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- Written by: Thought Adjuster
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2553
Alabama, US of A, August 22, 2011.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “About Helping Others”
Received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “Every decision you make with the intent to benefit others, is always a good decision. However, you must question if you really are helping when solving other people’s problems. As with everything else, you must aim for balance. You need to invest some time in taking care of your health and your personal well-being, but this time has to be managed so you can also dedicate some time to lovingly serving your siblings.
“How often do human beings avoid serving those who need help most because it may be inopportune or it may cause bother! Many among you think that you might be willing to help your brothers and sisters as long as they arrive at the right moment and when you are not busy with your so-called important things.
“Your jobs are important and becoming responsible is a valuable lesson one needs to learn. However, one’s anxieties and one’s urgencies seldom have anything to do with reality. No moment should be inopportune when others need help. No action that takes you away from your comfort zone for you to lend a hand to your siblings should be considered to be a bother because it is in the surprises and in the unexpected where the Father provides us all with opportunities to grow and become increasingly like Him.
“You are not expected to be the one who takes care of all the dispossessed in this world. There are enough mortals on Urantia to prevent anybody from being stranded or from lacking what they need to live a fulfilling life, if only you would mutually help each other. However, learn to know when somebody within your circle needs help because you, students on the path, may be the only ones in that situation who can provide real and meaningful assistance. Regardless of how lost their soul might be or how wrong those mortals’ desires might be, you can always find ‘something inside you’ with which to give them a push in the right direction and let them glimpse their eternal destiny.
“The goal of perfection is a goal you will only achieve together, helping each other and sharing what our Father has placed within your hearts and minds. God lives inside human beings and reveals Himself through you. And only when you see all the pieces working in harmony can you discern with more clarity the presence of God in your world.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Life Carrier Orion
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 7324
Chicago, US of A, October 12, 2014.
Teacher: Life Carrier Orion.
Subject: “Urantia’s Uniqueness.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Orion: “Uniqueness is one of the most evident features of God’s creation. God neither duplicates functions nor beings. In God there is no shortage of creativity, making every unit of His creation a totally distinctive one. As every creature in God’s universes is unique, so are the many worlds and the types of life on each inhabited planet of the local universes. It is not only the existence of a planet that makes it unique: but also its development and history make it like no other in creation. Among the several unique aspects of Urantia, perhaps let us show you the most interesting ones.
“Urantia, a Decimal Planet. The appearance of life on a planet is a programmatic process of life development sponsored by the Life Carriers, later brought to a particular planet, ripe to support life. That is the norm, but Urantia, the 606th planet of this system to have life implantation, was designated a decimal planet, the 60th on which Life Carriers could experiment to improve the original life patterns. Accordingly, no life was imported onto Urantia; rather, it was formulated here, specifically for this planet. This adventure, although consummated according to proven methods, was nonetheless experimental, therefore with larger margins for unpredictability.
“Early Will Appearance on Urantia. Human will on Urantia not only appeared earlier than on other planets, but also evolution itself was altogether accelerated. Humans on other planets used to take up to 1,500,000 years to reach your current stage, but on Urantia, this added up to a little less than one million years. Sadly, the defaults of Caligastia (who allied himself to Lucifer), and Adam and Eve (who betrayed their trust), prevented Urantia from fully benefitting from these evolutionary advances. Nonetheless, these evolutionary speedsters – still present in your races – will certainly be of use, now that your world is being put back into its orderly progression.
“Christ Michael’s Last Bestowal on Urantia. Of about 10 million worlds to be inhabited in the local universe of Nebadon, only Urantia has the distinction of being called the ‘Bestowal World,’ where Michael, our Sovereign, ministered in His last Bestowal, incarnating as the mortal, Jesus. Although your world was not fully prepared for a Bestowal Son, the spiritual benefits to Urantia were most effective in starting the reversion of the darkness and confusion the Lucifer Rebellion had caused. Jesus’ teachings are your most precious legacy, ensuring the future establishment of the Kingdom of God on Urantia – the coming era of Light and Life.
“As a member of the original Life Carriers that initiated life upon Urantia – one of the two that stayed behind when will emerged in your species – I participated in its implantation, and fostering of life. Now I function as adviser to your celestial administrators. Urantia’s path has indeed been rocky, but Michael’s recent mandate of establishing the Correcting Time is producing encouraging progress. Urantia, as you can see, is unique and became most distinguished in Nebadon. It is now time for its peoples to reclaim their full divine heritage, embracing their past and fearlessly charging into your promised future.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22) - Machiventa Melchizedek
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2435
Illawarra District, Australia, November 18, 2014.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Machiventa Melchizedek.
Subject: “My 11:11 Progress Group” (shortened transmission).
