- Details
- Written by: Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8)
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3397
Illawarra District, Australia, August 4, 2012. (date of transcription).
Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8).
Subject: “Of Spiritual Truth and Equilibrium.”
Received by George Barnard.
Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8): “I am a Midwayer Healer, and my daily task of care deals with curing my patients from their physical, emotional and psychological maladjustments. However, in doing so I am limited to attending to my kin, the midwayers, and humans, to be sure. Much of my ‘invisible medicine bag of cures’ deals with the methods and procedures that allow my patients to find their equilibrium through me as this permits them to better absorb the universal energy that is healing and rejuvenating in myriad ways.
“Today I wish to speak about one’s understanding of spiritual truth and how at certain times one’s ill-adjusted equilibrium can distort personal truth. Firstly, there is universal truth, the Creator’s truth, which is borne out of love, and subject to no one as yet imperfect in any way. Indeed, you cannot at your level, my level, or at the status of the Archangels or even Melchizedeks have ultimate truth in mind, except for fleeting moments until you rationalize such. Consider then your grasp of truth when your equilibrium is in a frail state.
“Aha! And now my human friend is catching on to the direction of this conversation, likely giving me the opportunity to ‘preach my sermon’ without him interrupting me. Secondly there is personal spiritual truth, different for everyone because of parental input, your degree of interest, teachings from significant others, and more. There are also the things you read, and importantly, the things you imagine, and consider to be the truth. And so tell me what were your feelings at any time. How was your equilibrium? Your status sound?
“In an irregular world, your world, our world, we are all handicapped to a degree. From person to person our understanding of information about the unseen, the spiritual I refer to, varies considerably, so much so that in celebrating your spirituality in groups, or churches, there is no agreement. And so, as I temporarily put spirituality aside and speak of religion, let us consider how many varieties there are of Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, the Muslims’ teachings. Individual beliefs and truths run into thousands upon thousands.
“You can only be a rookie student at best in contemplating spiritual truths. Tens of thousands of years your senior, I am convinced I do not have a total grasp of all spiritual truth, for the imbalances and irregularities of this rebellious world now in its correcting times, runs in our blood, one might suggest, providing most with the assurance that they, individually have the monopoly on truth, jay, even spiritual truth. Gather now how difficult it becomes to find a meeting place for those of opposing opinions, but it can be done.
“Nothing is more important than for you all to firstly find your equilibrium, decide that you cannot know it all, and follow the appeals of your teachers and prophets to have reverence for your Creator and minister to your neighbor as you yourself would like to be treated. Only by first finding your equilibrium will you find and understand the most important part of undeniable spiritual truth – that there is no division and you are all one. This is Dr. Mendoza, MNO-8 the Healer, as I am also known by this number. Adieu.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source—ABC-22, 1972.
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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3245
Urantia, August 30, 2012. (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson on Planetary Awakening.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “This lesson on planetary awakening is a most important one. Not that the previous lessons were unimportant, but they were all personal lessons building towards this general one. Planetary awakening will be the result of all previous lessons learned, since those lessons were designed for the purpose of your growing into a greater God-consciousness, the ultimate goal. When lessons are learned, humanity may en masse move forward in a more orderly and sane manner. Celestials know that there will always be laggards, who cannot find it within themselves to seek to do the Father’s Will, which is simply to love a little more each day, to understand and tolerate others a little more, and in this manner uplift the whole planet.
“All efforts to be of loving service and do what is right, benefits the whole of humanity. This is the ideal that we in the celestial realm strive towards in the hope that humanity will do likewise to the greater glory of the Creator. This is the ultimate goal of evolution; that all things work together for good. May humankind willingly and purposefully leave the childish quarrelsome things behind and become more mature, behave more in a proper manner as befits a child of the Most High God. If you do not use self-discipline now in striving to become perfect, when will you start? It is as simple as keeping your tendencies to disagreement under control. Only you have the prerogative and privilege to choose and to make God’s Will manifest in your lives.
