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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 808
Alabama, US of A, April 29, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Fragile Mechanisms.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Why are spiritual influences always somewhat foreign to intellectual consciousness? Why don't they express themselves more directly?
The main reason—as you have long suspected—is the Father's mandate to respect individual free will. Human beings are at the lowest level of universal existence and are thus considered "fragile mechanisms." Very little can be revealed about the spiritual world for them to be able to comprehend and integrate it into their experience. In most cases, a powerful voice telling a human being that it is the voice of God would effectively destroy their will and plunge them into fearful servitude, which would be a powerful obstacle to their spiritual growth.
Don't you see that it is much better to let humans be responsible for their own decisions and thus become the masters of their destiny? Isn't it better to create free, powerful, independent, reliable, and wise beings who have learned through the experience of discovering the Father's ways for themselves? Isn't it a better learning method to question things and know through experience what is the best path than to simply accept what others tell you, suppressing your reason and discernment?
The scheme of mortal evolution has been established by the Father and many of His assistants as the best method—the perfect method—to produce beings similar in divinity and attributes to God Himself. Other methods are not capable of producing the same quality of beings that will one day be employed in the administration and maintenance of the outer space universes and the new creatures that may arise in them. This method offers mortals total freedom of choice and, while placing a great amount of responsibility in their hands, offers the surest path to eternal life.
When a human being decides to find the Father and become like Him all the spiritual influences acting on this personality become a reality in their experience. When human will has been wholly dedicated to the divine will, the spiritual influences that had initially gone unnoticed in this human's life begin to act with greater intensity. It is then that truths are revealed, and understandings are expanded, uncovering an ever more complete image of reality. Thus, it is the individual who opens "the gates of heaven" for its blessings to fall upon him or her.
The spiritual presences acting in your life are neither hidden nor ineffective. They simply wait for you to grant them the necessary power to transform you into what the Father desires you to be. These influences—your Thought Adjuster, the Spirit of Truth, and the Holy Spirit—never lose patience or tire of waiting for you. It is up to you to decide today to explore your spiritual side and find the path that will lead you to the perfection of your being—the highest expression of your personality.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
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- Written by: The Beloved
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 324
Urantia, 01, 27. 2008.
Teacher: The Beloved.
Subject: “The Goal of the Ages.”
Message received by Lytske.
The Beloved: “Allow Me to engrave a few more words upon your heart, so you can access those whenever the need for remembrance arises. These little love notes are meant to strengthen you and help you in your mortal journey. Life at the best of times is not always easy, and appearances can be very deceiving. It is not the 'outside' material life that is most important even though it is the outflow of what happens in the inner life.
Therefore, the inner life steers the outer life, at least, if there is a semblance of balance. It is always good, when things happen in the inner life, such as emotional upset, to be on guard for the repercussions in the physical and mental systems. As you are beginning to realize, you are a micro-universe all by yourself, but through interconnectedness, you cannot help but be affected by what is happening with all the micro-universes around you.
It is the same story repeatedly, 'as above, so below'. Bear this in mind when things in your microsystem go awry and try to trace the cause of your unhappiness, be it in mind, body, or spirit. There is much to be ironed out so to speak, to get to the last wrinkle and it needs a very honest and sincere appraisal of your thoughts and actions, whether they match and coincide. And question yourself as to whether God's will is being done, rather than your own.
You can realize that in all matters of thoughts and actions, honesty is the best policy, not only towards yourself but all others you encounter. Just being yourself is all that God ever asks of you. The purity of the little innocent child never leaves, even though it gets very deeply buried at times under the ways of the world, and ongoing adaptation towards the same. But it is necessary to remember your innocence and that all that happens in life are learning experiences.
And even though you are far from finished to obtain your goal of remembering the innocence you had at birth, you will regain it step by tiny step once you arrive at the first morontia world and all the following worlds thereafter. The ultimate idea of living life is to present yourself eventually as a worthy replica in miniature. As a complete, pure, stainless, immaculate, and perfected being for the Creator of all. This is the goal of the ages.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I Am the Satisfaction of Your Soul — The Beloved One.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 335
Oregon, June 20, 2020.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Cutting Through the Jungle.”
Message received by Anyas.
“The positive always has the advantage over the negative, truth over error, experience over theory, spiritual realities over the isolated facts of time and space.” [UB 102:6.7]
Thought Adjuster: “You cannot build a stable life on shaky foundations. You cannot evolve toward your God-conceived eternal destiny without applying intellectual, emotional, or spiritual truth to your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Truth is what-is. Lies are what-is-not. They are delusional, distorting the perception of reality by misinterpreting some of its key elements. Your most important task in life is to follow the many subtle leadings of truth. I AM your loyal ally in this — always advocating for premium Truth with a “T.” I guide you from within, helping you cut your way through the suffocating jungle of misrepresentations with the sharp machete of truth.
Why do you think Jesus’ first executive decision after His glorious ascension was to dispatch his Spirit of Truth? It is because a harmonious civilization has to be erected exclusively on the unshakable foundation of full truth disclosure with its proactive and productive applications through love in action.
