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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2680
Michigan, US of A, November 30, 2014.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Divine Partnership — Part Two.”
Received by Chris Maurus.
Ophelius: “Let us continue our discussion on this Divine Partnership — as I was saying, it is not so important that you know of the ‘distinction’ between you and your Thought Adjuster (TA), but rather you acknowledge the partnership and feel the ‘harmony.’
“You will learn to recognize this harmony when you understand ‘spirit logic.’ Spirit logic or ‘cosmic mind,’ is very different from human logic and human thought. The Father’s voice will always speak in the terms of the highest values of unity. Love is the greatest unifier in creation and it can be applied to any situation or circumstance in a way that will have the greatest future value. In other words, the voice of love will always bypass the ego and show you a view from the mountain top, which leads to growth and progress even if the current circumstance would appear otherwise — He sees the potentials in all things and speaks to the heart where the will is motivated and where potentials ‘can be’ realized. Never will the Divine Leading tell you what to do, but rather will He speak of the way of love and the highest possibilities if only you choose to act in harmony with Father’s Will.
“When you begin to recognize this ‘way’ of thinking, then you will understand the ‘harmony’ of the TA’s voice within you. When you bring your attention to the TA and intimately converse and share your deepest thoughts, desires, and problems, you will hear this ‘spirit logic’ speak to your mind — it will echo back the wisdom of love as it is applied to your questions, thoughts, and problems. You, however, must always guard against misinterpretation of these echoes by removing your ego and emotional reactions from the dialog. This is why it is so important to work on self-mastery. Self-mastery quiets the discordant voices that drown out the still small voice of the TA. The ‘harmony’ that I speak of is you applying your personality to the spirit logic and unifying principles that are whispered to you as growth potentials.
“The TAs are ‘pre-personal’ and so they rely on the partnership with you and your personality. Fusion with the TA occurs when the voice of harmony becomes a voice in ‘unison’ and there is little distinction between you and the Indwelling Spirit of the Father — only the originality of your personality and identity continues to complement the mind and logic that precede this new creature that you become. Fusion does not equate perfection, it only provides a much expanded consciousness for the continuing adventure — the ‘container’ is much larger and you have the added values of any prerequisite experience the TA might have accrued before your Indwelling. Your unique experience, personality, and history, make you forever a cherished child of the Father — only you can experience the creation in a way that is different from all others. This ‘diversity’ of experiencing life is required by the Universal Father.
“‘Those who have seen the Son, have seen the Father.’ This is the ultimate unison of voice and perfection. When you have traveled across the universes of time to the center of infinity and you stand in Finality before the Universal Father and receive the divine embrace, you will ‘know’ this unity — to be like the Father — for those that ‘see you’ will also see the Father.
“Blessed are you, my friends,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” — Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2630
Alabama, US of A, August 30, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Forgetting the Self”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “By forgetting the self, human beings can function from a higher level. When your actions stop being motivated by your desires for material rewards or glorification, the fruits of the spirit will express themselves freely through you, without doubt or inhibitions of any kind. Ironically, those who learn to forget their selves acquire the potential to become truly noteworthy, because their spirit — their true self — starts to become more visible in their lives.
“The search for glorification can become a hidden agenda. When those mortals who secretly desire to be glorified do something, invariably others will notice a hidden motivation, and suspicion will arise toward them. When someone offers you something that is new for you and you discover that the person is expecting something in return, naturally your doubts arise. On the other hand, when someone offers advice or help and you perceive there is no other intention behind this, it becomes easier for you to follow the advice or to accept the help.
“This is the reason why Jesus had such a great influence over His peers. The total sincerity and purity of His intent was self-evident to those who benefited from His ministrations. When somebody received Jesus’ advise, recommendation, teaching, or even scolding, His words were easier to accept when the person understood without a doubt that the purpose was to do something good for him or her.
“Many of you aspire to achieve this level of purity of intent and it is indeed possible. Cultivate true humility, which is not the false humiliation of the self, but not feeling the need to be exalted. You are a true child of God. What other honor would you rather place upon yourself? What could be greater or better? Those who achieve a true and refreshing forgetting of their selves don’t do it as a sacrifice, but as the result of knowing that the Father presence is within each one of you and this makes you unique and glorious, with the potential for perfection.
“Forgetting your self is not self abandonment, it is rather a higher way to consider your existence and your intrinsic value — a value so evident, it has no need to be recognized. Forgetting the self in reality is to remember what you really are — beings created in the image and likeness of the Creator.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2795
Michigan, US of A, June 5, 2009.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Caring for the Elderly.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today’s lesson is on caring for the elderly. It is the duty of all faith sons and daughters as believers in the Kingdom to minister to the elderly, and to prepare them for afterlife on the mansion worlds. Those who know these truths must communicate to these frail and fearful souls who are near the doorstep of eternity, and who may have no idea of what will await them upon their resurrection. Too often do we avoid the subject of death and what lies ahead, because we, ourselves, have been so ill prepared by the orthodoxy of religion on this planet. If these patriarchs of humanity had even the vaguest – the most remote – idea of the process and the conditions of afterlife, it would make a tremendous difference in their transition by the elimination of much confusion and fear. Having a little knowledge of the grand adventure would make death something to look forward to, rather than some great unknown to dread.
