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- Written by: Teacher Hezekiah
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3106
Chicago, US of A, June 12, 2014.
Teacher Hezekiah.
Subject: “Celestial Changes.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Hezekiah: “When you arrive on Mansion World Number One, you will have gained nothing in personal spiritual status. At your passing, your guardian angel retrieves your personality factors, and she will keep them ‘intact’ until the time you will be reconstituted an active (former human) morontia being here on High. However, there will be some changes. In substance, you remain the same, but here you will find yourself in a different universe location (on a mansion world of Satania), and in a different dimension, (morontial). There are at least three important instrumental changes that will have occurred with you as you restart your journey here on Mansonia.
“First off, you will notice that you are in possession of a new body. This new body resembles the human body you had on Urantia, but it is equipped with extra, as well as improved morontia senses. It also does not feature sexual organs, or means for waste elimination, since a morontia body is non reproductive and fully digests all food ingested. Upon your having been reassembled here, your first morontia body is a heavier one compared to the following ones you will receive. Your morontia body will change, becoming lighter and lighter, and by the time you reach Salvington, you will have become a first stage spirit.
“Furthermore, the mind circuit of Urantia is different to those of the morontia worlds. Here you will partake of the Cosmic Mind as our Mother Spirit, Nebadonia, represents it in the Universe of Nebadon. The Cosmic Mind is a mindal connection bestowed upon all morontia and spiritual beings, but the Deities and the High Sons possess deity minds. When you awaken on Mansonia, due to the Cosmic Mind, you will more closely perceive the presence and communication of your Thought Adjuster, until when you will fuse with Him (Her), when He (She) will become one with you.
“Here you will be translated to a new way of life. A morontia culture is greatly more advanced than that of Urantia. At first, by living together with others beings of human origin, you will start in Mansonia One to experience an overall culture that is marked by a more elevated spiritual consciousness – one comparable to your world having reached the Light and Life Era. Concerning activities, your life on the morontia worlds will not be much different from your life now. There you will continue where you left off here, and you will still make time for study, work, rest and leisure.
“As you can see, even as you will not immediately change your essence, several changes will accompany your re-personalization here on Mansonia. Here, each and every provision will be made for you to continue your progress on the Father’s path, pursuing the goal of perfecting yourself as He is perfect. Here, you will be part of a better world, so you too will become a better person. This is your teacher Hezekiah. I talk of what I know from personal experience, for long ago I was just like you on Urantia, but today I enjoy citizenship on Jerusem. Peace to all.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Samuel of Panoptia
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3281
Illawarra District, Australia, July 12, 2014.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Samuel of Panoptia.
Subject: “God’s Law over Human Decree.”
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “You have now let your Teacher wait long enough, so brighten up, please.”
Samuel: “Aaron and I will answer the question posed on the subject of reconciliation. It has at other times been covered in a more general sense, you will recall. Here, however, we will discuss with you the repercussions of the taking of a human life, or the taking of multiple human lives, as such deeds impact upon the perpetrator as well as the victim.
“Firstly, it is important for you to understand that there is only one law, which fully applies to every thinking creature. No one, no matter who, or what they have placed themselves in charge of, can claim that they are not subject to this law – God’s Law – and it is clear that taking a life is one of the unacceptable infringements upon His Law. We will not cover the obvious circumstance of harm done to another in the case of real self preservation. We here consider the ending of another’s life in the case where one sets out to do so.
“Your world is in turmoil, unmistakenly so. In the years since World War Two, millions upon millions have been murdered in deceitful attacks for imagined reasons, exaggerated rationale, and newly invented pre-emptive pretexts, yes, all these without validity whatever. On the other side are those whom you may conveniently describe as militants, yet they may be doing no more than defending their patch, their town, their country. The untimeliness of their death is the point we make, for physical death is a mortal’s given ending.
