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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3110
Alberta, Canada, June 20, 2013.
Teacher of Mine – Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Idolatry.”
Received by Renée.
Teacher of Mine: “Idolatry is a concept steeped in a great deal of fear and surrounded by emotional ‘heaviness’ since peoples in ancient times used totems and built real material likenesses of animals. Some worshiped individual humans, characterizations of natural phenomenon, suns, stars, and even parts of the human anatomy.
“Idols are commonly part of the infancy of an evolutionary religion. They become enculturated, and rituals – often superstitions in nature and fear based rituals – spring up around the use of idols symbolic of power and prosperity, fertility, beauty, wisdom, all the wants and desires of the individuals projected onto a physical symbol. This is the need the developing human mind has for the pacification of fears, and the need which the more primitive part of the human personality has for symbol identification, and the gratification that can come with the crude form of worship associated with what essentially amounts to ego-needs or creature-needs.
“This form of crude and immature worship is frequently steeped in superstition and magical thinking, a curious mixture of selfishness and admiration, and veneration for natural phenomenon, and often the processes involving creation, procreation, growth, birth, development, sexual activity, all life-supporting or life-giving observable phenomenon.
“The advancement of evolutionary religion depends on the receptivity of individuals within a society to real spiritualizing forces and the learning abilities of these receptive individuals to attune to the indwelling Adjuster and the Mind Adjutants of Mother Spirit, as well as in more recent times – since Christ Michael’s bestowal on Urantia – the Spirit of Truth.
“The clinging of evolutionary religions to symbology is not necessarily always detrimental to advancing Truth, but the profound and fundamental understanding for advancement of an evolutionary religion is in fact the acceptance of the Creator’s Indwelling within the heart and mind of each human, and in association with the concept-belief in a growing ‘spirit entity’ within the human – the morontia soul.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3124
Urantia, August 17, 2014.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “The Filing Cabinet.”
Received by Lytske.
Mentor: “Reviewing your experiences can be likened to opening a filing cabinet. You could imagine that your brain has many ‘drawers’ which when opened show compartmentalization. When perusing a particular drawer’s content, you will find many files that hold the memories of your life. Still, the most important drawer is the one that holds your pre-conception files – in other words, the story of your forebears. This drawer is usually opened in the next stage of existence to catch a glimpse of who those ancestors really were during their lives. Perchance you might be able to look them up and converse with one or two you might be interested in. The main thing I would like you to remember is that you share much of their genes, as you humans all stand on the shoulders of your forebears.
“And yes, I realize that this ‘issue’ of reincarnation keeps running across your mind, as many people belief in re-embodiment. In fact, the human body consists of trillions of cells, each with their own memory. This is truly a slippery slope as many people love to waste their time dwelling on someone else’s past, which is embedded in the cells of their bodies. It would be far better to live consciously in the now and prepare for the eternal future that is waiting for all. Each of you, if you so desire, may meet up later in eternity to compare notes, like meeting your very first parents from which your genetics springs. In doing so, you will discover that ultimately you are all connected through different ‘blood lines’ and therefore kin. Humanity can be compared to the colors and composition of the rainbow – all separate but when put together, all one family.
“In getting back to the subject of the filing cabinet, keep in mind that I was only speaking of one drawer, but how about the present drawer of your life’s cabinet? If you are curious enough, open it and there will be a file hiding behind everything you have experienced so far in your present life. How about the one, hidden at the back, out of sight, and practically forgotten? This one contains your unrealized potential gifts with your hopes and dreams. Somehow, life ‘threw you a curve ball’ when very little and everything changed due to decisions made.
“Perhaps we ought to take a peek in the drawer that holds all memory of human gestation, during which many things where experienced as an embryo, and whilst both the brain and memory were being formed. This includes the time when hearing and the other senses develop, and therewith a newly born baby potentially already carries needless baggage. Perhaps it had to helplessly listen to fights between its parents, and most likely sense and experience the entire gamut of unneeded emotions?
