gather together in groups to explore your spiritual life with greater passion and dedication. We encourage you to do so as this will lead to many new beginnings and prepare you for a life of service in which you will find greater satisfaction, joy, and purpose in doing the Will of our heavenly Father.
“Those who wish to teach, we encourage you to organize your intentions. Those who wish to be healers, we encourage you to seek out those teachers and groups who can assist you in your development. Those who wish to transmit and receive spirit messages – seek out those teachers and resources that can help you expand your capabilities, for many of you have these latent abilities which lay dormant until you awaken them within. Those who simply desire to make room in their lives for a more dedicated spiritual life, we admonish you to seek out those kindred spirits and join groups who are pursuing these things together. Get involved in your communities, my friends, for this is where the true path to higher consciousness leads and where opportunities abound.
“This admonishment is a campaign by Spirit to move the spiritual assets of the planet into place where they can be most effective as we plunge deeper into the Correcting Time initiatives. We see this first step of bringing like minds together as a way to ‘amp-up’ the spiritual frequency of human consciousness around the planet – a catalyst for exponential outreach to prepare the soil and strengthen the effectiveness of the ‘Great Teacher.’ This is how it begins, my friends, it starts with each one of you coming together, learning together, and making a difference together as a group, as a community, as a planet that is changing from a destructive path to an enlightened and peaceful path. This idea of ‘Light and Life’ is a real potential that exists and can be brought into reality by taking these first steps. You students on the path are the trail blazers and you are needed to initiate this new world view of peace, quality of life, equality, and growth.
“We all think, imagine, and dream of this enlightened era, but time grows short, and we must all roll up our sleeves now and begin the real work that will bring that idea into reality. Spirit is rolling out the carpet for you and shall assist you in all your endeavors to make a positive change in yourselves, your community, and your world. Use the resources at your disposal – your phones, your internet, your newspapers, your social media, to seek out those groups and kindred spirits and communicate! This is the doorway to discovering the vast potentials that live within you. The Indwelling Spirit seeks a path to express the Divine Will through you and this ‘Quickening’ of your awareness is a boost that shall help you find a place where you can make a difference. Fear not – begin today – write it on your calendars and meet with your groups!
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Teacher Prometheus
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2895
Alberta, Canada, June 22, 2014.
Prometheus’ Treasures - XIV.
Subject: “Cultivating Wellbeing – Part II – Teaching the Principle of Brotherhood.”
Received by Renée.
Teacher Prometheus: “While humans need to be aware of their very basic survival needs, it is of critical importance for them to begin to educate children from a very young age – as soon as the child shows awareness of others, even from the age of eighteen months, and in some cases earlier – to the needs of others. These others include family members, and friends who visit and interact with the family, also including neighbors and professional care-givers.
“All morality is based on the awareness of the need to respect, uphold and honor the fundamental needs of others, because of the truth of the fact: All are children of the First Source Creator. This means the concept of a Divine Parent is essential for morality, social health, and the progression of both the individual, as well as individual societies, nations and associations. This recognition leads to the full realization of responsibility as a child of our Creator. The embracing of membership in the spiritual Family of God brings an awareness of the need for intelligent, loving cooperation with each other to co-create with the help of real Spiritual forces and personalities – a planetary culture of Light and Life.
“Wayshower is a word which deserves to be carefully considered, and repeatedly emphasized in a society to underscore and remind all members, no matter their personal stage of personality development, status, or station, that they have a moral priority and obligation to lead by example and demonstration, behavior of Brotherly Love and consideration. This moral obligation applies to parents, siblings, teachers, mentors, friends, neighbors, and service providers, leaders in education, government, business and spiritual communities.
“The individual members of a society must be taught by example that each person who is given any opportunity to interact in a relationship with a child, is expected to exhibit the most noble bearing of excellence in ethical and moral, spiritually responsible behavior. The highest codes of conduct and loving service values of a sustainable society must be actively practiced by all members. Exceptional care must be taken in teaching each member that they play a role in the raising of viable, healthy fully functional, emotionally balanced and morally capable children.
“This ideal of behavior may sound challenging to achieve, practically impossible to attain, and daunting to deliver. The importance of investing all the very best behavior of selfless, loving service, respect for equality and responsible conduct to children can not be underestimated. Each person can acknowledge the potential impact and real influence they are endowed with, because of their free-will personality status. They can accept how their personal choices: either honor the Divine Guidance to serve as a loving wayshower, neglect an opportunity to teach a child the Christ-like way, or cause confusion and promote conflict in a child’s mind through examples of selfish, dishonorable, unloving, unjust or morally corrupt behavior.
“Brotherhood is not only to be seen as a lofty concept based on intellectually-derived ethics, but a living and vital, breathing way of relating to all of one’s fellows. This certainly extends to all other human beings born on neighboring time-space spheres, but also extends to all orders of created and personalizing, perfecting and ministering individualized beings as well as the application of this principal of brotherhood to all evolutionary races, and Spirit-indwelt species.
