- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2570
Urantia, October 5, 2014.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Mind over Matter.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “At the start of a brand-new day it is always fitting to offer a prayer of thanks to the Creator of all and silently wait to feel His wonderful and mysterious energy flowing through you. This makes you aware of how it is that this awakening brings another day to be of service to the All-That-Is, who gives life and takes it away on His own terms. Most mortals give little thought as to how come they are alive, or what might be their reason for living.
“This planet is populated by untold numbers of unawakened souls that don’t know that within them lives a great Gift — a Gift that helps them unfold and grow their infant souls. The budding development of the soul is the true gauge that will one day show the value embedded in it, so to be carried forward into eternity. The mortals on this planet do not pay much attention to the state of their souls and what they will carry with them into life hereafter. It is the possession of a soul filled with hope, faith and trust in the Maker of all things — visible and invisible — that provides the impetus to listen to His Still Voice within after mortals have opened their side of the communication channel.
“Over time it will clearly become a mind-over-matter issue to be able to listen to guidance, untrammeled by outward noises, especially those from the fearmongers, who live in denial of their Creator, or who, at the very least, display little faith and trust in the benevolent and loving over-care of the Creator. Their minds are so tuned to matter, that they forget that there is more to life than meets the eye. Their God-given minds are almost inactive as they believe all and any negative contrived news.
“For the deeper thinkers, their minds are now beginning to be used for what they were designed, but overall much more could be gained if their minds could join up with the Spark from God within. Great things can and do happen when the mind is used in the way it was intended. Each person — none will be exempted — shall be held accountable for that precious mind so freely bestowed upon them. Is it being used to further peace and goodwill on the planet? Perhaps. Is it left to the winds of change blowing about the planet, and in such a manner as to influence all by whatever news is dished up by those who have the hidden agenda for world domination?
“Those mortals will pass on, never having realized that they lived like slaves, for never having used any of the precious gifts embedded within them and never having tried to think outside the box. What travesty allowing others to do their thinking for them! What travesty to live life, but never having been truly alive, only to listen to the old stories running through their heads of what others told them!
“At any time there must certainly come a wake-up call for many to start practicing mind-over-matter — to start thinking for themselves and accept the responsibility for their lives and how to live.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2757
Alabama, US of A, August 15, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The River.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The river normally follows the course that is the most effortless in reaching the sea. The rivers’ courses are sculpted in rock for millions of years for the simple reason that the river always runs through the same path because it is the most efficient route to get to the sea. Imagine the sea to represent perfection; the very goal of evolution and the river to embody evolution itself. If you — a small fish in that big river — wanting to, as does the river, reach the same goal — the perfect sea — the best course of action would be to let yourself be carried by the current.
“The current represents the will of God. However, even when you let yourself be carried by the current you can always make adjustments and select some river bends to explore. You can move slower and appreciate every rock on your path and get to know every other fish that may come close to you. Or you may throw yourself completely into the adventure of reaching the goal. The way in which you reach the sea is irrelevant — the only important thing is that you reach it.
“Also, you are free to swim against the current, if you want to, and like a salmon you could try to get to the top of the mountain. This will be a great effort, since swimming against the current is difficult, and once you reach any place that is not the sea you will realize it wasn’t worth it. Then you will have to decide if you will start the journey again or quit. You can choose to leave the river, and as it happens to all fishes out of the water, you will die. This doesn’t mean that the river is punishing you. It will just be the result of your decision in trying to live, whilst depriving yourself of the source of your life.
“As you can see in this analogy all efforts that take advantage of the current enjoy a great momentum, leading you to the sea with remarkable ease. All co-creative contributions in harmony with the will of God will always have much help, always enjoy success and contribute to bring you closer to the final goal — perfection. All co-creative efforts are also gifts to the universe and for all, because these are expressions of God, expressions of love, truth, beauty and goodness. Therefore they are helping all by providing additional impulses to reach the goal of the ages.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Samuel of Panoptia
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2589
Illawarra District, Australia, October 5, 2014.
Samuel of Panoptia.
Subject: “Dispensations, Teachers and Wider Responsibilities.”
(A much shortened transmission).
Received by George Barnard.
Samuel: “Today, Aaron and I will be talking to you both about dispensations. What is a dispensation? A dispensation is a moment in time, or a period of time, during which a rule may be dispensed with, or during which a privilege may be awarded. Your “Urantia Book” tells you clearly that once you make your way to the Mansion Worlds, you are not permitted to return to Earth. That is a definite universe rule or law for all mortals on the planet. However, should this rule be rescinded, this would constitute a dispensation – an exception.
“Unlikely as this is to actually come about – even for one single common mortal to return to Earth – it would amount to an important dispensation. (the receiver mumbles something) And, no, I can’t see it either, but this is our hypothetical event, merely portraying the principle of exception. We are looking at it today from the point of view of what such a personal allowance could do for an individual. We are here interested in the process of sending and receiving messages between Teacher and receiver. At first, most of the hard work is left to the Helper, frequently a Midwayer Intermediary.
“As the human contact personality becomes more and more proficient at accepting the heart-sent information, Midwayer and Teacher can become a little more relaxed in the task of projecting their word-for-word messages. Soon they can move towards “infusing” lengthy, detailed concepts into their student’s mind, for the human to build the appropriate sentences. Eventually, it is hoped, they will find their beloved student ready, willing and courageous enough, to take all celestial dictation from his or her Thought Adjuster.
“There is nothing new about these methods. Under the leadership of Machiventa Melchizedek, of Abraham’s days, aided by loyal Primary Midwayers, and the likes of ABC-22, and his brothers and sisters, they performed such tasks with the earliest of the Delphian Oracles. Some of Jesus’ apostles and early Christian priests managed to produce their sermons in this way. Even the Andite, Ionah, as was made clear to you, enjoyed excellent communication with his learned Teachers, from his departure in Japan to his arrival in South America.
Aaron: “This is Aaron. Some receivers may never connect with their Thought Adjusters and some will connect after just a few “false starts.” All are different. There is the widest of variety in method and suitability, but there isn’t a thinking person lacking in potential of some spiritual connectivity during the present and latest dispensation. To the Teachers, and along the way, their Helpers – Midwayers and Angels – are given the tasks of enticing students to widen their responsibilities and share the good news messages all around.
“Samuel and I leave you now. We carry your pictures in our minds and our love for you all in our hearts. It is good to visit with you.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2556
Chicago, USA, October 1, 2014.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Learning to Deal with Violence.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Violence is one of the most common problems on your world. Violence is the intentional or careless use of force or power causing harm to an individual, a group or nations. Using force and power without provocation or without causing harm to others is possible, useful and highly preferable. The use of force is indeed a means of survival in the evolutionary process. In nature it is blindly instinctive; but in humans, it is purposeful. Primitive man used force to survive, and so does modern man, to provide food, for defense, law enforcement and penalizing evildoing. How should you deal with violence nowadays?
“Learn to deplore violence. Dealing with violence, in your day and age, demands that you take a radical stance against it. It is safe to be radical against violence, because in deploring it, you also commit yourself to never resort to violence – not even to combat violence itself. On Urantia it is almost impossible to find someone who has not in some way been a victim of violence. However, it is not necessary to have had a traumatic experience with violence to know it is wrong. Deplore it, if possible, exclusively on the basis of principle. By merely deploring violence from a principle viewpoint you will never justify the slogan violence begets violence.
“Learn to Defuse Violence. Dealing with violence requires wisdom and creativity. Not even your noble examples of passive resistance are wholly recommended because this ultimately uses the counterpart of violence to reach the wanted objectives. When facing possible personal violence, flee from it as quickly as you can. When seized by violent means, do not return violence. The best way to combat violence is by disarming it through reasoning, dialog and by appealing to justice. Remember that within any normal human being you have a Partner – the Spirit of God – to convince the perpetrator against using violence on you. To suffer unprovoked violence is preferable to practicing it.
“Learn to Denounce Violence. However, in doing so, be aware you are confronting a dangerous, maladjusted and evil person or system. Denouncing violence might make it stop, even create an awareness of its evil nature and harmful means, but it might also produce more violence against you and those near you. Denouncing it is necessary, but it should be done wisely, to avoid more violence. Denounce violence for humane reasons, not for political or personal gain. As well, be careful with your emotions. One’s bravado could require a price to be paid that was not expected and is not happily paid for.
“Thus, my pupil, on this matter remember that God never originates violence. Violence is harmful, inhumane, unjust and must be deplored. Loving your neighbor will help you learn how to defuse violence instead of propagating it. Be wise when opposing violence so as to not become another victim of it. Denounce it from the safest standpoint you know, for dealing with violence can be tricky. That is why you really need the guidance of your Spirit Within. This lesson is from your tutor on High, Prolotheos. Peace to all!”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
- Details
- Written by: The Scribe of Damascus
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 10022
Illawarra District, Australia, July 22, 2014.
The Scribe of Damascus.
Subject: “Evolutionary Progress” (shortened transmission).
Received by George Barnard.
George: “A time may well arrive when you introduce yourself as the Damascus Scribe and folks will enquire as to where Damascus could possible be in that place of all desert, ruin and radioactivity.”
The Scribe: “My views are well known about the approaching signs of all-out warfare, for they are on a par with the feelings of the Creator-Father from whose bosom I hail. At this time we are contemplating some universal laws and rules of celestial behavior that do not quite measure up to the regulations as portrayed in the Urantia Papers. It must be understood that during the mid-1980s a dispensation did come about. However, certain seeming exceptions to universal laws have a long, long history of occurring and recurring.
“Apart from your having more freedom in your communication between planets since this new minor dispensation, there were always the events you may call potential disturbances to the “Flow of Life” — those events foreseen to have a likely long-term negative effect upon human progress on the evolutionary worlds. Direct action may be taken and human actors may be directed to alter an otherwise unprofitable outcome. Always bear in mind that the Creator-Father runs all worlds.
“Since the 1980s there has certainly been a great deal more freedom— especially in communication. And yet the majority of these events have been standard exceptions to primary rules of which you had no awareness. The unusual experience that was brought to your attention may well have its basis in the (Progress list) subscriber’s personal needs — important advice for her future or safety. The information could have been a reward of a kind, something she deserved. Perhaps someone near her needed it. It happens.
“Perhaps the ‘Flow of Life’ and a great number of outcomes needed to be ‘made safe’ — for future events to unfold as needed. Possibly your subscriber is rather fearless, has an open mind and likely will become a great helper to her Guardians. And, my friend, perhaps there was a combination of these needs and/or opportunities that were to be achieved. There is little in this world that can be said to be a random occurrence, for all is foreknown and anything at all can be tweaked to suit the “Flow of Life.”
“A welcome 1980s dispensation, though minor, brought you some changes that made your Urantia Book a tiny little bit outdated. It did not make it wrong. Oh no — just not quite up to date, because of these new inter-planetary freedoms to be experienced and myriad previously unreported minor universe rules and laws.
“I am the Damascus Scribe who leaves you his love.”
Note: A struggling 11:11 subscriber, Jessica, writes about a neighbor instructing her where to go to make an important real estate sale. Jessica indeed made her rather urgently needed sale, but the neighbor does not now remember having given such advice — any word on advice!
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.