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “I enjoyed hearing Thuroc’s views of the human world. He has a way of expressing others’ observations in a fashion most would not. I agree with him on his recent trip Down Under that the most outrageous conspiracies contain a greater percentage of truth than do the Western government’s pronouncements of intent. Certainly in dealing with their colleagues of other nations they appear to have only a hammer in their diplomatic tool boxes, so all international problems are seen as nails to be driven home. Those sanctions of late …
“We, the Urantia-based helpers, watch with baited breath all decisions you make to bring you closer to yet more world-wide kerfuffles we do so detest and which you certainly do not need. I now hand you over to our ‘Planetary Manager’ and step aside. It’s late. Stay focused, brother.
Machiventa: “It’s good to visit with your group once more. This is Machiventa. These are critical times, as I have mentioned to you on a number of occasions. So much that began by myself, Teacher Ham and Teacher Abraham has splintered into groups that no longer follow the early lessons that were given by Teacher Daniel, Teachers Aaron, Elyon and Will, not forgetting our very own Creator Son, Michael. What is so urgent, I ask you, at this very beginning of the Correcting Time that you must split yourself into ineffective fragments?
“Too many of you have gone off on a tangent and drifted into matters of personal interest, even matters of pure fantasy. This is not what I wish for my 11:11 Progress Group. I implore you to continue to focus not on the spiritually mundane, but on the spiritually basic. Much in these days is being forced, to the Teachers’ unending frustration. Take your time, always, in getting ready to receive, and take your time in letting their lessons come to mind — the deeper mind, the soul mind.
“I remind you that you have no other task but to take your people to the starting gates of spirituality to then let them run their own spiritual race. Let the Urantia Papers be your basis for teaching always for the further one presses into unknown territory, the greater number of mistakes will be made. And the longer the transmissions, the greater the number of new subscribers who will walk away from your efforts. At this critical time of increasing neglect of our basic teachings, you must do all you can to stay with the 101 curriculum.
“This is Machiventa Melchizedek, well informed about your doings, encouraging you to stay with the program and counting on you all to work towards permanency as in my book you are merely the foreword of progressive spiritual action on Urantia here to stay. Make it so. I say goodbye for now and leave you with my love, my sincere approval and your southern hemisphere Midwayer contingent. Adieu.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Primary Midwayer Andrea
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2448
Illawarra District, Australia, December 2, 2003.
Primary Midwayer, Andrea.
Subject: “Reincarnation – A Myth” – Part Transmission Only.
Received by George Barnard.
George: “You can say these things so much better than I can, Andrea, and besides, what kind of an authority am I?”
Andrea: “OK. This is much better now, and now we can begin. We do have the ability of ‘plucking from your vocabulary’ a much vaster range of words and concepts, and arrange them in better order. Yes. Even those words, terms and notions that have ‘slipped over the horizon of your human forgetfulness.’ Where we are often limited is in the transmission of higher truths, due to your varied states of preparedness, your stillness achievement, and your resistance at any given time in your biorhythmic swings, as well as in the restrictions placed upon us as revelators.
“Over the years, much information on the subject has been uploaded into your mind, but it is my pleasure entirely to be speaking about the tenacious, endemic religious belief systems that include reincarnation of many types, and from the very droll to the outright ridiculous.
“I guess there is some value in hearing it from me. And even with my lengthy overview of how these experiences and thoughts have become myths and have turned into belief systems that so many of your siblings adhere to, yes, even in the predominantly Christian world, it is not always clearly understood even by the likes of me how these credos have metamorphosed into such a myriad range.
“At times, the connection between the experienced Father Fragment and the human deep mind will give rise to ‘a knowing’ at a conscious level, and herein the truest form of “suggestion of reincarnation” – and I want you to put these words in quotation marks – may become evident. These are actual experiences in the lifetimes of Father Fragments that served well in the lives of some (humans), who may or may not have proceeded to undertake an eternity existence.
“And so it is on your world, our world, our troubled, blighted and chaotic world, that so many highly experienced Fragments of the Creator of All are attracted to serve in the most difficult and yet experientially profitable of circumstances. And it is therefore fair to say that among you there are many who are recollecting meaningful aspects of previous Father Fragment existences that may well come through in an accurate, partly garbled, or even disordered way.
“For the vast majority of you, the difficulty with the interpretation of these ‘elements of knowing’ lies in the lack of your spiritual and religious understanding of your very make-up; your inability to differentiate between the pre-existent Father Fragment and the newly appointed soul that will carry you to eternal life at the time of your mortal demise.
“The soul is but a mere seed of future potential in a small child. It is ticket, a tiny IOU, or voucher, one might say, that through the job of living a rightful, righteous, thankful, gracious and spiritual life in its future will grow, develop and mature into a sparkling new you with the potential of eternal service, enjoyment and certainty of your being drawn ever Paradise-ward.
