- Details
- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3225
Alabama, US of A, January 3, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “What Kind of Life will You Live?”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “How will you look back when you reach the end of your days? How will you consider the life you have lived? You can be sure that you will not remember the trips you made, the riches you obtained, or the fame you enjoyed. Many of those who have achieved these mostly material things look back and remember them for just a few moments, to finally discover that they really didn’t grow during their lives. As they were during the first years of their adult life, they continued to be until the end of their life.
“Then they realize that during all their existence they faced the same situations over and over again, always having the same fears, and never overcoming the limitations they imposed upon themselves from the start. In other words, they never grew, never matured in the spiritual sense. In the end, after considering that they may have accomplished all their material dreams, they face death with great uncertainty and fear, because in reality they don’t even know if there might be something beyond life. It is then they ask the questions that their wiser siblings spent their lives trying to answer: What is the purpose of all this? Where do I come from and where am I going?
“Consider now a mortal who has lived a sincere and contributing life. Maybe somebody who fought in vain against poverty and barely survived the struggles of material life. However, this person had the courage to learn to think independently and to search on her own the realities of religious experience – the personal relationship with the Celestial Father. This person may perhaps spend some minutes regretting all the trips she could not take, the things she could not buy, and the harshness of her life. Then will come the revelation of how much she has grown, how she has overcome her fears and how much she relied on the understanding that all is well, all is just as it should be. This person will see her life as a true school where she learned to be trust-worthy and she developed a personality consecrated to the will of the Father, regardless of the situation. This person will remember the deep and significant relationships she established with her peers in this world, thanks to the healing and inspiring influence of the unconditional love she learned to express through her being. This person will discover how her fears vanish and she will face death with joy and confidence, because she will know – perhaps merely unconsciously – that this will not be the end.
“What kind of life will you live? Will your life be just a blurry dream in eternity, or will it be the foundation of a career dedicated to make you more like God? Remember what you are living for. Don’t let yourself be distracted by the traps of mortal life and the fake beliefs of humanity. Free yourself from the chains of dogma and tradition, whether religious or cultural, and move your sight to the heavens, toward your true destiny, where the doubts of existence are replaced by the adventure of better understanding God while progressively becoming more like Him.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3428
Urantia, September 02, 2012. (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson on Loving Service.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “We earlier discussed how to be of service to one another. Perhaps it would be expedient to tell you how it is expected of you to render loving service. Loving service is never given grudgingly or in silent resentment. It simply is a loving service worthy of being a fruit of your living and maturing spirit within. It is a sign that you are taking to heart the Guidance from within, whose sole pleasure it is to lead you closer to God, who is all loving. This ‘loving’ connotation is added to service, so you know the difference when you sincerely work in greater awareness towards that ultimate goal of becoming perfect. This is a wonderful start in self-observation to sense in yourself a greater love than you had even one day ago.
“Things tend to ‘creep up’ on you unannounced, but once you give your will over to the All That Is, your life changes ever so subtly so even you are not aware of the wonderful changes happening inside you. These favorable changes are often noticed in your immediate surroundings, as you are slowly becoming a more mellow person. The sharp edges are wearing down and in time will disappear altogether. There is a sublime ‘something’ happening inside you, that even you cannot put a finger on. Even your thoughts become more charitable towards each and everyone, as you are less given to hasty conclusions and criticism. This is also being of loving service – the manner in which you think about others. Now you can go about your daily business and in your mind send a silent blessing to each whose name arises in your memory, or who happens to cross your path.
“In time this will become second nature to you, and in this newly acquired habit the whole world is uplifted, as good will is being spread abroad as a loving service to mankind. Being in this state of mind, renders you harmless and yet you, yourself will become stronger as you can withstand the less happy thoughts from others, because you placed yourselves under My influence and as a result, in the most enviable position; that of rendering loving service to a world, so greatly in need of love. True loving service happens unconsciously as over time it will become a state of mind. This shall bring the giver great benefits as the physical system is no longer poisoned by toxic thoughts. This is extremely important to realize, because the actuality and the real-ness of peace in your soul is unmistakable.