Divine truth is never devoid of its fundamental element of love. Therefore, love is essential to activate you in truth, beauty, and goodness. Even a bad experience can turn out to be revelatory by contrast. Its unpleasant outcome prompts you to scout for a better alternative.
The best personal guidance you could ever receive is to remain focused on the positive contribution of any experience, as everything ultimately works in favor of the highest good. Anything else will fall by the wayside, lacking the life-giving and life-sustaining power of truth.
Truth is straightforward, applicable, and self-validating. Do not settle for unsatisfactory partial truths. Explore their clues to rearrange the complex pieces of a puzzling reality, thus obtaining an objective picture. Due to your evolutionary nature, truth emerges incrementally, requiring you to conduct frequent and thorough spring cleanings as to your outdated belief systems.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
New Release:
“Home Schooled By Spirit – 365 Lessons for Spiritual Living” Volume 3
is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle version
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- Written by: The Damascus Scribe
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 351
Illawarra District, Australia, August 7, 2015.
The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “Of Absolute and Relative Truth.”
Message received by George Barnard.
The Damascus Scribe: “My son — I proudly call you that — I wish to converse with you about Truth and relative truth. Truth with a capital T is what you may class as absolute truth and of this I will give you three examples. Firstly, the Creator Father is the sole initial Creator in all the universes. All other Creator Sons and Daughters are so capable by fiat of the Father’s will and His given commands.
“Secondly, the sustaining power that holds up and progresses the galaxies of universes from Paradise to the outlying giant new galactic creations is love. Anything contrary to love like hatred, disinterest, and jealousy is of a fleeting existance and whilst temporarily challenging, will in time, provide positive results through the mere fact that such aberrations to love do provide learning opportunities.
“The third example of absolute truth is in reply to your questioning mind about the Master and I. Should the man, Joshua ben Joseph, have been an ordinary mortal, he and I would have fused on Urantia. Yes, yes indeed, just like Elijah. And the Saviour of mankind would likewise have been seen here no more. It was during your Master’s duties in Damascus when and where we functioned as if fully fused.
“It was our ability to truly function as one in deep love for each other that allowed the celestial onlookers of that time and place to later think back on these events and then name me the ‘Damascus Scribe,’ which name I gratefully accept.
“Here you have some aspects of absolute truth among many others, one must declare. Although, most of what mortals accept as truth is only relative truth, personal truth and much of it of a religious nature.
“On normal worlds where a much larger percentage of the population always deals with celestials — especially Midwayers and Morontia Cherubim and Companions, indeed, not forgetting the Planetary Prince and entourage — the priciples and doctrines of evolutionary religions fall away with great ease. But this is Urantia’s Correcting Time and good changes are to come here, too.
“This is the Damascus Scribe. I part with you now, but leave you my love. Call me.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me. — Christ Michael.
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- Written by: Cherubim “I’ll be Frank” and Sanobim Alice
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 336
Illawarra District, Australia, September 9, 2015.
Cherubim “I’ll be Frank” and Sanobim Alice.
Subject: “Unlimited Free Will.”
(questions from a 28-year-old).
Message received by George Barnard.
“I’ll be Frank”: “This is Frank, always frank. Alice and I are what one generally considers to be among the best-educated of Cherubim. The subject of Human Behavior is our choice of study and expertise and it has been our commission for more than a few centuries. The reason for our being overlooked so often may deal with our somewhat diminutive stature (he is no taller than a three-year-old and I’m sure he is joking).
“As we understand it, the question that is asked of us is this: Does free will continue to apply to resurrected humans on Mansonia and beyond? The answer is a resounding ‘yes.’ Free will is a personality prerogative. It applies equally to all personalities, even to those who ever do things right as a matter of cause. Alice and I have free will to investigate anything at all, but we focus on our continued studies of the complex human mind by our free-will choice.
(Speaking to the enquirer now).
“Caught up as you are, unable to change your associates, ‘imprisoned’ by your relationships, we quite understand you presently have no alternative but to bear it all until the end of your contract. However, such is not the case on the Mansion Worlds. Whereas one can choose to be among those of one’s immediate past, there is no such need or obligation if the past was unpleasant. There are myriad other groupings to suit your requirements at any given time. And this is so all throughout the Mansion Worlds.
“Once fusion has taken place you will still have your unconstrained free will. I do warn you, however, you will find it impossible to do anything wrong, laze about, waste time or ‘produce’ anything that is innately useless. You may well have developed a mindset that inclines you to seek out all of those who once distressed you back on Urantia — to close that troubling chapter or to see what you can possibly do for them when they, to a man, did to you the unspeakable.
“Find strength in the knowledge that you will relatively soon be out of the present predicament, that you will wisely choose your next ‘venue of operation’ and that anywhere and at any time beyond this life there exists unlimited free will. This is Frank, always frank.”
Alice: “We travel light and we travel fast. We will look in on you when we can and you might even become aware of us. Frank and I leave you our love.”
Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.