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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3213
Michigan, US of A, August 17, 2014.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Soul Building Process – Part Four.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “Today, we would like to speak more about the composition of the soul, and how those valuable experiences you have in earth life help you to become progressive morontia citizens in your journey through the mansion worlds. Some of the activities and practices you now entertain, and which bring value to your life, shall become a great asset to you in the afterlife, and so being consciously prepared for your next adventure, having the blessed assurance that life is eternal, is one of the greatest joys of living that shall sustain you and keep you ‘forward moving’ toward god-like perfection.
“On the mansion worlds, having greater mind capacity and circuitry connected to the cosmic mind, your ability to focus and reflect on the earth treasures you bring with you will help you to get acclimated to morontia life and the perfection process of ascension. There you no longer have to spend time and energy carving out a ‘living’ to sustain your most basic physical needs or to provide shelter – pay rent, and so you will have ‘infinitely’ more time to build a better you.
“Think about how much time you spend each day on self-improvement or nurturing a loving relationship compared to all the time spent on terrestrial needs? This ratio is nearly reversed on Mansonia and much of your early activities and time will be spent acclimating to your new morontia bodies and discovering and using your new expanded abilities. You no longer have a physical brain that operates on electrochemical impulses driven by emotion, and therefore you have greater control of your thoughts and the ability to analyze past experiences without self-loathing and extract the higher meanings and values as they relate to your ascendant career.
“The weightier your soul is rich with survival value experiences, mastery, and character in this life, the greater will be your ability to grasp the new meanings and values you encounter in this new and amazing life on the mansion worlds, for each progressive realm of existence builds upon the experiences of the former and the wisdom gleaned from those experiences is what perfects the mind and raises the vibratory signature of the surviving soul, elevating it closer and closer to the Source of all creation.
“Do you practice stillness, and do you communicate your questions – ask for guidance, share your thoughts and desires with the Father? This same process of ‘reaching out’ to Spirit for nurturing and guidance will continue on the mansion worlds, yet the energetic connection to these divine sources will be more real to you there because of your conscious connection to your Indwelling Father fragment, the Thought Adjuster. Do you enjoy socializing – gathering with like-minded personalities and sharing and exchanging information and experiences? On the mansion worlds, you won’t have to search far to find kindred spirits, for you shall be mostly grouped together with those of similar vibration where you can all learn and acquire new knowledge, discover and create new ideas, and progress together in a safe and astonishing environment where you can focus on those things that interest you most.
“There is a familiar pattern to life after you strip away all the interference from ‘terrestrial challenges’ that you can begin recognize that will carry over with you into the hereafter. There you can more clearly see how important is your earth life – your decisions and actions, your loves and relationships, and how they shape who you are and what you are becoming. Become aware, my friends, of this process as you go about your daily lives and think about how your current life shall work into your new life on the mansion worlds and how you can build a better you.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Teacher Prolotheos
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2891
Chicago, US of A, August 14, 2014.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Life – A Means to Growth.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Life is a gift. Granted that it may well rate as an unsolicited gift, it is nonetheless a precious gift from God. Animal life is totally conditioned by nature, but humans, although they too are animals, are different. Humans can reason about things, and act upon circumstances to become more than just animals. Humans are given the opportunity to manifest great deeds by simply deciding to do the will of God. Accordingly, the value of human life originates in its divine source, God, and also in its nature to serve – a means to growth.
“Firstly, let us focus on life as a means to exist, as well as means to grow in that existence. Life is a precious and loving gift from God because it offers survival in God’s reality. All that exists came to be through life, even as did those things that have no life of themselves. However, human beings, besides having existence, can certainly experience growth, and bring about achievements. Transcendental growth brings bonafide experiences to one’s existence, as experience determines the endurance of human beings in reality, and the way in which to ensure continuity in God’s reality is by becoming part of His eternal realism.
“Secondly, think of life as a means to attain personality. It is apparent that without life there is no chance for the emergence or manifestation of personality. Personality is what makes you unique in all God’s universes. Life is everywhere, but there is only one you. Not all that lives has personality, but personality is only bestowed upon life. Therefore, nobody could be a person, or a personal being, without first having life. Life is the basic gift that allows some beings to receive God’s most unique and additional gift of all: Personality. Personality is so unique that it is unchangeable. You are a person, distinct from all others.
