Pressure on the Brain - Part Two.


A report from an Akashic Construct Student - March 23, 2011.

Becoming a successful Akashic Construct participant is hardly the end of human psychic and spiritual achievement. It's only the beginning of an eternal career in your becoming a fully-fledged co-worker to the Creator of all that is.

Our participant reports on the following day:

After sending you yesterday's message about the child with the head injury, I meditated and at last attempted to heal my grandma. I had someone assisting me, there were also other people. I think there were four of them. They stood off to the side in their white coats and they had clipboards. It seemed I was being evaluated. This did not make me nervous, though it was not like a test but more of them learning about me, or something. I'm not really sure.

Today I did just as you said. It was my turn for a healing. Before climbing onto, and lying down on the table, I noticed I was in a white robe or gown. It seemed like there were three people working on me. I always seem to know when George is going to come back on because almost every time, whatever is happening, it always finishes up right before his voice from the CD comes back on.

George: There was no eartly (celestial) need for the clipboards, other than to let you know that your days as a casual are over. You are now a permanent 11:11 co-worker!

I generally "look for" and "lock in on" a brain/mind metabolism of some 10 cycles per second if I'm to hear from our Teachers. And contrary to what some expect, at that level I mostly only glimpse the Midwayers/facilitators at their tasks -- just enough to see who is/are attending.

From Alpha, you can surface quite quickly, but it's different with healings (at least for me it is). I need to go deep - well into the Theta rhythm - and then I see all of what goes on. However, I need to come up slowly, dawdle somewhat in my pleasant scene in Alpha, and relive it all, or else I forget what happened.

Between 1972 and about 1982 I did hundreds of healings, even three in one night, and in always coming up too fast, I forgot nearly all but the most unusual, because … there is only a very poor mindal connection between Theta and Beta.

Beta - 14 to 21 cycles per second.
Alpha - 7 to 14 cycles per second.
Theta - 3.5 to 7 cycles per second.
Delta - 0.25 to 3.5 cycles per second.
If by chance you missed it, Part One can be found here:

© 11:11 Progress Group.

You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire-ABC-22.