“This knowledge alone might give prospective parents something to think about, as this information is not widely known. Anyone can fill in their personal blanks when in his or her mind they pull open a drawer to discover a hidden file. The rest of the drawers belong to the divine blueprint given by God, and they will be opened in eternity for ever-more and never-ending discoveries.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Hezekiah
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3127
Chicago, U S of A, September 1, 2014.
Teacher Hezekiah.
Subject: “Saving Faith.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Hezekiah: “The spiritual is real, and it manifests itself in degrees of purity. God’s nature being the purest of all is perceived in its infiniteness only by the Gods of the Trinity. Faith is an endowment from the Father, capable of perceiving the spiritual. It is nonetheless interpreted by mind, which when unaided by revelation can, and surely will, present many distortions. Your decision of hopefully acting on the impressions that faith has caused in you, effectively entitles you to eternal life – because eternal life was, is and always will be by means of this Fundamental Faith, that believes and longs for that which is beyond the simply material.
“First, ponder that Faith is not your emotions. Your emotions are responses to something that at a given moment has vital importance to you. Faith may well be an ingredient of your emotions being triggered, but emotions do not validate your faith or beliefs. That, to which emotions testify, is at that moment of paramount importance. Faith is exclusively sensitive to the spiritual, but emotions do not excite faith. Emotions may express faith, but may also express fear, hate and all sorts of good and bad responses, to certain circumstances. Faith is exclusively related to spiritual realities. It does not depend on anything material, and its evidence is totally subjective.
“Also, Faith is not your reasoning: You may well be intellectually flawless in your affirmations, and yet be spiritually mistaken. Although the source of your mind is spiritual (from the Third Source and Centre), mind is not spiritual in and of itself. Your mind is an endowment that allows you to make decisions. Mind processes information to give you the basis for your decisions, but it doesn’t validate their spiritual accuracy. Therefore, the Father gives you a Fragment of His Spirit which adjusts your thoughts and can be perceived by faith, giving you spiritual insight for your daily decisions. Faith thus perceives and works with your Spirit Within.
“Consider lastly that Faith is not your bravery. Bravery is a noble action taken against all odds. The difference between bravery and faith is that bravery is blind, but faith does see what is spiritual and spurs on spiritual actions. The basis for bravery is duty, love or need; the basis for faith is spiritual insight. Bravery may be instigated by faith, but doesn’t require it. An atheist may show bravery and still be spiritually lost. Bravery alone, acts beyond the reasonable. Bravery with faith, acts beyond the unthinkable. Faith surpasses bravery, for bravery is noble but uncertain, whilst faith is noble and totally certain.
“Unqualified Faith, that is the fundamental spiritual faith, is essential to eternal life. Faith is not believing a body of dogmas from a religion. Faith is certainty and longing of a better afterlife with God. Your theology may be wrong, but your faith in God’s existence and willingness to be with God, entitles you to eternal life. Due to faith you will be re-personalized in the celestial realm to start your journey of spiritual progress until you are spiritually perfected and stand before God. Eternal life does not depend upon your religious orthodoxy, but upon your faith.
“I am Hezekiah, your other teacher on High.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3159
Michigan, US of A, August 17, 2014.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Power Zone.”
Received by Chris.
Thought Adjuster: “Dear One, it is I, your beloved Indwelling – I take this occasion to speak to you for the benefit of the many who shall read this message – that they may take these words ‘to heart,’ for they are only words that paint a crude picture of the complete and whole ideas that exist beyond human words and human understanding, yet they penetrate the heart and mind because I, your Father Fragment, interprets its meaning for you according to the limits of your intellect, and experience, and your desire – your allowance to know according to your free will. You are beginning to understand that to hear me requires you to ‘listen to the heart,’ for this is where I speak – it is your ‘power zone.’
“In this power zone, is the key to all growth and is the wellspring of divine love for which I ‘step down’ into a form which you can understand. This is the source of all virtues and because it is the key to your growth and progression – your ascension into higher realms, I ‘stand by you’ and attempt to spiritualize your mind as much as you allow, so that you may look deeper into the mystery of this source of divine love, which makes for the ultimate transformation from who you are now to who you shall become in time and in eternity.