“Thirdly, think of life as a means to service. Three ways in which life can be of service are: Serving yourself, serving your neighbor, and serving God. Service to the self should be obvious; you must care for yourself, so you can serve others and God. The loving service to your neighbor is simultaneously a priority, and ‘an intermediary’, for by serving your neighbor you really do also serve God, who commanded it this way, and whose will should have primacy over all. If life is meant for service, it will also serve you well; otherwise, it would be a waste of time and energy.
“When you understand life as a means to existence, to acquiring personality and to doing service, life becomes meaningful. It will make you grateful to God who gave you life and personality, and it will become a reason for gratitude by others when you use your gift of life to serve your neighbors. As a result, life brings you satisfaction and happiness.
“Life is not a goal in itself, as your Master said: ‘For whosoever would save his life selfishly, shall lose it, but whosoever loses his life for my sake and the gospels, shall save it.’ Life is meant to be lived for the purpose of ministry.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Samuel of Panoptia
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3080
Illawarra District, Australia, August 10, 2014.
Samuel of Panoptia.
Subject: “The Frailty of Democracy.”
Received by George Barnard.
Samuel: “Good evening my dear students. This is Samuel of Panoptia. My brother, Aaron, is by my side, and we have prepared for you a simple lesson on democratic government.
“Well may you agree with us that the best method of government is some form of democracy. However, the difficulty with democracy is that after a period of time things tend to go awry. As we spoke earlier today, I will again repeat how this comes about. As a community grows, people concern themselves with rules for this community, and naturally, as it grows and grows, rules and rights that are fair to all will be noted. Some will object to some of the rules of the community and a democratic system of voting does then come about.
As the clan, the tribe, the nation grows even bigger, a structure, a hierarchy will establish itself to ensure that everyone knows the rules, and that everyone sticks by the rules. Some will have to, as is often spelled out, become more equal then others. Indeed! Someone will need to be at the head of the community, perhaps, more than a few will need to be at the head of the community. Very often these positions will pass on from one member of the ruling class to a descendant, to an offspring of this ruler class, and there, all of a sudden, you will have something quite less of a democracy.
“And, as ‘the heavens’ have witnessed again and again, there will be those who are power hungry from a young age. They will have little care for others and only care for wealth and control. These are the psychopaths, you would call them, who must control the moneys or the currencies, the goods and many favors, for friends and themselves. These powerful individuals represent the frailty of democracy! As one generation takes over from the old, they will care less and less for the common pawns – those who were always led or used.
“Soon all will find that certain members of the community will have advantages over others because of their position. We find this to be much the case among the financiers of various projects. Sooner or later you will have an absolute ruler, perhaps an absolute tyrant, in charge of the community, and that is then the end of your democracy. Democracies often regress into dictatorships. And so, certain rules must go into place in order for this not to happen. Firstly, not a single individual must be in charge of an ever growing community.
There needs to be a number of them. They need to be balanced. They must not be professional politicians. They must be those that come from the law, or from the medical professions, and that have shown in their lives to be caring of others, that have shown in their lives that they have not filled their pockets with whatever currency is in use. These are the ones that will ensure that a democracy stays a democracy. It is simple for me, and this is why I am your spokesman at this time, for this is the way of Panoptia.
“All have to show that they are from a profession where they care for others, where personal wealth is only of moderate importance, where they are proven to be bright, decisive, working in the interest of others, where they prove to have their minds about them even at an older age. And then again, they have to learn what the community and its rulings are all about, and they stay in that government position for only a few years. This is the reason why Panoptia remains so very successful – it has for ages – millenia.
“I leave you now for you to give this your consideration, and I would like to see you transcribe the words and make them available to others. This is Samuel, signing off for both Aaron and myself. Goodnight.”
George: “Thank you both.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 3069
Alabama, US of A, August 2, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Research and Revelation.”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Many of the ideas science of today has about the universe will eventually be proven to be incorrect. Most scientists believe in an ever-expanding universe, but those of you who have read the Epochal revelation know that this is not the case. One could ask, what is the purpose of scientific research if there will always be things that cannot successfully be explained by science?
