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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 277
Oregon, USA, June 10, 2022.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Back to the Home Port.”
Message received by Anyas.
Thought Adjuster: “I am so glad that you are now living in a place that meets all your needs as a sanctuary and that you regained inner peace to search Me out and listen to My ever-ready voice. As a Fragment of the Father, I have so many insights and wisdom to share with you.
At the onset of your spiritual journey, I rely on the influence of the Adjuvant Mind Spirit of Intuition until such time you make your first moral decision. As you follow Its leadings, you grow in understanding and knowledge. It is an experiential process and everyone benefits by freely sharing their celebratory ah-ha moments.
As below, so above. After reaching the turning point when you eagerly desire to know and to do the Father’s will, you ask to be led from within. It is where I come in, happy to relinquish My standby position to answer your inner call.
I am, indeed, always on call as I value your life more than you will ever know. I placed My undying hopes in you, as we are meant to become one and experience together the infinite wonders of creation — doing our part to bless it with our divinely inspired thoughts, feelings, and deeds — in collaboration with myriads of God-centered creatures and beings.
Keeping in mind, that I entertain an eternal vision for ‘us,’ how could you ever doubt that I do not have our best common interest at heart and that, upon your asking, I will show you how to safely navigate moment by moment around the riffs scattered along your human maiden voyage. I have a detailed map and will safely take you back to our heavenly home port.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
All volumes of the series “The Inner Sherpa – Daily Manna from Above”
and “Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living”
are available on Amazon.
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- Written by: Magisterial Son Monjoronson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 288
Mattawan, Michigan US of A, August 5, 2020.
Teacher: Magisterial Son, Monjoronson.
Subject: “Seeing Beauty in the Passing of Life – Part II.”
Message received by Vicki Vanderheyden.
Monjoronson: “Beauty has a universal quality that encompasses all aspects of living in both life’s unity and its separation. It does not exist in happiness alone. Beauty can be seen and love can be felt in the sorrow of pain, misery and death. It can be unleashed through a most cruel affront and from the most endearing gesture. It requires that you look for it, acknowledge it and then feel the love it unfolds. You need only to ask, “Where is the beauty in this situation, where was the beauty in that experience, where was the beauty in that human being?” Was there beauty in the people, in the disclosure, in the aftermath or in the lesson learned?
“Within human struggle lies the wholeness of life. And in the wholeness of life, beauty awaits to disclose truth and transform it into love. When you center on beauty it provides you with the opportunity to observe, to discriminate, and to appreciate the dualities of life. It can empower you to recover from the distortion of a lie that burns deeply within you because at times, the stark contrast of falseness can best highlight the beauty of truth. And if at that time you struggle to see this from the deep wounds that you feel, be assured that there is indeed, love and gratitude in knowing the difference between fact and fiction.
“And before long you will discover that love engenders beauty as well, for there will come a moment in time when the love you feel for your dear ones will remind you of the world they have passed into. One that is free of physical burdens, free of the veils, and free of the many limitations of material life. And you will realize that your love for them transcends the loss and will eventually settle into gratitude. For though you will physically miss each other, you will find beauty and peace in knowing that their life is now richer in other ways by the nurturing nature of the afterlife.
“Life is about the choices we make. It is about the way we tend to our inner landscape. The quality of our life improves with our ability even in the saddest of circumstances, to see its beauty, and feel the love that lies below the surface. So, when you find yourself in the throes of loss, try to step away from your grief and allow yourself to access the beauty of your precious loved one, the beauty of that moment, the beauty of a cherished memory, the beauty of the past and the beauty of what is developing around you. And remind yourself that no matter where you are, you have the ability to engender an aspect of beauty from every experience and gather the nectar of love from it.”
Vicki: “Thank you Monjoronson. The ‘beauty’ of these words comforts me. They fill me with much love. This, I will share with others.”
Monjoronson: “You are most welcome. You have my condolences and my love.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I tell you clearly and plainly that no darkness can withstand
the focus of the Father’s light – Monjoronson
- Details
- Written by: Magisterial Son Monjoronson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 290
Mattawan, Michigan US of A, August 5, 2020.
Teacher: Magisterial Son, Monjoronson.
Subject: “Seeing Beauty in the Passing of Life – Part I.”
Message received by Vicki Vanderheyden.
Vicki: “Dear Monjoronson, I am beside myself with the passing of my younger sister and now as the last surviving sibling, I ask: Why is it that there has been so much loss in my family and at such young ages? Is there something I must learn?”
Monjoronson: “Perhaps, that there is beauty in life… not only at its conception, or throughout the act of living and but at life’s end as well.”
Vicki: “Tell me more please…”
Monjoronson: “Let us first talk of beauty. It is truly through the acknowledgement of beauty that we can access heartfelt love. Seeing life through the eyes of beauty, opens your heart to feelings of love. As you observe the flight of a hummingbird when it hovers in one place as if frozen in time, anticipating the nectar of the flower below, it is that vision of beauty that fosters the love you feel for it.
“Love is often hard to generate on its own. Something can be seen, stated, written or proclaimed… but unless one captures its beauty, love may be difficult to feel. Yet the potential to feel love is abundant. From every aspect of life, one can define its beauty and unleash a burst of love.
“So much is missed in life’s demands, obligations and the daily existence of busyness, that it may take the death of a loved one, to jar you from your current path. As you are halted in your tracks by the sudden shock of it, you are forced to slow down. And at that moment you find yourself awakening to the beautiful aspects of his or her life and yours as well. It is at this time that you contemplate the beautiful essence of the one you lost as you celebrate a material life in its fullness regardless of its length. And when this occurs it is as if all that surrounds you is magnified and distorted enough to give you a unique view of the beauty that only days before laid dormant and undisclosed.