“The world is a busy place and there are many distractions. This leads to confusion in the heart and mind, for when there is no time to ‘listen to the heart’ the whole system suffers and becomes ‘starved’ for the water of life – the wellspring of divine love. I AM like a teacher who sits with a child and reads from a storybook – reading with a gentle voice and attempting to convey the larger meanings and values of divine love through simple metaphors that you can understand at the age of your spiritual maturity. The more often we ‘read’ together, the more shall you understand and the more can I read you books of greater value with more complex ideas. The goal of this teacher is to prepare you for life – not only this life, but the next life in the higher realms where I can continue this teacher-child relationship with ever greater ‘ethos’ where you may have a greater understanding of the dimensions of this divine love.
“This feeling of isolation you are experiencing is to get you into a ‘room’ alone with me where there are no distractions and where I can help you focus on your power zone. Your terrestrial life is filled with transitional activities and you are feeling the limits of your abilities to hold together many relationships and duties while you look ahead to the future at what ‘could be.’ I know the desires of your heart and I AM doing those things that are necessary to guide you into coherence with the Divine Will. There are decisions only you can make that will bring you into the room with me and I am taking this opportunity to guide you to choose the way into your power zone where all possibilities exist in potential.
“Come to me now my beloved and I will read to you from the Book of Life and together we shall set a course for the next chapter in your life adventure.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Finaliter
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2756
Urantia, August 29, 2014.
Teacher: An Unknown Paradise Finaliter.
Subject: “A Hidden Brilliance.”
Received by Lytske.
Finaliter: “Do bravely set one foot in front of the other and walk into this brand-new day on Urantia. You just never know what this day may bring. You are, however, getting used to the idea that the time has come to allow the Spark of the Ultimate Creator to have a say in all your plans. You have also begun to marvel at the fact that with your Thought Adjuster’s leadings, you get much more done in your days. It feels so very different to you to experience a soul-satisfying day, because you are learning to allow the Spark from God within to help you to control your thoughts.
“It is a wonderful feeling to be able to ‘soar in your mind’ and discover newly forming thoughts that you did not know existed. The words from olden teachings are coming to mind that the least among you shall be raised high, and the high among you shall be brought low. This all pertains to spiritual development and it is not such a bad thing that humans are raised among the least, so they have more time to develop their inner brilliance without a thought to hidden agendas.
“They are the pure of heart which shall see the most Brilliant Being, who continues to eternally bestow from His brilliance over all evolving creation on the worlds of space and time. This hidden brilliance is for each evolving creature to discover. However, those who only busy themselves with material concerns, and usually have their minds focused on their ‘money god’, will show very little of their brilliance when they exchange their foundational earth-life for the ever-lasting life in eternity.
“Different levels of action and learning will be provided in eternity to increase a creature’s brilliance, which serves to glorify the Giver of these seeds of brilliance. It is by pulling yourselves up by your boot-straps, and practicing the fruits of the spirit, that you discipline your selves towards self-mastery. What you overcome in your foundational life will help you in moving ahead of the pack.
“There is so incredibly much to be discovered, and I know whereof I speak having at one time, a very, very long ago, been a mortal like yourselves, but I finally finished my training in discovering my own brilliance and was able to stand in the presence of All Brilliance, earning my admission into the ‘Corps of Finaliters’. Still, even I have not yet reached the pinnacle of my personal brilliance, for there is far more to be encountered.
“The Infinite Creator is continually providing new adventures for those who shall discover and attain the Source of all Brilliance, and also for those who have attained this most mysterious Brilliance.
“Do know that this lowly planet, which once hosted the Ruling Brilliance of this local universe, shall attain the most brilliant diadem in the crown of ten million inhabited planets. This is its ultimate reward despite what is being done to her at the present time. She, who at this time suffers much at the hands of puny humans, shall long after the present civilization has been brought low, indeed be raised high, to learn anew that God’s Law of Love and perfection shall ever prevail.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.