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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3210
Alabama, US of A, March 18, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Blockbuster.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “It is natural for human beings to evaluate their lives by focusing on the things that provide pleasure. Men and women measure the level of satisfaction in their lives by the amount of time they spent doing the things they like. You will always remember the good times, and assign less importance to those moments spent working or struggling.
“Take a look at your past. What do you remember about the things that made you happy in your childhood or your teenage years? You probably will not remember a lot. Does this mean that you have lived a miserable life? No. Look at the things you are starting to realize today. This has only been possible by your life in the past and by the decisions you were motivated to make in the situations you have faced.
“Consider a movie about a person sleeping, eating or walking. Imagine that this is a three hour movie. Total boredom you would think. You would not last five minutes watching that movie, and you would surely not recommend it to anyone. Similarly, an uneventful life would not be meaningful or satisfactory to you. The best movies are those in which things get so complicated that you wonder how the characters would make it to the end.
“You can make your life a ‘blockbuster’ by putting yourself in the hands of your inner Director, Who is already leading you from within. Pleasures and the satisfaction of material whims don’t make a great life. The absence of problems to be solved by ingenuity doesn’t make a fruitful life, for this is how you cultivate wisdom. You learn your lessons and make it a part of your reality, by demonstrating and continuously practicing what you have learned, until it becomes a part of you. A good life is a life in which you grow, spiritually. Attempt to live such a life.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Life Carrier Orion
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3419
Illawarra District, Australia, July 17, 2013.
Life Carrier Orion.
Subject: “Autism and More – Aspergers and Tourette’s.”
Received by George Barnard.
George: “Ready as I will be, I guess, but never as comfortable with these specific enquiries as you well know.”
Orion: “We will battle our way through what is left of the lesson, quite successfully as you will find. One of the functions of the Life Carriers is to adapt life forms to specific planets, none of which are completely identical, few of which can be tweaked to suit. Another important function in the case of our designing a new life form as we did for your world is to aim for balance and moderation. At times, even a little bit more of a good thing can be detrimental.
One might say that 1 + 1 = 3 or 4 or perhaps 5, and so the balance of the usual Urantia personality is lost and we have a specialist for whom it is vital that a suitable task is found. And this describes the overwhelming effect of two identical, powerful, super-human DNA strands. Yet a further more recent matter to consider is an adjustment in the spiritual economy of your planet, and a new generation with many suited to the digital age – your High Autistics (see note below).
“Whilst much is researched and published about the behaviour of the Autism-affected individual, it is vital that more insight be delivered to those affected by Autism in the family or the group. The rampant appearance of both Aspergers and Tourette’s syndrome requires much research for you to even begin to cure this or at least minimise its obvious deleterious effects, on the psyche and on creature progress. I am Orion, a life Carrier. We did well.”
Note: The term High-Autistic belongs to the Humm-Wadsworth temperament scale – a lazy man’s way of quickly profiling normal personalities. Humm-Wadsworth is almost brutal in its simplicity.
Hi-Autistic stands for loner, specialist, strong ego, clever, at times organized chaos. Watchmaking, bookkeeping and internet technology comes to mind.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
- Details
- Written by: Life Carrier Orion
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3303
Illawarra District, Australia, July 17, 2013.
Life Carrier Orion.
Subject: “Autism and More.” (shortened).
Received by George Barnard.
George: “The Midwayers and I gave much thought to revelation being not at all appropriate to those of evolutionary origin.”
Orion: “We greet you our brothers and sisters in Christ. This is Orion, spokes-person for our group of Life Carriers, and pleased to clear up some facts that may still be foggy in your mind. However, before I begin I will once more assure you that a great deal more of important facts would be available to you if, as a species, you would be more spiritual. Simply, you would have more immediate contact of quality with your Thought Adjusters, your Spirit Selves.
“In explaining Autism, at least the most common group of sufferers, I digress to state that a pigeon pair can safely mate and bring up healthy pairs, which again can safely be mated, and so forth, all the while having robust offspring for generations. They are the lower animals. At the opposite end of the scale are the super humans – Adamites and to a lesser degree the Nodites and Andites. Here, too, rather a lengthy amount of inbreeding tended to produce few abnormalities.
“In the case of the pigeons, here you have successful survivors from countless ‘prototypes’ now extinct. One might suggest they truly deserve to be able to ‘inbreed’ for some generations without damaging the bloodline. The case of the Adamites needs little explanation for the fact that they were created for the very purpose of breeding up to large numbers before interbreeding with the evolutionary races of color in Urantia’s instance.
“The partial failure of this Adamic ‘up-stepping’ process lies in the fact that too few Adamites were available before the interbreeding began between your short-lived evolutionaries and the long-lived super humans. The end result of this – which is you walking this earth today – is a difficult mixture of some few (Adamic) strengths and many (evolutionary) weaknesses. And many of these are of a physiological nature whilst some are of a psychological make-up.
“Purely physiological, as you learned, is the difficulty in giving birth by the mixed races compared to the lesser stress experienced by the pure races of all colors. You are also familiar with the long strands of seemingly flawed but identical DNA in both parents of some autistic offspring. What you did not know is that these originated predominantly with the Adamites and Andites, and that inheriting a double ‘dose’ of these can be detrimental to some children.