“One needs to consider that a shortened mortal life equates with a reduced experiential input – the very reason why their space-time existence was of the utmost importance – irreplaceable, really. In the case of an infant, early death now has as its result an inability to ascend to Paradise. By it missing life’s experiences, the child’s potential has likely been reduced. For the perpetrator of the crime it means bad karma, perhaps failure in his or her own Paradise journey, and wars of aggression are not exempted from all-round karma here.
“For those who have fallen, life experiences may well be inadequate. For those who killed on orders, there is near endless reconciliation to bring about on Mansonia One and beyond. Among those who gave the evil orders, many become discouraged by the enormity of what they now owe, and they decline to persist, for next to God’s Law, their human decrees never had any grounds. None, none at all, for thou simply shall not kill. See it so clearly now that those who can kill their kin have little at all left to offer their Father Creator.
“Aaron and I leave you now, and we leave you our love. This is Samuel the Panoptian.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: The Spark from God Within
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2987
Urantia, July 08, 2014.
Teacher: The Spark from God Within.
Subject: “Life is an Unfolding Journey.”
Received by Lytske.
The Spark from God Within: “It is timely to provide more proof that, yes, it is entirely possible to connect up with the Spark from God within. Everyone is allowed, and indeed encouraged, to give this Gift from God His or Her own name, so over time there will be established a great relationship. Instead of always depending on that wonderful Gift from God, the mortal hopefully evolves enough to finally in a moment of generosity say, ‘What can I do for you today? How can I please you in turn?’ This question would then be seen as a lovely gift from the heart and mind of that mortal, who would be well on the way to becoming immortal.
“Usually humans have needs and wants on their minds when they pray. Rarely does it occur to them that it would be greatly satisfying to the Creator of all to get a mere ‘morsel’ of appreciation from an individual, who is beginning to realize how blessed he or she is. Blessed, even though he or she can only be dimly aware of all the blessings raining down in a steady downpour. Never mind the outward material circumstances, there will always be something to be discovered one could be grateful for.
“To be given life is already the greatest blessing, even though this is commonly accepted as totally normal. People rarely think about what this great mystery of life is all about. Oh sure, they like to duplicate it or try to improve on life, but the initial Spark of Life is already there. No one will ever be able to create new life, for this is the prerogative of the Giver of all life. Even messing about with life carries its own responsibility, and the taking of another’s life will definitely need to be answered for in eternity.
“Here again, not many mortals entertain a concept of how long eternity can be. They may well think that it will be boring, ‘sitting on a cloud, playing a harp’. When will humanity wake up as to what truly is the purpose and meaning of living a life? Each human is individually responsible for what he or she is doing with that life, and how they fill their days. Here we do not even speak of all the lessons they give their selves, made possible through another Gift from the Creator – the free will to chose, to think, plan and act on impulses and decisions.
“The lessons will always be in the context of the meanings and values you give to your lives, in the love you humans give each other, in the responsiveness to someone’s needs. These golden nuggets you gather up to store in the ‘bank of heaven’ as quality to be used when you pass from the earth’s scene to the next step in your evolutionary ascension journey back to the Creator. To give account of how your life unfolded towards perfection using all the wonderful gifts, which at this point in time are still hidden awaiting exploration in all the coming stages of ascension. I assure you there will never be a dull moment in this unfolding journey, unless you make it so yourself.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3115
Michigan, US of A, July 6, 2014.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Go with the Flow – Embrace Change.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is about embracing change. What do I mean by this? Each one of you will come to a place where you must ‘shift’ and move from where you are today to where you shall be tomorrow, whether it is a state of awareness, a change in jobs, a new home, a new relationship, or releasing an old relationship that no longer serves you. These are all ‘chapters’ of your life that must be experienced, yet like a book, the chapter must be completed and come to a close, for new life, and new experiences await you in the chapters ahead where you may discover new meanings and new ways to grow in Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. These are all rungs on a ladder, my friends, which you must climb to move from imperfection to perfection as you are guided along your life plan by Spirit.