“Science is very valuable to any civilization. Through exploration of the mysteries of the universe, and through curiosity to find out how things work, many useful discoveries have been made, improving the lives of human beings. Your progress from the times of the cavemen, to the many luxuries and advantages of modern life, have been possible thanks to scientific research.
“Here, clarification about the revelations in the Urantia papers is in order. What is therein described about the universe – as for most other ideas displayed in these documents – represent the highest ideas about truth that originated in the minds of human beings of this planet. Nothing that was not discovered by humanity has been revealed. Even the more advanced ideas about the origin of the universe were at one time contemplated by superior human minds of this world, and these ideas were preserved by the Guardians of Wisdom on Paradise.
“There are still many things to be discovered by the civilizations on this planet. The advancements in science, philosophy, and religion are always the heritage of a material sphere. Your achievements are forever yours, so rejoice in your progress and accept the responsibility of finding solutions to the problems you are facing today.
“Of course, you are not alone in these adventures. God, through the presence of the Thought Adjusters, and through myriad Teachers and helpers, is available to assist you in directing your ideas and efforts towards more productive endeavors with a higher change of success.
“The true teachers are not those who offer their students the solutions to their problems. A true teacher lets the student enjoy the satisfaction of his or her own discovery, plus the rewards of his or her efforts in discovering truth. Thus meanings and values become part of the person who discovers them, because they are the results of real experiences.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Prometheus
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2942
Alberta, Canada, December 4, 2013.
Prometheus’ Treasures - XVI.
Subject: “Friendship and Partnership with God.”
Received by Renée.
Teacher Prometheus: “Friendship and partnership with God is a noble and attainable goal for any free-willed human. It requires the dispelling of superstition, misunderstandings, misconceptions, myths and all fear-based animal-mind emotions. The most crucial aspect in establishing a humble, healthy and heart-centred relationship is to offer your receptivity to your indwelling Spirit as a willing and hospitable host.
“Human beings on this planet continue to harbor primitive and harmful ideas and fear-derived fallacies when confronted with the factual truth that they are indeed hosts to the Spirit Gift of the First Source Creator.
“The unlearning of untruths thus becomes a priority and prerequisite for the clearing of their consciousness which is clouded and crowded by mistaken assumption, and corrupted by fallacious presumption.
“The first step to correcting a fear-corrupted mind must be the clearing of a communication channel at a high enough ‘frequency’ to allow the loving and reassuring, warming and comforting divine energies into the heart-space – the heart chakra – the central portal within the energy-body of the infant morontia soul. The circuitry of the energy system developing within the human being requires the infusion of divinely-supplied energies. The strengthening of these energy-body circuits depends upon the progressive spiritization of the mortal through their conscious participation and free-will cooperation. Fear based emotions effectively block, and can occasionally short-circuit, the growth and functioning of the morontia energy body, often referred to as the light-body in some eastern religious traditions.
“The loving and very real positive and powerful feelings one experiences in the heart chakra are directly proportional to the degree to which the receptive individual is able to allow and accept these energies, as well as to the degree to which the individual is consciously in alignment and attunement with higher thoughts, altruistic and sincere higher emotions, and soul-satisfying service motivation. These high vibrational frequencies of light come to the individuals who desires with authenticity and selfless service motivation to assist and ally themselves with the Creator in order to further the Will, and promote the progress of the Plans, of the Creator.
“Such powerful heart-centered experiences of divine love and real investment act as the strongest kind of faith-reinforcing, fear-dispelling, and mind-purifying agents for mortals who demonstrate their genuine and heart-felt desire to participate as a willing partner in co-creative, divinely coordinated initiatives.
“The expansion and advancement of the capacities of the soul-service motivated mortal depend upon the continued efforts of this enlightened individual to consciously connect in a daily exercise. A soul is not sustainable without it connecting with that which feeds it divine elemental source energies of light. The Teacher within can then more effectively work with Christ Michael’s Spirit of Truth and Mother Spirit’s Mind Adjutants to educate and emancipate the mind from fearful thoughts. The Teacher within can then help the human-host to follow the divine leadings, which encourage and empower the co-creative efforts of the free-will endowed, now free-will consecrated mortal.
“The pleasures of the ‘outer world’ are supplementary to the satisfaction of the ‘inner kingdom’ as you share soul-growth experiences and perform your part of loving service to your fellows in friendship and partnership with God.
“We are Prometheus and Friends.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.