“As your knowledge about your DNA begins to approach what we, the Life Carriers know about it, you will begin to research in advance the likely needs of your children. Your need to be the biological parent will at times fall away to the use of a more practical outlook of engaging the most suitable contributors for those you will nurture. We understand that such a drastic change in attitude would be simple to a logical-minded Life Carrier, most difficult for you.
“This is Orion greeting all. We will shortly speak again.”
George (joking): “Indeed, I cannot see a veritable army of young couples going ‘out there’ to discover the ideal surrogate for the mother or the father of the child they want to nurture. Not today, but maybe tomorrow? Thank you Orion.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3547
Chicago, US of A, July 7, 2013.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Essential Needs to Spiritual Survival.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Strangely, in your world people generally do not assign the same importance to their spiritual life as they do to their physical life. Everybody knows that physical bodies on Urantia cannot survive without air, food, water, nourishment, rest and shelter. However, many are not aware of what constitutes the basics for their spiritual life, and some, unfortunately, do not even know they have a spiritual life. Your spiritual life, as well, has essential needs, without which it cannot exist or continue to exist. At this time of communication, let us review the essential needs for spiritual survival.
“First and foremost, genuine faith is the initiator of spiritual life; it is your first spiritual manifestation. Faith in God starts as a wonder, which grows into hope, and matures into certainty. Faith is your mind’s correct response to the work of the adjutant mind spirit of worship, with the use of the capacity previously received from the spirit of wisdom. Your records correctly assert, ‘Without faith it is impossible to know God.’ All other human faculties are incapable of perceiving the reality of God, except faith.
“As important as it is, faith is not everything. Once you know God exists, you must realize He does not force anyone to do anything, nevertheless recognizing He deserves our obedience. Since the beginning of creation, the voice of the loving, eternal universal Father has echoed throughout the seven super-universes with His mandate for all: ‘Be you perfect, even as I am perfect.’ To you, human beings, universe ascendants, and descendants from low and animal origin, to achieve perfection through the experience of doing the will of God is the only technique available for becoming perfect in our dimension, as God is perfect in His dimension.
“Finally, although God expect you to follow His will, He does not force you to do so, as your loyalty to Him must be by free choice, out of love, not enforced by fear or any other constraint. You must want to continue on the divine path, until the time when you are fused with your Adjuster, when you will seal your deal, manifesting once and for all that it is your final decision to be like God, live with Him and for Him through all eternity. You must persevere on the path, until you become the path.
“Therefore my pupil, whatever you do, always keep in mind the essential needs to your spiritual survival, until the day you stand before His majestic presence on Paradise, when faith is no longer necessary, obedience was perfected through love, and all risks had vanished by the final embrace of the Gods. There, at the fulfilment of the ages, survival has made its complete circle; you have entered Eternity, and Eternity has entered you. I am Prolotheos, your tutor on high, always glad to help and guide you during these spiritual meditations. My love is with you and all.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.
- Details
- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3457
Urantia, July 21, 2013.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “The Power of Love.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “This week, whilst you prayed for various people, the words, ‘the power of love’ struck a deep chord with you. Prayer, my dear charge, is called the power of love. You simply can have no idea about how powerful prayer can be. This is so, especially when you lift the whole planet before the throne of God and ask the Creator for divine intervention to set this backward little planet back onto the tracks. It was long ago derailed due to the Lucifer Rebellion, which entrapped and engulfed humanity in much negativity and sin. In this vein I also mention that which happened to the Ruler of this mighty universe more than two thousand years ago.
“He came to free humankind from selfishness, and inform all people of God’s sublime love for all His creatures. Yet the secular administration of that day, ruled by their greed; had him bound and nailed to a cross without due process. This was not what was meant to happen, but God allowed puny men to have their way, so His love could be manifest through Jesus, who could still pray: ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.’ Then and there was made manifest God’s power of Love for humanity.
“Finally, many people have begun to realize that there has to be a better way. The good news is; that they are indwelled by a Spark of the Creator, there to prompt and guide everyone willing to listen within. And Michael, better known as Jesus on this confused planet, sent his Spirit of Truth at Pentecost, when you were also gifted with the Comforter, the Spirit from the co-Ruler of this local universe. Therefore, let it be forever understood, that God does not create waste or anything that is second-rate, a notion existing in the minds of some – a leftover from the Lucifer rebellion which has forever ended.
“It is now delegated to humankind to let shine forth the real nature they were endowed with, but which was overshadowed with the negativity of these unfortunate Luciferian happenings of eons ago. Let it be known that these negative shackles of selfish, materialistic greed can totally bend the mind beyond recognition. In this deplorable way the Spark of love from God could go unrecognized, and then it has no chance to grow and become one with the new person it was destined to become according to the divine blueprint embedded in the human at birth.
“Such is the almighty power of unconditional love of the Creator in giving each mortal on all the planets of time and space the opportunity to become individual reflections of God. Think about how you as an individual can make the most of your reflection of God’s love? The more you practice this loving power, the more powerful it becomes, for after all, it is practice that makes perfect. So shine on and discover what it is that is embedded in you.
“Eternity is needed for you to become perfect. However, the greatest growing spurt happens in mortal life when you start practicing the way with the most love in it. This love becomes a mighty lever to, with God’s help, lift this planet back onto the right track of prosperity for all, with quality of life, with equality for all, sustainable societies, and the opportunity to fulfill one’s personal divine blueprint. All through the power of love.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972.