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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3411
Michigan, US of A, May 19, 2013.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Allow Yourself the Space to Grow.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “The message for today is about the faithfulness of God, His providence to know exactly what the needs of His children are, and when they may be ready to experience the next shift in their spiritual awareness. Progress is the result of perfection hunger actualized through a relationship of trust between the creature and the Creator. When you, as a child of this Creator, step forward in faith and trust to allow His love to come through you into this world, a space opens in you like a freshly tilled field. Then is God faithful to fill the expansion of your awareness – this new space, with spiritual insights (the seeds) that shall lead you to a place of growth and greater service where your perfection hunger can be nourished.
“Opportunities for growth and service are always made available to you according to your needs, and this personal interest in your growth and development is the faithfulness of God – to know and to provide a way for you to exhibit your willingness to be a vessel for His Love and Will. Step by step, hand in hand, God continually expresses His love and faithfulness by allowing you to choose your own path, yet does He guide you, providing many options and many pathways that can fill the needs of the soul to feel love and to become perfected.
“Fear is the greatest barrier to the expansion of your awareness, for it locks the doorways in the mind where the potentials for expansion are and extinguishes the fires for bold living. Only through faith and trust can you tap into those potentials, which create the space for new insights and the potentials for soul growth. Recognizing the opportunities for growth (the faithfulness of God) is a process of learning through life experience and by exercising faith that God knows and cares for us personally.
“You are not lost in a sea of random chaos, floating along without direction or watchcare, for God is continually guiding and nurturing – pointing you to the safe harbor and to the discoveries of new adventures in living. You are in complete control of the throttle for growth and awareness, and only you can open up that space for the potentials of exhilarating life experiences to become your reality. There are no real limits to your growth and awareness, only your ‘allowing’ and willingness to create the space needed for that growth. Do you not see, my friends, how much power you really have? The creative potential is existential in the I AM and you have access to it in every moment, for the Indwelling Spirit of God is within you!
“You will always feel hungry in your search for perfection because there is always a potential for greater growth – there is always more to know and discover about God. All creatures in the universes, even those of high estate, feel the force of spiritual gravity to know and to become more than they are. All are growing in answer to the Creator’s call, ‘Be you perfect, as I AM perfect.’ Therefore, my friends ‘allow’ yourself the space to grow and you will not be disappointed.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Teacher Aaron
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3044
Illawarra District, Australia, May 18, 2013.
Teacher Aaron.
Subject: “An Unconditionally Loving God.”
Received by George Barnard.
Aaron: “Undoubtedly, my dear young student, one of the greatest banes of the religious world so many of you were brought up in is the difficulty of shedding persistent thoughts of an angry god. Among all those who teach here and all 11:11 Progress Group Teachers, not one lived in fear of the Creator’s supposed emotions as did I, Aaron. Therefore it is logical I should bring you this lesson of dread and difficulties to be overcome. A veritable lifetime of deep-seated belief that your God is an envious one is difficult to describe. Meditation alone goes a long way towards vanquishing that erroneous belief.
“Sheer logic must tell you that the Creator of all loves His children, for truly, we would otherwise unlikely be here. With any casual attention to what your Teachers have been telling you, you would know that the Father’s love is unconditional, and that He is untiringly at work to draw His children to Himself. You would know that life is the biggest of bighearted gifts. What then allows you to fear God? What then makes it so hard to trust your Father-Creator? What stops you from flinging open that door to Adjuster communication?
“I now look back on the unable-to-evolve ‘must-do’ and ‘must-not-do’ religion of my time. There were countless wildly concocted reasons why God – our God – might lose His temper or become jealous of us or of other gods. The tenacity with which my fear of God clung to my soul long barred me from building a relationship with my Adjuster. Today I have for one young friend the simple solution to her deep-seated problems with an uncaring parent and a seemingly out-of-reach God – meditation and still more meditation.
“It is important for you to realize that you are an evolutionary being, and that the difficulties placed in your way are there for you to be made strong, more mature in dealing well with life’s exigencies. Let it be reassuring to you to remember that you have all the time in the world to make your way through life here, and your lives to come in higher spheres to reach perfection in all good time, not excepting the full knowledge, peace and reassurance that God is good beyond your knowing, and unconditionally loving of all.
“I am Aaron, and my love for you will give you strength. Your cries have been heard. Your sadness has been noted. And your openness is most appreciated.”
George: “Thank you Aaron.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3243
Alabama, US of A, March 4, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “A Few Courageous Souls.” – (Part 3).
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “In a regular world, communication with Celestials is a common occurrence, almost a routine affair. The vast majority of various populations enjoys this experience, and is more spiritually receptive than you are. This is also subject to the kinds of brains the mortals on certain planets have. The ones with three brains are the most receptive, followed by the kind with two brains – as are the mortals of Urantia. Least receptive are those with one brain.
“In this world it is particularly difficult to develop faith in what cannot be seen or heard. Even whilst you are of the two-brained kind, your spiritual receptivity is almost nil. Few among you have managed to gather enough faith to ‘listen’ and believe they have heard. Since this phenomenon is rather rare those who listen are considered strange. The experience of listening is something that cannot be taught, because it is an individual and private experience; something that has to be tried and succeeded with in order to be comprehended.