“Being of loving service is beneficial to the nervous system, which will no longer be under the influence of abuse from negative thinking. You will begin to see that everything originates in the mind, as it has been said before, ‘As a man or woman thinketh, that he or she becomes.’ The sooner you uplift your thoughts to a higher level of thinking, the better you will render loving service. In doing so, you become less self-absorbed and better equipped to become other-people oriented, for these two go hand in hand. It is not beneficial to a person to become so self-absorbed that there is no room for any other thoughts. The greatest service you can render is to yourself and notice the quality of your thoughts. I can help you with this when you come to Me and lay the matter before Me, so we, in partnership, can work together on this in loving service to each other.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3254
Alabama, US of A, December 29, 2010.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “A Lesson about Ideas.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Ideas are often transmitted beyond the use of language or other types of communication. Ideas are things that, once created, never disappear. They are recorded and may be accessible to others in different time frames. This is the most powerful influence a human being can have on the rest of the universe. Even now in your material form you could generate original ideas for the entire cosmos.
“The reception of these ideas in your world is mostly an unconscious process. A person tuned to the same frequencies as you are – searching for answers to the same questions – could ‘find’ the thoughts generated by you and receive inspiration to do something. You already know about the phenomena of multiple inventions or discoveries of the same thing occurring in different parts of the world at almost the same time, without any contact among the parties involved*. You have also observed how something that came to your mind once has found expression through others.
“Often, mortals have attempted to fight against this effect of idea transmission. The spirit of competition that has governed the relationships and the human material evolution has resulted in legal resources that prevent an idea from being ‘stolen’ by others. Ideas are the patrimony of all, because your mind, your ingenuity, and your culture, owe a lot to those who came before you, as well as to those who give without asking for anything in return: the Creator parents, the adjutant spirits of the mind, and the inspiring celestial teachers.
“If you make an effort to think independently, without the self-imposed secrecy restrictions aimed at preventing others from benefiting from your ideas, you could contribute greatly to the progress of your world and to the universal culture. The solutions you imagine for the problems in your world are being transmitted to many others and one of them might well receive with enough clarity to understand what you mean and do something about it. This doesn’t mean that you should ignore the traditional methods for the transmissions of ideas – conversation, writing, and more – but even if nobody hears what you want to say, or read what you write, your ideas will not be lost and those things of eternal value will find an expression with the help of our Father in the creation of new realities.”
* In a 1922 paper titled “Are Inventions Inevitable? A Note on Social Evolution” by William Ogburn and Dorothy Thomas, there is list of 148 inventions or discoveries that were made simultaneously in different parts of the world. Some of the discoveries include calculus, decimal fractions, oxygen, and sunspots. Some of the inventions include the telephone, color photography, and the telescope. You can see the paper here: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2142320?seq=1
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3515
Urantia, September 03, 2012. (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson on Interference.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Let us tackle the word interference and the deeper meanings of this word. There are amazingly many ways of interference that can come about – from the inside out, like in your own thought processes and from the outside in, as from others and from the environment. We will take the first category, because the interference from the inside out is the one you can control, and having learned a measure of control, you may then also to some extent be able to control the interferences from others and the environment. First of all, you need to recognize how interference works in your mind. This again can be sub-categorized, because there is the subtle interference from chemicals as in medicines and the ones you can control yourselves like drugs and alcohol and unhealthy nutrition, which really are the outside interferences.
“I would also like to mention, and this is the most important one: Those random thoughts in your mind, which run rampant and uncontrolled, can be very bothersome when they become repetitious as in an obsession. There are also those thoughts which seem to get ‘stuck’ as a thought-process, which is like an echo from your past. In reality these are the thought processes from your parents, who impressed their thoughts upon your impressionable mind. Likely you will pass these on to your own children. This you can correct, as they are not only among the do’s and don’ts of childhood, but also their out-moded belief-systems.