“This is not an easy thing to talk about with elderly folks who are very set in their ways, and especially when you yourself have no firsthand knowledge of mansion world life and the process of crossing over. You can however, use the knowledge and descriptions given in your Urantia Book to seed the minds of these souls – to tell them of the loved ones that will be waiting to greet them in the resurrection halls of Mansonia – of the great peace and beauty of the realms of light and the glorified bodies that they will have that are free from all infirmity. Tell them of the great opportunities that await them, the learning of anything they desire, and the chance to find God and to become perfect as He is perfect.
“Tell them to unload the burdens of guilt, regret, and the trespasses of others, for the past can not be undone. Tell them to look boldly into the future and imagine the possibilities, the glory, and the love that awaits them. Yes, they will listen to you, for they crave to hear these words, even if they outwardly evade such discussions. They will want to know and to hear the good news. Don’t wait until they are on their deathbed to tell them these things, tell them today, so they may think and distill these things into a comforting assurance of things to come.
“The telling of the Good News and the glories of the afterlife will help these souls progress despite the apparent crystallization of their beliefs. Truth has a way of cutting through the density of the most veiled fears and taking root in the human heart where it will blossom and grow into new paradigms of faith, hope, courage, and love.
“Go boldly to the harvest my beloved,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Divine Self
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2747
Northamptonshire, UK, October 10, 2010.
Divine Self.
Subject: “A Lesson Learnt in Time.”
Received by Helen Whitworth.
Divine Self: “All memories belong to the collective subconscious. It is not always apparent as to which time they belong for the linearity of time is not as you experience it within human frame. Never expect the order of action to follow the order of reaction. A lesson learnt in time may be from some time past or yet to come. Each lesson though contributes to the widening sphere of consciousness and is valuable in its own sake.
“Some people have more free access to the libraries than others, an easier time of it accessing the information with which they may learn at this ‘moment’, however that is because their path calls for that access. For others part of the expansion of consciousness may be intrinsically linked with having to ‘find out from scratch’ from within differing perspective and circumstance.
“You collate, file, and draw whole pictures from information available to you. It is different work. No better or worse, but part of who you are. Never expect or otherwise for circumstances to continue or otherwise for that is an irrelevancy, just live each day in the moment and take joy in the moments of calm and understanding, a pleasure from insight and a passion for your goals. Then you cannot help to Be that which you truly Are and to follow your own unique path in the direction that I wish to travel, alongside you as my tender, funny, mortal companion, exploring so daringly the animal side of your nature at the moment, you, who are eons old and who’s experience will see this as both brilliant and inconsequential in future ... just one more piece of the jigsaw without which the jigsaw will not be complete.
“Go now, and rest in me. Expand your mind and enjoy your body, and cling not to another, yet understand that all are of the same ultimate spirit, and that we all dance together.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3026
Michigan, US of A, March 21, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today I will speak about Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. You often hear about these three attributes of perfection in the Circle’s messages and from many other celestial teachers. Why is it that these three values are spoken of in a triune grouping and so often used in lessons to teach perfection attainment? It is because the life experiences from which these three values are derived become the eternal property of the Thought Adjuster and the developing Morontia soul. All other experiences derived from hate, fear, malice, selfishness, pride, and other such negative maladjusted evil and error; will perish with the flesh and will have no place in your eternal career should you survive.
“Many on your world deprive themselves of these valuable soul-building experiences because they refuse to see, by willful choice, anything but the material illusion and the pursuit of the instant gratification of the ego. And when they pass into eternity, they will start there, where they left off, having to learn and experience those things they should have learned in their short but intense lives on the evolutionary worlds of time and space.
“‘Judgment day,’ the feared reaping of the willful choices of life, is instantaneous and merciful. Each one will go unto his or her own place and will be grouped together with those of similar natures and values. Many will regret having wasted the opportunities they were afforded while living in the flesh. It is the realization of delayed progression and growth that will come to bear heavy on these empty souls of probationary status, for they will be the judges of themselves, and no longer can they pass blame upon others – for all shall be revealed. From there it will be a slow climb for many to acquire lost growth while in an environment of relative safety and group similitude, and this is why it is so very important to learn your life’s lessons on earth while you are ‘in the mix,’ so to speak, of this very intense struggle for growth and perfection ‘direction.’
“Seek after those values of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in your life experiences, for Truth is Love, Beauty is Creative, and Goodness is the Will of the Creator. Surround yourself with the ‘triunity’ of these values my beloveds, and you will have no regrets in the next world. You will truly know the meaning of real joy as you embark on the grand adventure of perfection attainment and the inward ascent to find the Source of all creation – to stand in finality before the Father on paradise.
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.