“We are Prometheus and Friends.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3079
Urantia, May 26, 2014.
Teacher: Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Un-cluttering the Mind.”
Received by Lytske.
Mentor: “In order to have a useful interchange of thoughts, it is necessary for you to start un-cluttering your mind, which would be a most beneficial habit to acquire. Especially the mercurial minds, such as those of most mortals in the western half of this planet, have become used to their ‘multi-tasking’. Therefore it would be a useful thing to look at the example of some of your Eastern brothers and sisters, who from early childhood on are more of a habit to engage in daily periods of prayer and meditation. Among them are to be found increasingly more geniuses, and the reason for this is that in these periods of meditation they give their mind a rest so it has a chance to un-clutter.
“The reason why I bring this subject to your mind is because so many ‘slumbering intellects’ on this earth never make use of their full potential, as even now with all their ‘so-called’ religious upbringing, the idea has never occurred to them that an interchange of thought is possible with their Spark from God within.
“As yet, most humans are in the dark about that wonderful Spirit Light within them, which is ever ready to light their path before them, to help incline their thoughts to higher levels, and in doing so, tap the secrets of the Universe they live in.
“How awesome and promising it would be if more mortals would set themselves the task of un-cluttering their minds and participate in a whole-hearted interchange of thought with the God of their being. The Creator has been most generous in time-space in helping his evolving children by giving them life, free will, and brilliant minds, which is theirs to develop as they see fit.
“Our function as Mentori, being a group of advanced Teachers from higher realms, is to point out certain potential improvements, as hardly anyone on this sadly backward planet is living up to their true latent abilities in this very important time in the history of the planet. Especially is this so, as some nations, which have attained a semblance of maturity, still choose to maintain one leg in the long-ago cave times in a highly unstable industrialized world.
“The question begs to be posed why the practice of diplomacy has never entered into these low-level thinking minds, to be cultivated for the benefit of the whole planet, so peace and true prosperity for all gets a chance to unfold.
“Rather than persisting with this low level thinking, do start acting as behooves the promising children of God. Get out of your sandboxes and settle down to some serious studying about why the Creator has bestowed all these many gifts which still lay dormant in the human psyche. Do start un-cluttering your minds of negative thoughts and start worthwhile thought-exchanges on a higher level with your Spirits from God within, to thereby in eternity become able to look back on your earth-life with a minimum of regrets.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
"Evil has a very short half-life.
That which is God-like is eternal" –
Dr. Mendoza, 2007
- Details
- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3016
Alabama, US of A, July 22, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Giving Without Expectations.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “To give without expecting anything in return is a very important and necessary attitude to have in this world. However, we should clarify some of the ideas that your society has formulated in this respect.
“Human beings must work to earn their sustenance. It is not expected of mortals to work without obtaining a benefit. If a person works solely for the benefit of another, this is slavery. If a person decides to forfeit their fair earnings, due for his or her efforts, this person is endangering his or her material survival. Clearly, work should be adequately remunerated, and all mortals have the right to enjoy the results of their material labors.
“When we talk about giving without expectations, we talk about those things you can offer your siblings to improve their lives or to enlighten their ways. These things may be separated from your profession or be a part of it. Problems arise when people determine that the potential effort involved to help others doesn’t make sense, because it will not result in personal benefits.
“Such is the prevailing attitude in the world today. So often the answers are known, but they are not implemented by an individual, group, corporation, or government, because they haven’t found a way to profit from them. You may notice how much food is wasted by the biggest retailers of industrialized nations. Tons of food are never sold, and this surplus is simply discarded, wasted. One might think that this surplus could be used to feed the poorer nations on earth. However, these big corporations have not found a method in which to do this and generate earnings at the same time, when in fact they could just send that food to where it is most needed, using barely a fraction of their huge profits. This bottom-line way of thinking prevents a lot of good from being done in the world.
“Even those in the ‘self-help’ and spirituality circles are subjected to this way of thinking. So often do they approach those who really need their help and instead of offering the advice, guidance, and counseling that would help them, they just provide them with a sales offer. ‘I can make your dreams a reality, if you pay’ seems to be their basic pitch.
“My beloved children, everything that has been placed in this world is for the enjoyment of all. You already have all the resources you need on this planet, so each human being can have everything needed to live a normal life and much more. If you have an idea about solving a problem, give it to the world. Don’t hold back until you first figure out a way for it to benefit you. If you can help your brother, do it without thinking that you are wasting your time because you are not making a profit. Don’t take advantage of the suffering and the confusion of your siblings in order to enrich yourself. Instead take this as an opportunity to represent your Father in this world, so those who receive your goodness can at the soul level feel that they have seen a glimpse of God through your service.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.