“The beauty and love you experience from the loss of a dear one is not confined to you. It is contagious. It passes on to others and inspires all to see the beauty in the loss you share, while you feel and express more love for each other. It expands your vision to view everything and everyone around you in a different light. It allows you to look beyond the finality of one’s passing and feel how your lost loved one touched the lives of so many others in unique and newly discovered ways. Beauty stimulates gratitude and love for the other blessings in your life as well. And through the loss of your dear one you gain a first-row seat to the beauty of growth that occurs in those around you at that time.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I tell you clearly and plainly that no darkness can withstand
the focus of the Father’s light. – Monjoronson
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 347
Alabama, US of A, May 19, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “About Meditation.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Some scientific minds among you have begun to study how meditation can affect your physical well-being. They have discovered how the practice of meditation can even activate genes that promote the development of antibodies, making you less susceptible to illness. Meditation is excellent for combating stress and effective in preparing your mind to face the challenges of daily life with greater strength and wisdom. With so many benefits that are just beginning to be discovered, it is helpful to clarify what is considered meditation.
Indeed, many benefits are gained when a person learns to master their own mind. The negative thoughts that arise daily in the minds of most people in this world have physical repercussions on your body. Your physical body does not distinguish between real or imagined stimuli, as the interpretation of every stimulus happens through the mind. This is why stress, which is so prevalent in modern society, is the same response and presents the same symptoms as the stress you would experience if you were fighting for survival in a primitive world. Your body reacts the same way whether your mind is gripped by fear of being attacked by a wild animal or by fear of not meeting your work goals and missing out on the year-end bonus.
When the human mind is trained in such a way that it can decide which thoughts are accepted, human life becomes easier. The challenges don’t disappear, but the way you face them, with a calmer and more alert mind, makes these problems lose their apparent importance. It is a valuable endeavor to dedicate time each day to find calm and become increasingly aware of the thoughts that enter your mind, to make the necessary adjustments, and begin to master this important resource for your existence: the human mind. As one of you once said, ‘the mind is the builder.’ It is in your mind that you create your own reality.
However, calming the mind and controlling thoughts is only part of the training necessary to achieve greater control over your life. The crucial step to achieving the greatest benefits—those that transcend mortal life—is establishing a connection with the source of all that is. When a human being manages to find the Heavenly Father who dwells within their own mind, that is when the greatest benefits for life are manifested. It is through this that priorities are reorganized to promote what results in spiritual growth. It is through this that the peace that surpasses all understanding becomes a palpable reality in life. It is through this that love spontaneously arises in the hearts of those who experience the love of the Father and gain an additional dimension in their vision of life and its purpose. Only when a human being connects with the God who lives within them—their Thought Adjuster—do ‘the gates of heaven open’ and ‘blessings pour out’ on those fortunate seekers.
So do not think of meditation as a simple formula. It is not simply about silencing your mind and quieting all your thoughts. It is not only about relaxing your body. This is just the mechanical aspect of meditation. What is more desirable is the connection, so that once your body and mind have calmed down a bit, you go to that inner space with the intention of speaking with your Father in heaven. It is simply your desire to hear the silent voice of God within you that will help you overcome all the distance and separation you may have imagined to exist between your Heavenly Father and you.
Thus, you will discover that some of your ideas about meditation are far from reality. Indeed, many sit alone in silence trying to relax their minds, but many others find the perfect balance that helps them establish their connection with the divinity within when they take a walk in nature, sit watching the sunset, watch their children play, or even write in their journal, trying to extract ideas from their higher mind. And yes, many achieve these benefits through prayer. There is no single formula that works for everyone, nor is there only one path to finding God. Each person may reach Him through their own resources and in their own individual way. The only requirement is the supreme desire to find the Father and then to strive to become more like Him.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 291
Urantia, March 2, 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “Spiritual Self-Education.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “This coming to Me in the stillness of your heart is invaluable for your spiritual progress, of which it is impossible for you to truly realize all the implications at this point in time. Through your willingness to take these matters of inner growth into your own hands and, at the same time, become more subservient to God's will, you realize more clearly what God's will means for you.
More people are beginning to wake up and strive to know Me better while still in the flesh, others are brought to this necessary self-education, once they have graduated to the next level of their eternal existence. This road of spiritual self-education is open for each willing and capable mind. But many refuse this education or are incapable due to superstitious and paralyzing fear that has become a chain around the spirit soul. They will need help from Michael (Jesus) to extricate them, once they understand how mistaught their thinking has been.
Needless to say, that much trouble stems from early childhood education, especially having been indoctrinated in the usages of faulty belief systems, and man-made laws with their do's and don'ts, whereas the personal bonding with their Maker has been neglected.
Lip service is never effective when coming from the intellect alone. Heartfelt feelings need to be in place for inner growth to occur. One does not come to God by talk alone, there will be an automatic outflow of response in sincere actions when the heart is undergoing the proper growing spurts towards independence in thought and action.
This balance is always the result of an honest heart, striving for more sincerity as it develops greater inner listening skills for the Still Small Voice from God. This is always reciprocal, as spiritual bonding has been designed this way from time immemorial. It is the human self, which is learning to cooperate with the God-self within. This is by eternal fiat of the Creator God, in whom everything exists and consists.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.