“Many of you students on the path are feeling this ‘tug’ to move, to change, to reinvent your lives and to step out of your comfort zone which you have settled into for so long. It feels as if a new day is dawning and you no longer fit into the old routine and rhythm that you have known for so long. Change is inevitable – it shall come, but how you handle the change will determine the difficulty or ease of the transition – that period where you adjust and make space for the new era of your life. Will you resist it, or will you flow with it? Will you be fearful, or will you have faith that Spirit has your best and highest welfare in mind – helping you to grow and discover greater levels of love and personality maturity?
“When you become aware that you are moving into a transition of change, also be aware of the synchronicity that accompanies that change. This is a time for new opportunities and many signs will point the way, which will help keep you aligned with your life plan – that ideal life where potentials can be developed for the greatest amount of soul growth for the given abilities and accumulated wisdom gleaned thus far in your life experience. Those with the greatest amount of faith will seize the moment and step into the greatest of opportunities, while those who are more fearful, will let those optimal moments go by and may take a lessor path with more difficulty. These more difficult paths are learning opportunities and there can be much value in them, yet to those who will ‘go with the flow’ and do not resist, but instead embrace it, may find the greatest joy and satisfaction on the other side of the transition.
“Please keep in mind, my friends that all will be well in time and eternity and there is nothing for you to fear. God knows what you need even before you ask for it, therefore ‘seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be given, knock and the door will be opened to you.’ These are not fairytale clichés, but are real ‘cause and effect’ outcomes for those of great faith. Communicate your needs and desires to Spirit, and do not impose expectations as to how they will unfold – go with the flow of opportunities and step into the next destination of your life. When you live your life by faith, you shall have no regrets, for God desires that you have a joyful life filled with love and treasured experiences. If it is not that way now, then look forward to the change that is upon you and embrace it!
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3265
Alabama, US of A, July 20, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Your Place in This World.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “It is easy for many among you to feel irrelevant or even redundant in this world. Do not determine your value by comparing yourself to others. You do not need to achieve anything special no one else has achieved in order to claim your individuality. You don’t have to accomplish the goals society considers important in order for you to declare your value. The fact is that you are already unique, and there is no one else like you. Our Father has created you to be who you are and thus achieve the highest expression of your personality by becoming increasingly more like God.
“A better way to assert your value, and feel useful, is to first look where you are and what you can do in your particular situation. Focus your attention on where you are most needed. If you have children, consider that nobody else can be their father or mother, and prepare them for a life rich in spiritual growth. You are the chosen one for that particular task, and even when others could take your place, you can do a great job in this area of your life. Your task could probably be performed by a million other people, but right now you are the one who is there, the only one who can do it the best way possible. Be sure that your Father will always place you right where you are needed, an even when any other human being could take care of the same situation, it will be up to you to take advantage of the opportunity to act wherever you find yourself.
“It is the same for all of you. Problems arise when everybody desires to achieve the same goals, guided by material impulses, the desires of their own ego, and what the majority considers to be a success. A world filled with only poets and singers would collapse. A civilization exclusively peopled by scientists would perish by their use of knowledge without true wisdom. A nation where everybody’s goal is the procurement of money is destined for failure.
“Great men and women in the eyes of our Father are those who face the circumstances in which they find themselves, decide to take responsibility, and take action. The problems in this world are solved by those who encounter them in their path and decide to do something about them. Many times this simple truth goes unnoticed, because those who solve problems and offer solutions for a more spiritual life in their families or communities are seldom recognized by the media.
“You are here because the Father has placed you here. Your decisions of the past have also contributed to your situation of the present, and as you learn to make decisions that are more in harmony with your Father’s will, you will find yourself in situations that are closer to what the Father desires for you. The work for the Kingdom has to be done here and now. Do not wait for the ideal situation to arrive. Do not impose conditions, or force pre-requisites, on yourself for doing what you feel inspired to do. Let yourself be guided and you will find your true purpose, the one not subject to the lies of the world, or the false expectations of society.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.