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- Written by: The Beloved One
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4401
Urantia, April 13, 2012.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Anticipation.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “We once more set ourselves the task of conducting meaningful communication. First there is something that needs to be clearly understood. How do you anticipate the lesson will proceed? Are you merely hoping that you are up to this task, or do you already know that a worthwhile lesson will be forthcoming? Most importantly, will you be settling down in glad anticipation of our private get-together? (receiver: yes I will) Good, then we shall proceed.
It is always a great joy for the teacher when the pupil is looking forward to their communication, anticipating a strong and fluent connection to be established, so nothing negative can intrude into the human mind. It is necessary to keep negative thoughts at bay, since you know full well how your mercurial mind can go off on tangents before it even grasps what is to be conveyed.
“It is most important to give me your full attention so no word is missed, allotting the entire sentence the correct flavor and meaning. Here I explain that anticipation works best, and can be wonderfully elevating to the human spirit when it is used constructively with great optimism. Positive anticipation attracts the abundance of the universe, so free for the taking, like good health and happiness. It changes the demeanor of the individual who was ‘letting life go by’ to become actively engaged in her or his destiny, looking forward with glad anticipation to what each new day shall bring.
“Having a mind-set of glad anticipation on awakening is quite the reason for a most wonderful and joyous day, which makes everything more interesting for the individual. To be in such a state of thankful expectancy requires only a short prayer asking God what might be his will for the day. Ideally, this could become a heart/soul and mind involved prayer to place the individual in the groove of glad anticipation, as the will of God is nothing other than the experience of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of all of humankind. “Females are of course included and embraced equally as there is no such thing as gender in God’s eyes, only that all have an undying spirit-soul, which has been given to each individual for them to develop and be responsible for. So the will of God embraces simply the golden rule to do onto others as you would like to be treated. In other words God’s way is the way with the most love.
“Please ponder the word anticipation in a positive manner and allow all good things to come to you. It is a law of the universe that what you put out in intent, thoughts, words and deeds will come back a thousand-fold or greater. The thoughts that you sow come back with astounding accuracy without a doubt. So be careful how you walk though life and be mindful of your thoughts. Be of glad anticipation and life shall unfold in miraculous ways. Take this lesson to heart and practice glad anticipation and in this manner you increase the joy of living. It is in you to do so.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Mentori Spokesperson
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4183
Illawarra District, Australia, April 29, 2012.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “A Lesson About Healing.”
Received by George Barnard.
Mentor: “Critique about healing, including not-necessarily-positive additional comments from this receiver, has initiated discussion among the members of this group of Mentors -- Mentori as we are often referred to. Recently I spoke with you about humility and energy, and this -- lesson you might call it -- deals with energy of a kind, and in such instances I place my name up for election to speak. Energy is what I like, and healing always was my forté.
“The need for healing always either fully, or in some major way, deals with the mind, deals with thought and therefore deals with energy. It is so that if you can clearly think your thoughts, you can heal and also be a healer. Here I direct my words at J. (a friend and subscriber) to suggest that early in the process of stilling your mind you politely request of the Creator of All to be allowed to connect with the person you wish to heal.
“All of us, high and low, are the Creator’s beloved children, so it would hardly do to suspect your request will be denied. Carry on now and imagine the person to be healed being in front of you. Wish for him or her to be healed. Imagine the individuals on a bed, ready to receive the treatment you are to give them. Stretch out your arms, palms down over the patients. See in your mind the energy, the light, coming from you, and healing their condition.
“Your thoughts, your wish to heal, has energy, has body, is real, and it cannot escape because you have unerringly directed it to perform its task. The fact that you are likely to be a great distance away from your patient matters not one iota. Your thoughts are the product of mind, which produced these thoughts, but Mother Spirit is the Source of all mind. There is not in any of our universes a power, physical or otherwise, which can compete with mind.
“Consider, my friend, there is nothing in creature existence as basic as to be able to nurture and heal. At the same time there is not a creature as lowly, whilst concurrently as exalted, as the human offspring of the Creator, for as you are a body of mere dust of the earth, you are too a spirit reality of Creator origin. Claim your heritage and creator-like abilities to heal all manner of ills, my dear human friends, insistently, yet in humility.
“How fortunate I am to be given the chance to speak with you again so soon. We are Mentori and we salute you. Adieu.”
George: “I thank all you Mentori, and Midwayer Mathew for kindly facilitating this contact.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4095
Michigan, US of A, April 22, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Vital Ingredients.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: The message for today is about the importance of developing a spiritual map for the afterlife, and the main ingredients needed to assure your transition for the continuance of identity and spiritual continuity. There are far too many on Urantia that are passing through without a map -- believing in nothing and finding bewilderment, fear, and darkness when the transitions come. This is not what Christ Michael wants for you. He wants you to know the way, know the truth, and have life everlasting, and so we are here, your teachers, to enlighten you, that you may know, and those in your circles may know through you, the way home.
1. The first ingredient is to recognize the Source, the Creator Father, The Almighty Upholder, the Creator of all life in the grand universe and beyond, and understand the sovereignty of God as universal, all wise, everywhere present, all powerful, and eternal.
2. The second ingredient is to understand the paradox of God.
A. God is furthest from you: Man being created in an imperfect state, most unlike God, but created to learn, grow, and gain experiential wisdom, to become godlike through the ascension process -- to learn how to love.
B. God is closest to you: Through the agency of the Indwelling Spirit, a fragment of divinity that lives and works in your mind, teaching, leading, coordinating, and piloting you through life, giving as much love and assistance as your free will may allow to ‘spiritize’ your mind and your thinking for the development of your soul -- the embodiment and essence of who you really are -- the survivable vessel for your continuing life on the mansion worlds (the hereafter).
3. The third ingredient is to have faith and believe you are a child of this Creator Father. Having accepted this gift as sons and daughters, available to all, without condition, you are granted the right of eternal life if you so choose to take the grand adventure to become godlike and move ever inward, from life station to life station, learning, growing, and serving in the creation and becoming co-creators with God.
4. The fourth ingredient is to know where home is. Be confident and have the faith that all has been prepared for you -- that your homecoming is anticipated and the way made clear for you to enter into your inheritance. Believe that when you breathe your last breath in this life, that your Indwelling Spirit (the keeper of your mind transcripts and experiences), and your Guardian Angel ( the keeper of your soul trust) will come together on the third day and awaken you in your new home on the mansion worlds -- the training worlds of human ascension and progression.
These basic ingredients are needed to assure a smooth transition and a joyous reunion on the mansion worlds. Be therefore confident in your survival and enjoy your life on the worlds of time and space knowing this is only the beginning of an unending astonishing career of life and service in the creation.
Peace to you,
The Circle of Seven.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” — Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
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- Written by: Unknown Teacher
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4114
Alabama, US of A, November 12, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “Your Little Child.”
Received by Oscar.
Teacher: “The patience of parents who love their children is not the result of their efforts. Their patience is the result of the innate love of such parents. The little ones may cause their parents to sometimes loose their patience, but once the situation has calmed, the parents’ love prevails, and forgiveness for any fault or misunderstanding is guaranteed.
“This is why Michael asked us to attempt to express a higher love for our peers, a parent’s love, which aspires to be similar to the love He feels toward all His creatures. Such love can’t hold grudges or withhold forgiveness. Such love understands that we are all in a process of growth, so we are likely to make mistakes. Such love guarantees true fraternity and good will among men. However, such love has rarely been practiced upon this earth.
“This is the challenge of this age. This is the answer to the Master’s exhortation of two thousand years ago. Consider each human being to be a little child, your little child, because this actually is the reality in the eyes of the Celestial Father, whom you represent and who lives in you, and expresses himself through you.
“Consider each person around you; those who have hurt you, or someone you love, those who have made mistakes and are being punished by society, those who struggle tenaciously to hold onto their political or economic power at the expense and suffering of others. Consider also yourself, but try to see the pure and innocent child they once were.
“Try to understand how the circumstances of life could render a soul so confused as to forget what he or she really is. Try to see them as little ones, who don’t yet understand the game of life, who are still in the process of maturing. Start seeing your brothers and sisters in this world, and yourself in this way, and you will start to see how God sees His creatures.
“This is how the love of the Father will extend all over this world. In this way forgiveness and a true peace will become reality. Those problems that seem so big today will become trivial, and Light and Life will finally arrive on our beloved Urantia.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
- Details
- Written by: Teacher Ophelius
- Category: Messages
- Hits: 4563
Michigan, US of A, April 8, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Answer to the Questions.”
Received by Chris.
Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today contains the answer to many questions. The questions are: What do the many who have not the light seek for when they are searching, doing, and living? They almost certainly feel something is missing, but they know not what. How is it that they find themselves to have this unquenchable thirst for something they do not know, yet they keep looking in all the wrong places, doing things that cannot satisfy, and desiring material comforts as a substitute for the very thing that can make them whole? Why do humans insatiably hunger for that which is hollow, unfulfilling, and unsustainable? What is it that creates this blind spot for knowing God, for wondering about what comes next, for wanting answers to the meaning of life? These are questions that baffle us (spirit) because the answers are so simple, so undeniable, and so basic from our point of view, that we have difficulty understanding how children, created and brought into being can grow up and have no clue as to who their divine parent is, or why they were created.
“The answer is not ‘blowing in the wind,’ yet it would seem so for the many that go through life without a compass -- wasting the days that have been given them to find the answers to the questions about life -- why they are here, and what is their purpose for being?
“Your world, your society, having reached a relatively high level of development in science and technology teeters on the brink of it’s own decline and regression because so many do not even have a clue as to what their purpose is or know what lies ahead of them after they have breathed their last. This blindness away from god-knowing seems to be deepening with each generation rather than evolving naturally toward an awakening.
“Even in the past two thousand years since the Master walked this earth, declaring, ‘The harvest is plenty, yet the workers are few -- pray the lord of the harvest sends more workers,’ we still today have few workers when compared to how many still walk in darkness. So then, what is the answer? You my friends are the answer. You students on the path desiring to know the truth, to seek for the light, to know the One -- you are the hope for your world, and you are the salt of the earth.
“Every spiritual resource is being allocated to help you gather the harvest. You have so much potential and latent ability if only you would recognize this in yourselves. The lord of the harvest is calling you to double your efforts and is lavishly pouring out the tools, gifts, and resources for you to do so. The further down this path you walk, the greater will be the journey and the brighter will be the day. Stay on the path my friends, and use these resources that are provided for you. The rewards for the workers of light are many and the joy of having participated in the creation is priceless.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” — Teacher Ophelius, 2009.