“I have often repeated how this can and should be done by simply seeking to honor the God-connection within you on a daily basis, so it will eventually become as necessary to you as food, and you will miss it when you neglect to come into the Stillness of your hearts. There is never a good-enough reason to place your soul in jeopardy through a starvation diet. Usually the soul is undernourished because not enough personal attention is given to the feeding of the spiritual life which ideally entails listening to the Still Small Voice within you. Of course, it may be helpful to learn from others as to what they have to say about those experiences, indeed they can be very helpful as long as this leads to the recognition of your personal Guide within. You see, you are all empowered through this Adjuster of your thoughts, which shall unerringly lead you God-ward, to slowly realize that the many beliefs you have held, were someone else’s superstitions.
“It is always advisable to search for your own inner truth. Once having found this truth of your being, you will discover that this truth is the same for everyone else for all have part of the truth within them. Only the Eternal God has the whole truth. You all embody part of truth and together you make up much of the fabric of creation. This is the planetary awakening we strive towards, that you may recognize each other as such and in this manner become more welcoming to meet your neighbors on other planets, who represent a different facet of the fabric of creation. Dare to think outside your own cramped box of thought, that you are the only ones who are right and have the only way to God. You are all on the same road since you have boxed your thoughts in and have limited yourself to think along such narrow lines. The Spirit from on high is now sweeping the planet to wake up everyone. I invite you to be part of this planetary awakening.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3379
Alabama, US of A, January 5, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “A Lesson About Progress.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Impatience has no place in the life of those who know the Father. Have you forgotten that the time of the Father is eternity? No deadline has been set for you to complete certain goals. You have an eternity to do it in.
“Many behaviors and habits exhibited by humans take years to develop, and similarly it will take some time to get rid of them. The constant desire to be better and putting your heart and your mind in the hands of the Father to be transformed, greatly increases the speed of the process of going from being a simple mortal to a more spiritual being with the potential for eternal life. Perhaps you may judge your progress as insignificant, particularly under the lens of your expectations and illusions, so often confused and unrealistic. It is in those moments that a little reversion can help put things in perspective. Remember all the things you have overcome and don’t focus too much on what still remains. At this stage of your existence the list of things you need to master is beyond the capacity of your imagination. There are things that have never crossed your mind, or the mind of your siblings, that you will need to learn and master on your path to perfection. This is not important now. What is paramount is that you keep the forward momentum, even when it seems that your are not advancing, but only preventing yourself from regressing. Sometimes you would have to go back and revisit a lesson you thought you had learned.
“Know that you are not responsible for the learning curricula. Others perform this service for you, at least during this stage. Sometimes you will feel that there is something you need to learn, but in general mortals happily ignore their defects and the adjustments they have to make before moving to the next level of existence. This is why there are a lot of celestials involved in your progress and your improvement. We are appreciative of this, and consider ourselves fortunate to be able to serve in this fashion.
“Search for the Father. Search for the spiritual realities and the impulse to move forward will stay fresh in your heart. The error is not to take the wrong path, the error is to stop walking, because even when you face unexpected situations, or when you get in trouble, you could learn, grow and become more and more real.
“How boring life would be if you knew everything that were to happen! The journey is one of surprises and adventure, those experiences that are desired by your soul since the Thought Adjuster is constantly promoting a desire for exploration. In truth, life is perfect. Perhaps you will not get all the experiences you desire, but you will get exactly what you need to be better, and to experience the joy of progressively becoming more like God, overcoming fear and becoming of more value to creation.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3172
Michigan, US of A, September 2, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Freedom to Live and to Love is Yours.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today we would like to continue the discussion on the theme of divine love – what it is and what prevents you from experiencing the greatest love you can ever know. Divine love is the deepest feeling of freedom you will ever know. It is a knowing that you are never alone and that whatever happens to you in this life or the next, you are loved eternally from within, not from without, but from the Source of all love, the God of creation. Divine love is independent of all external sources and because it is independent and from within, there is nothing that can keep its transforming power from those who embrace it.
“Fear, my friends, is the enslaver of this freedom to be loved and to know complete assurance of destiny. You students on the path who are beginning to experience this feeling of complete freedom and assurance of destiny know all too well the fear that it can generate in those around you who have not the love and light of total freedom. Pride, self-importance, and selfishness are the breeders of fear and mistrust, for those who walk in darkness fear they will lose their control over temporal standing or that they will be found weak in the eyes of their peers to embrace such an ideal as divine love, faith and acceptance.