“Yes, of course, these perhaps accidental communications between the Father Fragment and the deep mind do at times surface. However, in your earnest endeavor of trying to collect information about, and learning from previous soul lives, there is rarely the accuracy one might assign to what can admittedly be so vividly experienced.
“Each of you have been gifted with mind endowments that will only ‘attach and interconnect’ with unqualified degrees of fullness and accuracy. Your groupings of interactive mind segments have the ability to reach out at any given time, one might say, to only God knows where, and acknowledge the information gained as belonging to your soul’s pasts, when there are no such pasts.
“All kinds of details are available, and from myriad sources, and even from our enhanced view, and with our lengthy experience, we cannot always fathom from where these seemingly accurate details of previous soul lives may have been gathered. Suffice to say, my brother, that pre-existence of the soul is a tale passed down from greatly imaginative minds and utterings of ancient times.
“Whereas the Father Fragment has gone through excellent training, and may have had many lifetimes of ‘temporary accompanying experiences’ prior to indwelling the person that is you, the soul is always an entirely new entity, a seed, a gift, for a cooperative human mind and perfect Father Fragment to develop into a new being that will survive your passing away, and to which there is attached no original karma, good or bad.
“I trust that in this talk we have put to rest the belief of pre-existing souls, and alleviated some of the associated disquiet in those individuals that are accepting of bad karma, perhaps accumulated in carelessly lived previous soul lives.
“I thank you for staying the distance with me. I bow my head to the Spirit that is in you, now that I leave as when I arrive. Do program your meditation for the early hours. My love goes with you all. This is Andrea.”
Receiver’s note: I apologize for the length of this old, but important transmission.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 2910
Michigan, US of A, November 16, 2014.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Divine Partnership — Part One.”
Received by Chris Maurus.
Chris: “How do we know when the Indwelling Spirit (the Thought Adjuster or ‘TA’) is speaking to us, or through us, and under what conditions will this occur?
Ophelius: “Dear One, this is Ophelius. This is a question that is asked by many and it is a valid question because those who have moved beyond mere curiosity and have a real desire to make contact with their God Fragments are making the most important decision they can make — to have an intimate relationship with deity.
“Many are seeking indicators and instruction because they believe it has occurred or will occur when they sincerely create the conditions necessary for this kind of divine communication.
“Now, I will speak frankly to those who I consider ‘students on the path,’ meaning those individuals who are spiritual (becoming aware) and who are not resisting the leading of the TA. It is a rare occurrence when an individual from your planet consciously becomes aware that they are hearing their TA — many do indeed hear, yet they are not aware. This is because of the tight integration between the mind and the TA. However, I will say that in this Correcting Time, the Universal Father’s direct influence through the Divine Fragments is necessary to move the planet on a path toward light and life and more of His children are becoming aware of His voice and influence through the TA.
“Like any important relationship, communication is vital to strengthen the intimacy between the two. To develop this awareness, you will want to become an ‘active partner,’ meaning you ‘allow’ this divine partner to be involved in all your inner thoughts and inner dialog. You must create a conscious space for the presence of the TA to ‘sit,’ even if you do not feel it — by faith, you will acknowledge the Indwelling Presence like an intimate friend who loves you unconditionally. Please understand that this is unconditional acceptance of who you are and that all thoughts can be shared regardless of the subject matter. The TA chose to indwell you and knows everything about you — how you think and act; what beliefs you have; and He or She is aware of all your imperfections and shortcomings. There is no need to try to hide your most intimate thoughts or embarrassing moments — the TA knows all about it, so begin to bring the TA into all your intimate inner dialog. This is how you build a relationship — trust is vital to your success.
“Fact: The TA has been present with you since your first moral decision usually just prior to your sixth birthday and so it is time for you to acknowledge this ‘old friend’ and bring Him or Her into your ‘inner sanctum’ and everyday life.
Chris: “I actually do feel this partnership now — all my inner dialog, my deep thoughts, my spiritual instructions to others has this partnership integration and ‘voice’ that is my own, yet is coming from this much deeper place and presence that I feel is within me, yet the demarcation between me and my TA is blurred — the voice is a ‘harmony.’ It is difficult to explain in words.
Ophelius: “Yes, exactly, this is why in so many of the messages you receive there is always an emphasis on acknowledging the presence of the TA. When you develop this relationship to the point where you are constantly ‘checking in’ with the TA, you begin to feel this partnership. Training your mind to acknowledge the partnership is vital to giving the TA more ‘allowance’ to work in your mind and become more integrated. This world — in this Correcting Time — needs individuals who will ‘allow’ this partnership to flourish so that the Father’s Will can be worked through the individual to help move this world toward healing, light and life.
“It is not so important that you know of the ‘distinction’ between you and your TA, but rather that you acknowledge the partnership and feel the ‘harmony.’
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” — Teacher Ophelius, 2009.