“Now your sphere is being re-routed onto the normal path of evolutionary worlds. The number of humans who listen grows each day, and your children are being born with a greater ability to receive. In a very short time – compared to general world time lines – those who listen will be the majority and the phenomenon of communication with the Father and His ‘agents’ will no longer be a mystery, or a fantastic occurrence. The increase in the number of those who desire to know God on a personal level will be the impulse this world needs to establish the age of light and life.
“Those who have learned to listen in these times of doubt and confusion are the pioneers – the agondonters – whose faith is beyond normal. It is a great accomplishment for your future to have done this by your own means of overcoming your limitations. What you are doing will not even come close to what future generations will be able to achieve in this area of celestial communication. However, you can do plenty with your fragile faith and your desire to know more – your love for things spiritual.
“You can be sure your Father understands and knows of your struggles. He sees the doubts in your heart and doesn’t judge you because of this, since he knows well how hard it is for a mortal creature in a world such as this to free his or her mind of external influences, and to learn to think freely and independently. This is always a personal choice of a few courageous souls that jump into the adventure, onto the roads that have seldom been traveled by their peers of the past. This is being a true pioneer, and a true agondonter.
“Let my words serve as an encouragement and provide the impulse to help you move forward. You have achieved much but it is just a drop in the ocean to what is still unknown to you. Continue exploring, continue searching and ask for what you need, because this is the way you open your mind and your consciousness to receive. It is up to you to identify the gifts of the Father and take advantage of them to do His Will.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
- Details
- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3032
Alabama, US of A, March 4, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Believe it is Possible” – (Part 2).
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “How is it that many among you are not trying to get to know the Father, even when a lot of benefits are obtained by learning to listen to His voice, and only a modicum of faith is required? You may think this way because you have believed without seeing, and you have searched without knowing what you could find. For you this has been a gradual process that didn’t occur by chance. You searched in many places until you found the way to express the words that the voice of the Father provides you. Even after you were told you should write it all down, it took many years for you to decide to do so. Faith is not something that can be mastered overnight. It is a slow process of believing, and searching for truth with an open mind.
“Many will hear that they can listen to the Father, but they will never attempt to do so in this life. Many will hear that they can learn to write in order to discover the ideas, thoughts and inspirations that God leaves in their souls, but they will never put pen to paper to see what comes up. To try, apparently, is simple, but the barriers put up against believing in the possibility, are very strong. Human beings in this world have frequently been deceived, even by those in whom they trust, so they have become suspicious and skeptical.
“The credit for finding the Father will forever be bestowed upon the creature who made the effort to make it happen. Every day since the arrival of the Thought Adjuster, the Father does much more, but if the creature does not make decisions oriented towards the goal of finding God, it will never happen. The Father is always waiting for His children, never coercing them in any way. It is never too early, or too late, to find God, but why waste time?
“The labor of the light-workers is thus limited to show the path and let each one walk it on their own. Your messages are an ideal means because they will be found by those who are searching – those who have matured to be harvested for God. When the student is prepared the teaching appears. You, light-workers, will be placed where you are most needed. Be attentive and share what you have so freely received.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3959
Urantia, 18 May, 2013.
The Beloved One.
Subject: “Relative Perfection.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “This is one of those days on which you have not a clue about what I wish to say. Once more, and on a higher level, you have decided that you ought to think more often about what would be God’s will for the day. Please remember that you are often told to just let the day unfold, which includes letting me have my say without your thought-stream intruding on my words.
“Here I would like to introduce my thought for today that wherever you are, or whatever you think, you always exist in relative perfection. The thought has occurred to you what it means to be ‘in relative perfection’. Relative perfection is something all mortals have in common, as you are all born on one of the planets of time-space. And even though you may have greatly different life-forms; your seed-souls are identical, and they have perfection built into them, as this is the purpose for your having been given life.
“The command to all souls is to attain perfection, and during the journey to Paradise to become perfect even as the Creator God is perfect. So you start your life in relative perfection wherever you are born. And depending on, or in spite of the circumstances, and the place where you are born and brought up, much depends on how well you learn to ‘listen’ within. Much depends on your answering the eternal urge within which feels that pull to Paradise, which resides in the seed-soul.
“This pull to Paradise is of similar urge to that which causes all life to grow and flourish. The only difference between humans, and animal and plant life is that humans possess the extra Gifts of Worship and Wisdom. These two qualities separate humans from all others, which nevertheless also exist in relative perfection.
“You mortals have simply no idea what it means to have these two qualities of worship and wisdom. It is so very important to spend some time and fully realise what worship and wisdom mean. These two qualities are the instruments by which one attains eternal life. The development and growth of the soul are thereby exponentially assisted. Therefore, whatever your inclination in the spiritual arena, this is something to remember: No matter how you see the God you worship; it is always the Creator and Giver of all life who is thereby honored. Such feeble attempts matter not to the One who knows everything. All His treasured worshippers are welcome at the table of abundant blessings. All that matters is the attitude of the worshipper, whose soul is thereby nurtured in like measure.
“Therefore, every attempt to listen within to the Spark from God is reciprocated. The responsibility rests solely with the mortal who in striving for immortality creates the habit of regularly listening in order to aid the development of the soul. Enough has been said over time, about following the will of God by living the golden rule in doing unto others as you would like to be treated. This rule is also practiced in relative perfection.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.