“Those who fear the light often stand with their backs at the door of love and prevent those who would willingly enter. Blinded by ego, they cannot see that they too must also tread this same ground that you who have the light are experiencing if they are to receive eternal life. Those who resist change and reject the light must remain in their place until which time they see the error of their thinking and willingly choose to move on and progress toward the light – if not in this world, then in the next. You gain nothing by passing into death – you continue on at the same place, spiritually speaking, and must discover on your own the freedom of living in the light of divine love and assurance.
“Faith is the bridge which leads from darkness to light, for only faith can break the bondage of fear that keeps the soul from growing. Faith in the sovereignty of God and in His promise of eternal life leads to this blessed assurance and total freedom from all fear. The expression of love for your fellows (the fruits of the spirit) is the outward sign that a soul is progressing and moving toward this freedom from fear. Faith can be willingly embraced or it can come with great pain.
“Those who resist divine love and light will have the opportunity to step into the light at the cost of great pain, for God’s love for all is so great, He will do everything possible to extend His hand of love and mercy to those who are in confusion. Once all opportunities and mercy has been rejected, that soul has made the decision to descend eternal life and cease the continuance of existence, for God does not force His gift of eternity upon any soul.
“The freedom to live and to love is yours. The Creator wants you to experience divine love, to know Him and to know that you are the child of this Creator Father who loves you unconditionally and who will go to great lengths to demonstrate His love for you by searching for that which is lost and extending His invitation to come into the fold of His beloved flock and experience life in the creation to the fullest measure of perfection – to become perfect as He is perfect. The door to eternity is open to all that embrace divine love.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3459
Urantia, June 26, 2012. (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson on Practicing the Presence.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “In the many lessons discussed so far, I have spoken about going within – into the inner chamber of your heart – to make our connection. Actually you need to merely just sit with a devoted heart waiting before Me. It is within your own holy of holies where I reside, and wait oh so patiently for you to take the time and give Me your full attention. With this I mean that you can also feel Me in the holy hush enveloping you. When this happens you have attained a growing awareness of Me. I desire for you to become more sentient of My existence in your comings and goings. And so you will literally be practicing the Presence of Me in an increasingly greater awareness and greater understanding. Misconceptions, now rampant on the planet, would lessen considerably.
“I am aware of the fact that the humans on this planet lead increasingly busy lives with all the manifold temptations to keep Me away from you, even in your casual thoughts. I desire to see changes, with mortals on this planet beginning to practice a higher level of thought and level of being, of which you are all truly capable. This would be practicing the Presence through increasingly becoming aware of contact with the Spark of God within. Your belief and trust in an unseen Deity would be so re-enforced that your faith and trust would increase exponentially. Untold benefits would accrue for you, not in the least in increasing physical health because of the inner peace you would have attained. Your demeanor would change because of a greater awareness of My leadings, of My influence in your living a better and more satisfying life.
“Truly, the planet would be so much better off if all inhabitants would wake up to the reality of the Fatherhood/Motherhood of God and the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of humankind. This is the idea I would have you entertain in your minds. What this would mean in all your relationships is that you would recognize a brother or a sister in each other, because you all have the same root-cause of existence. It would mean no more wars, no more killing or maiming of innocent human beings. Let all confusion vanish from your mind. Let all the erroneous and morbid thinking that war is the doing of God’s will stop here and now. You even go as far as to think that God is on your side!
“God is on no one's side in war and never has been despite what your olden records say to that effect. These are all fabrications of the human mind to make one race feel superior to another. It is downright despicable to paint such a picture of an unconditionally loving Creator God. It is when you start practicing the presence of God that you will gain a far greater understanding of what it is God desires from you – to recognize that you are all equal in His eyes, and that everyone is equally loved no matter what gender, race, creed or color. This is a requirement when practicing the Presence. It is living the golden rule which is typical to all religions: To treat each other, as you would like to be treated. This rule is worthy of contemplation and of putting it into practice. Let each thinking man, woman and child become conscious of this rule, and the world will become a safer and more joyful place to live in.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.