“It is so very important that you grow your own belief system as spirituality is a totally personal matter, and ought never to be spoon-fed to children or forced upon young adults. All have in their minds a Spark of the Creator God. This is your unerring Pilot Light, your Thought Adjuster, who works unceasingly to uplift your thoughts to a higher level. It is your mere mortal mind which interferes with the Spark’s endeavors. It is your mind, first of all, which can be brought under your control. This does not depend on the level of education one attains, although schooling can help to lead thoughts to a more focused way of thinking. Book knowledge is never more important than experiential knowledge. Book knowledge only reaches the heart, when it is put to practice. It is very important that you scrutinize the material you read and question if it benefit you. If not, it becomes a waste of time.
“Also, scrutinize the manner of your thoughts. What is it that interferes with your attention, making you ‘hop, skip and jump’ from one thought to the next? Random thinking can have its benefits. It is important to let creativity have a say in your mind. You are far more creative than you think yourselves to be, but you allow mundane thoughts to interfere, so you lose the thread of your thoughts. The easiest way to learn to control your thoughts is to confide in ME, your Thought Adjuster, who can teach you, how to control your thoughts and at the same time give you insight as to how to live the better way with the least amount of stress. I am telling you, that this is the greatest favor you can do yourself to reap the most spiritual growth in the process. Think what a great partnership ours could be if you involved Me more consciously, and of course willingly, in your life with the least of outside interference.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.
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- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3207
Illawarra District, Australia, August 2, 2012.
Mentori (outspoken) Spokesperson.
Subject: “Of Tolerance and Patience – Part 1.”
Received by George Barnard.
Mentori Spokesperson: “There are those of the Angelic groups now enrolled as Mentori Teachers that trace their ‘birth’ back to a time before your Midwayer Teachers were, indeed before your world was understood to become a decimal world. You see, my dear friend and student, those of lower ranks to the Angels are their students. Not only do we progress by learning from them directly, but we are also examined as to our ability to transfer knowledge to you. Only a few are allowed to be known by name. No, not I.
“I am a former human and I hail from a planet in this sector, however, an extraordinarily peaceful one. And it is therefore that I choose to assist those of this rebellious planet in our Nebadon, whilst also advancing myself to be of greater use to our Creator Parents in one of the time-space-distant universes now ‘unfolding’ beyond your mortal vision, and ‘outside of’ your present reality. By mutual agreement, our Thought Adjuster fusion is on hold, which is most common. With few exceptions, yes, fused former mortals choose ascension.
“Our prepared lesson, on subjects of my suggestion, tolerance and patience, patience and tolerance, is relayed to you by your friend of some ten years, Midwayer Mathew, who stepped forward to be of service. We shall begin. In your eagerness to inherit a world to your liking, you scamper about as if you are running out of time to set this world straight within one generation. Indeed, let us not forget that you are the caretakers of this world, the custodians of your spiritual history, the rangers in (of) your physical environment.
“Disappointingly, here you are ‘stoking wars’ in many places, ruining yourselves, and planning even more wars, to achieve what? As a single organism, and that is how we see you, you are amputating parts of that self, creating veritable no-go zones of lethal pollution, thus reducing your liveable world in size, and ‘dumbing down’ the general population by second-rate teachings, inappropriate nutrition, totally repressed and even distorted news, plain lies in black and white for all to see. Is this your Correcting Time? Is it truly so?
“While we hear prayers offered to the Creator for Him to slay your opponents, what utter shame, there can be no shortcut to human progress! You must take your time, apply patience, find tolerance in your hearts in getting to know ‘the other side’ as being merely a part of yourselves, of the organism that you are, yet individual offspring – men, women, and children – of the very God you revere! I am a Mentor in a large group, a circle of Mentori and you may refer to me as the outspoken one. I wish all those present a good evening.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.