Names, Dates, and Numbers.


George Barnard writes:

Anything to do with Revelation—entirely new concepts—can present some difficulties if one’s knowledge of the basic ‘material’ to be discussed is either poor or absent. Celestial Teachers build on what you already know. One of the difficulties one may encounter deals with names, dates, and numbers.

An Akashic Construct Participant writes:

You know how I am with names. I didn’t tell you this before, but my Teacher had to repeat his name three times, and then the last time he repeated it very slowly, giving me his name one syllable at the time. It would be easier if they all wore nametags!

George Answers:

Yes! Names, dates and numbers tend to be somewhat more difficult, although not for all receivers. They sure are for me. I can really struggle with brand-new concepts, but names, dates and numbers are the biggest hassle.

Back in the late eighties I kept hearing, “Sam, Sam, Sam!” And I wondered why the Celestials wanted to call me Sam. It seemed like they were ‘pulling my leg’ again, and outside serious clinical involvement, that was often the case. Midwayers do have fun.

Mostly this ‘Sam thing’ was happening whilst I was doing some gardening work, not at all whilst I was dealing with patients.

But it turned out to be my personal Teacher, Samuel, who later presented himself as a horticulturalist and agriculturalist. In fact, he was a genetic engineer, long ago, and very successful in developing a delicious new fruit.

When he finally did come through, it was, “Samuel, Samuel, Samuel.” Still later, I heard “Panoptia, Panoptia, Panoptia.”

So it stood, he was Samuel from Panoptia—a most famous planet—and he was just a simple farmer for a time, looking for some excitement on this world.

Then it became clear he was a mega-brain, and only just relatively recently did I get to see his gorgeous planet, his classy laboratory, his brilliant work.

It all happens, and all in good time.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels