Advice Regarding A Hypochondriacal Reaction


Urantia, November 11, 2005.

Unknown Teacher.

Received by Sharon.

Teacher: “This person is appealing to your sympathetic emotions for love and recognition. She does not yet know the love that resides within her, and that is available to her at all times. Her troubles are very real to her, and she will defend them. She has created the illusion.

“You can help her find the door to awareness of her Father Fragment -- the door of stillness. By silently opening up your own heart and sending her the love and healing whose source is in the Universal Father of all, her own Father Fragment will more readily be able to reach her and teach her. Ask that she be brought to your Akashic Construct. It is here that you can speak to her at the soul level.

“However, support not her illusions. If you support her illusions in any way neither one of you can awaken to greater truth and healing, because you join with that person in the illusion. You reinforce those things which will then entrap the both of you.

“Share those things which are of truth, which are beauteous and of goodness, for by allowing these to flow from you by your actions which come from love, they become more real to you both, and go beyond the scope of mere words written on paper with ink. They are being written in both of your hearts with love. By sharing are these truths of love brought to life, and it is more than going through the motions, since it is your Thought Adjuster who does it all. You simply have to desire and allow.

“Our First Source and Center, the Creator of All, shares of Himself, and in this way His very creation is made to create. Everything is to share, one to another. You can help to create the vision for this person to see the door to love. Give no support or acknowledgment to the fears of her own manufacture, or to those of your own. By supporting the illusion, by your acknowledgment, you make it seem real and you are supporting that which does not exist at all. Allow love and compassion to flow from your heart, from the presence of your Thought Adjuster, when, as in this case, you see another person building a road of illusions and more misery.

“Forgive all things in all people. Make no judgment upon another. In this way you forgive others as well as yourself in all things, and you can better see the holiness that resides within yourself and that which is in your brother or sister. They are one and the same. There is no difference at all, and this applies to your daily life, as well as in your intent, when you ask that one be brought to your Akashic Construct.

“Do you not see that you are the creative children of a Creator Father of a whole universe; Michael of Nebadon, Who is a Creator Son of the Universal Creator of All. All creation is shared, as you share the spiritual truths which you have learned, by employing them into your daily actions.

“Whether in a way that seems small to you, or in a way that seems to be large, you begin to see who and what you are, and so do those with whom you share see that light in you, and in themselves. Ultimately, by following this pattern, you will fully awaken to the truth of these words beyond the mere symbols written upon this paper, and one by one, your siblings will awaken with you to eventually be in one mind and one accord.”

Receiver’s Note: Today I left work knowing there was something I had to do, but I was somewhat confused because I was not sure of what exactly it was. I do not know if this will be helpful to anyone else, as it was a personal request for help with an acquaintance.

I had spent the whole day with this co-worker’s problems on my mind, and the above was the message I got. The message came in sentences and whole paragraphs about her continuous complaints of ailments and troubles throughout the day. I then went to my Akashic workshop as instructed.

Formatter’s Note: Each time with Sharon’s transmissions I suspect her Thought Adjuster to be the one to be communicating, but the response I get to my inquiry is always the same: “We are all one.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

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