An End To All Confusion.


A Thought Adjuster Speaks - # 311

31st May, 2004

Dear one, the way of all Love, all Patience, all Understanding is through practice, practice, practice. I know that you crave these values for yourself, but these can only be gained through experiencing these values, and many more times on the road to Perfection. For this is the ultimate goal and destiny each soul craves and reaches for, must reach for. There is no other way.

The easiest way to attain these is to, at all times, practice unconditional love and forgiveness, not only with the ‘lovely’ ones, but especially with the ‘unlovely’ ones, who need forgiveness even more. So no more harboring of grudges or resentment towards anyone, for this only retards the soul’s progress.

It is especially important to pray for those, whom you perceive to have ‘black’ souls. In this manner, you open a doorway for healing light to come unto the planet. God and humans need each other. Much healing can be accomplished when mortals wake up to the fact that they are active participants in the human drama as it is played out against the purity of eternity.

The only way to pour more healing light onto the planet is to have more ‘good’ people wake up and be willing to become the human torchbearers that the healing light can come through. To accomplish this, means that you need to cleanse yourself of all selfish tendencies and hidden agendas. There is no favoritism in Heaven. God is no respecter of persons.

Nevertheless, they are the humans here on this tiny orb—so threatened to be engulfed by the so-called ‘powers of darkness’—that need to wake up and see the Light of the eternal God all around them.

They need to put all divisive philosophies, opinions and belief systems behind them, and grow into the realization of the One Creator God, in whom all things exist and consist.

This would put an end to all the confusion that reigns on this planet.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels